Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

I kinda have to side with Bee here since she makes a good point. While I think this person had the best intentions I don't think the gesture was necessary.
---------redacted for breverity

/Not flaming or trolling.
//I love everybody here.
///Please don't yell at me for having a contrary opinion.

Yeah, but would you take the money??

hehehehe (sorry, hey...Pirate)pirate:
Although I did not see this, one of my managers described this incident so beautifully to me.

I worked at Splash Mountain as a CP. I was out at either End of Line (fancy term for the greeter) or FastPass Return. Anyway, I see 2 managers go rushing up towards Thunder, one of them laughing hysterically and the other trying to get him to stop laughing.

One manager comes back, the one who was laughing, and tells me this lovely little story:

A man was over at the designated smoking area by Thunder with his hands down you-know-where and he was, well, let's just say he didn't need the clubs at PI to accomplish what he was trying to accomplish. I was MORTIFIED. A grown man doing THAT with children around?! :eek:

He was escorted out of the park. Rightfully so. me, that is not even remotely funny. he was probably a pedophile of some sort if he was doing that in a disney park. if i were in the park and walking by with my child i would be so upset and disturbed. i would press charges or something. he belongs on the sex offender registry for something like that. it scares me how many pedophiles get their jolly's from going into disney parks. ugh. it scares me even more when i see parents letting their small children trail behind the group on a crowded day.
Here's my take on all this nastiness. What if we make it our business to take pictures of all these crazy people? It might make them a little more aware, it will give you evidence should you not immediately be able to find a CM, and we could all post our pictures here and have a good laugh! :lmao: If they're willing to act like animals and freaks in public, they open themselves up to being riduculed.

BTW, confession time -- I'm one of these people who put a hat on my head with no intention of buying it. Never occurred to me not to -- SORRY! :idea:
Here's my take on all this nastiness. What if we make it our business to take pictures of all these crazy people? It might make them a little more aware, it will give you evidence should you not immediately be able to find a CM, and we could all post our pictures here and have a good laugh! :lmao: If they're willing to act like animals and freaks in public, they open themselves up to being riduculed.

BTW, confession time -- I'm one of these people who put a hat on my head with no intention of buying it. Never occurred to me not to -- SORRY! :idea:

I do that with the hats too. Big deal...haha. It's not gross unless you have lice or something.

I don't know about posting the photos. On a thread over in the Disneyland section, someone posted a picture of the back of some stranger. She was wearing very small/ill fitting shorts. It got taken down and the mod told people not to make fun of others. So if we do something similar here, the mods probably won't like it.

Personally, I think if people choose to go out in public and do/wear these things....we should be able to laugh all we want. I mean, in the photo that was taken down, you couldn't see the persons face or anything. But whatever. I guess I'm just evil.
Mrs Bee:

Thanks for the info; since I'm new here, I didn't know that this was something frowned upon. Glad you were here to set me straight before I offended everyone. :eek: me, that is not even remotely funny. he was probably a pedophile of some sort if he was doing that in a disney park. if i were in the park and walking by with my child i would be so upset and disturbed. i would press charges or something. he belongs on the sex offender registry for something like that. it scares me how many pedophiles get their jolly's from going into disney parks. ugh. it scares me even more when i see parents letting their small children trail behind the group on a crowded day.

I didn't make that post to be funny. The thread is the "grossest thing you've seen" and, even though I didn't actually witness it, it was the grossest thing I've ever heard of. Protein spills, parents changing kids' diapers in plain view, I've seen all that while working there AND on vacation. They're all equally disgusting, but my story was by far the grossest I've ever encountered.

I can't speak for the manager about why he/she was laughing, but the manager was the one who contacted security to escort him out. Even if the manager was laughing on the way there, that manager DID get him kicked out of the park. And probably taken to the police.

And yes. It scares me, too, when I would see parents not even caring about their children. I can't tell you how many times parents wanted me to "watch" their children while they went on Splash Mountain. Even when I explained how the rider switch passes work, they wanted none of that. Or how many parents leave their kids in strollers and they're nowhere to be found.
I think if you were going to want to show pictures, you would have to get a photobucket account or similar, and then give a link.

I can understand the mods point of view, you don't want pictures etc that you might not want kids to see, let alone what would happen if someone had their picture taken, and "discovered" it posted on the web without consent!
Mrs Bee:

Thanks for the info; since I'm new here, I didn't know that this was something frowned upon. Glad you were here to set me straight before I offended everyone. :eek:

Well, it wouldn't have offended me, personally. But I didn't want you to get a "warning" or whatever. I got one for posting a photo of Pamela Anderson at Disneyland...haha.

I didn't make that post to be funny. The thread is the "grossest thing you've seen" and, even though I didn't actually witness it, it was the grossest thing I've ever heard of. Protein spills, parents changing kids' diapers in plain view, I've seen all that while working there AND on vacation. They're all equally disgusting, but my story was by far the grossest I've ever encountered.

I can't speak for the manager about why he/she was laughing, but the manager was the one who contacted security to escort him out. Even if the manager was laughing on the way there, that manager DID get him kicked out of the park. And probably taken to the police.

And yes. It scares me, too, when I would see parents not even caring about their children. I can't tell you how many times parents wanted me to "watch" their children while they went on Splash Mountain. Even when I explained how the rider switch passes work, they wanted none of that. Or how many parents leave their kids in strollers and they're nowhere to be found.

I wasn't referring to you. I just couldn't believe the people involved were laughing. Weird.

It just amazing me at how clueless some parents can be.
Mrs Bee:

Thanks for the info; since I'm new here, I didn't know that this was something frowned upon. Glad you were here to set me straight before I offended everyone. :eek:

People here are offended very easily. If you're joking about something it is always good to clarify that you are joking. It may kill the gag a little bit but at least you don't need to worry about people jumping down your throat.
I kinda have to side with Bee here since she makes a good point. While I think this person had the best intentions I don't think the gesture was necessary.

I've known some frugal people in my life and I've known some poor people. I've also known some strange people. This situation has strange written all over it.

The frugal people still hit up the Disney parks but they still follow the frugal "techniques." Sharing the same cup, 4 people to a room, no churros, etc. I don't think even the most frugal would eat somebody's leftovers but then again it's a crazy world. As for the $20. You bet they'd take it. I would!

The poor people don't typically go to Disneyland. That's what the beach and Slip and Slides are for. I don't think they'd make the trip there and scavenge for food. They'd skip the trip and feed their family. Even the homeless know what it takes to survive and going to Disney World is not on that list. As for the $20. You bet they'd take it. I would!

That brings me to the crazy people. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that these people are likely oddballs. Their quick scarfing could be attributed to being hungry but I think it has to do with avoiding detection. Get in, do your crazy work, then get out of there fast before people can take a mental picture. People are weird. I know people with the means but they still don't flush the toilet unless it's number 2 and they never throw away food. Maybe these people just didn't want to see it wasted. As for the $20. You bet they'd take it. I would!

/Not flaming or trolling.
//I love everybody here.
///Please don't yell at me for having a contrary opinion.

I believe they call these people FREEGANS. They simply don't believe in waste and refuse to spend money on food. They also dumpster dive a lot outside grocery stores and restaurants. I saw something on Dateline or 20/20 about it.

It's not for me, but to each his own I guess.
I believe they call these people FREEGANS. They simply don't believe in waste and refuse to spend money on food. They also dumpster dive a lot outside grocery stores and restaurants. I saw something on Dateline or 20/20 about it.

It's not for me, but to each his own I guess.

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I might look into this. (Not DOING that....because it's not for me either. But I find the practice very interesting.) I love Dateline and 20/20!
I believe they call these people FREEGANS. They simply don't believe in waste and refuse to spend money on food. They also dumpster dive a lot outside grocery stores and restaurants. I saw something on Dateline or 20/20 about it.

It's not for me, but to each his own I guess.

Incredible! I had no idea that this was a real thing!

Read about their insanity here.

I believe they call these people FREEGANS. They simply don't believe in waste and refuse to spend money on food. They also dumpster dive a lot outside grocery stores and restaurants. I saw something on Dateline or 20/20 about it.

It's not for me, but to each his own I guess.

I don't want to turn this into a big debate here, BUT I saw them on TV as well. They also hate capitalism. I think if they were freegans, the only thing they would be doing at Disney is protesting them.

Here's the definition from the website:
The word freegan is compounded from "free" and "vegan". Vegans are people who avoid products from animal sources or products tested on animals in an effort to avoid harming animals.

Freeganism is a total boycott of an economic system where the profit motive has eclipsed ethical considerations...I won't bore you all with the details, you can go to the website if you are THAT interested. ;)

One more thing to ad, Ironically, these Freegans are mostly comprised of poor little rich kids with too much time on their hands. ALL of the group of young adults (21-25) I saw being interviewed on TV still lived with their parents. There parents were lawyers, Drs, Accounts, etc. The one young man's parents even bought a fridge to put in the garage because they didn't want him bringing 'found' food home and putting it in their kitchen. :rotfl2:

Sorry I don't have any gross WDW stories for you, but I'm enjoying (for lack of a better term:scared: ) the stories on this thread!:laughing:
I don't know about posting the photos. On a thread over in the Disneyland section, someone posted a picture of the back of some stranger. She was wearing very small/ill fitting shorts. It got taken down and the mod told people not to make fun of others. So if we do something similar here, the mods probably won't like it.

Personally, I think if people choose to go out in public and do/wear these things....we should be able to laugh all we want. I mean, in the photo that was taken down, you couldn't see the persons face or anything. But whatever. I guess I'm just evil.

That was a great thread. :rotfl:
The grossest thing, and I'm guessing has been said are parents that let thier kids go pee where ever they feel like it. It happens all over the parks.

The one thing that made me the most disturb, was a little girl maybe 4, was wearing a dress-kind of top, it came to her waist, with no pants/shorts on. A male was holding her, I'm guessing her dad but it was a large group so it could've been any one, but he had his arm inside her panties, he wasn't doing anything but holding her. It still made me feel really akward seeing it.

I don't understand it, if you go on Kali and get soaked, why do you think it's ok for your kids to go around naked. You're not why let them?? And I always here, well his clothes are wet, well you can purchase new dry items or you shouldn't have gone on it in the first place. Especially with character, all kids must be clothed (including infants) with shoes. What's so hard to understand about that?
The grossest thing, and I'm guessing has been said are parents that let thier kids go pee where ever they feel like it. It happens all over the parks.

The one thing that made me the most disturb, was a little girl maybe 4, was wearing a dress-kind of top, it came to her waist, with no pants/shorts on. A male was holding her, I'm guessing her dad but it was a large group so it could've been any one, but he had his arm inside her panties, he wasn't doing anything but holding her. It still made me feel really akward seeing it.

I don't understand it, if you go on Kali and get soaked, why do you think it's ok for your kids to go around naked. You're not why let them?? And I always here, well his clothes are wet, well you can purchase new dry items or you shouldn't have gone on it in the first place. Especially with character, all kids must be clothed (including infants) with shoes. What's so hard to understand about that?

It's funny you mention that. My wife and I once saw a kid who was probably about 5 or 6 years old trucking around in a tshirt and his underoos. No pants. He had his shoes on. Just no pants. I don't know what his parents were thinking. I know what everybody else was thinking because everybody was staring.
...I don't know about posting the photos. On a thread over in the Disneyland section, someone posted a picture of the back of some stranger. She was wearing very small/ill fitting shorts. It got taken down and the mod told people not to make fun of others. So if we do something similar here, the mods probably won't like it.

Personally, I think if people choose to go out in public and do/wear these things....we should be able to laugh all we want. I mean, in the photo that was taken down, you couldn't see the persons face or anything. But whatever. I guess I'm just evil.


I'm with you, I must be evil too. :stir: :laughing:
This one was both gross and sad.

I was eating in the Electric Umbrella in EPCOT. It is a nice counter service place that sells burgers and such.

There was a family sitting next to us who were finished eating and didn't bother cleaning their table. They left their trays with some half eaten food on them. The table was close to ours, so I happend to notice this. Within seconds, another family sat down (it was a mom, dad and two kids). They started eating the left-overs of the other family.

They definitely did this before, because the transition was so smooth.

I tried not to look, but felt bad. They were eating so fast - I could tell they were hungry.

I didn't want to embarrass them, so I left a $20 bill on the my table and watched a little further away. Sure enough they took the bill. So hopefully they had a better meal the next day.

Those people weren't poor; they're just WEIRD. You can't get into EPCOT and be poor, for cryin' out loud. I hope they used that 20 on a therapist...


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