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Hi..since my computer is on the fritz...it seems to only disconnect from the internet when I'm in the middle of something important...LOL
Anyway, I'll make this quick. This is an outfit that I have been working on..Sorry I didn't take a better picture of the skirt fabric. It's so cute! It's got lots of little orange crabs all over it..


And this is what Nutty Ireland did today...and nope, it's not heated!!

It was over 80 degrees here today and it was lovely! I only put my feet in, because it's a little too cold for me..:scared1:
This is my BIG project for the weekend. I bought a $20 folding lawn chair with a canopy, used a dremel tool to cut the bolts that held the canopy on. I went to Home Depot and bought some new bolts, spacers, washer and wing nuts. Then Chris helped me drill out the holes a bit bigger and we reassembled the canopy on the wheelchair. We can take it off fairly easily since we used wing nuts :thumbsup2




I added the front scalloped edge with a bit of a Disney touch to make it look like it belongs to a 5 year old. It needs a little fun don't you think.

This morning I set out to build a rain cover for it. This is what I came up with.




I'm happy to have this project completed. One more thing that I can check off my to do list :cool1:

That is fabulous! Your DS will be having so much fun in his custom "hot rod"
I've got that Buzz Lightyear fabric, too. I'm planning on making a button-up shirt or Sawyer with it. Maybe you could just add some white in with the brown and green fabrics to brighten it up a little.

You're really the only one! ;) :rotfl2:

That's really cute! I like how the sailboat almost looks like a little smiley face.

Wow! You are so clever! It looks great and I love how you personalized it!

I love those fabrics together, great job!!

As you may have guesed from Teresa's comment earlier, my appointment with the new hematologist did NOT go well! It was a complete waste of my time. I got there and she starts looking at my chart on the computer and she asks "Did they ever find out why you had that super huge (yes she said super huge) blood clot in your portal vein?" I said "Because I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome." She said "Oh!" She didn't even know what was wrong with me, or why I was there!!!!! She knew absolutely nothing about it, and just kept telling me "I think you'll be just fine." when I mentioned the extreme fatigue and sometimes excruciating pain I have in my muscles. When I left, I went out to my car and cried. She's the 4th doctor I've been to about this and none of them seem to think it's a problem for a 33 year old to have debilitating muscle pain, for days at a time, for no apparent reason. Okay, that was way more than you guys probably wanted to know. But, I'm really frustrated with the whole situation.

I am so sorry for your health problems. Chronic conditions seem to get blown off the most. it is a sad thing about the health profession. I hope you find a doctor who helps you soon!
Hi..since my computer is on the fritz...it seems to only disconnect from the internet when I'm in the middle of something important...LOL
Anyway, I'll make this quick. This is an outfit that I have been working on..Sorry I didn't take a better picture of the skirt fabric. It's so cute! It's got lots of little orange crabs all over it..

OMG - that is too funny!! I saw that fabric at JoAnn's on Friday and thought it was adorable!!! You did a great job making it into such a cute outfit!!
I can't remember who asked but I just posted a tutorial for decoupage jeans on the DISboutiquers board.

Hey can't you make a girls life easy and post a link??

I got in some practice using patterns by sewing my dog's a new bed today. It took me about 7 hours and was really difficult at some points, but it's done. Our boy dog is named Bevo, after the Texas Longhorns mascot, hence the fabric choice.


It looks really small in this picture, but it's not that small.

Both dogs love it already.

That is a cute idea!

Hi..since my computer is on the fritz...it seems to only disconnect from the internet when I'm in the middle of something important...LOL
Anyway, I'll make this quick. This is an outfit that I have been working on..Sorry I didn't take a better picture of the skirt fabric. It's so cute! It's got lots of little orange crabs all over it..


And this is what Nutty Ireland did today...and nope, it's not heated!!

It was over 80 degrees here today and it was lovely! I only put my feet in, because it's a little too cold for me..:scared1:

Oh I love this outfit! We here in MD are big into crabs!
Hi..since my computer is on the fritz...it seems to only disconnect from the internet when I'm in the middle of something important...LOL
Anyway, I'll make this quick. This is an outfit that I have been working on..Sorry I didn't take a better picture of the skirt fabric. It's so cute! It's got lots of little orange crabs all over it..


And this is what Nutty Ireland did today...and nope, it's not heated!!

It was over 80 degrees here today and it was lovely! I only put my feet in, because it's a little too cold for me..:scared1:
That outfit is too cute!!! I love the double layer patchwork!
I wish it was 80 here today!
ok I am only on page 218 and there are some super awesome creations!! I was going to say "rad" but my dh looked over my shoulder and said "I think you are the only one in the world who still says rad anymore" ha! he made my change it.

SO...prove me wrong, doesn't anyone else say Rad, or am I REALLY the only one?
When I'm in a Rad mood I'll say it, but that's not that often.

This is my BIG project for the weekend. I bought a $20 folding lawn chair with a canopy, used a dremel tool to cut the bolts that held the canopy on. I went to Home Depot and bought some new bolts, spacers, washer and wing nuts. Then Chris helped me drill out the holes a bit bigger and we reassembled the canopy on the wheelchair. We can take it off fairly easily since we used wing nuts :thumbsup2




I added the front scalloped edge with a bit of a Disney touch to make it look like it belongs to a 5 year old. It needs a little fun don't you think.

This morning I set out to build a rain cover for it. This is what I came up with.




I'm happy to have this project completed. One more thing that I can check off my to do list :cool1:
That is so cute. Very resourceful.
Heather- I feel your frustration with the doctor. My doctor has told me that my extreme fatigue, racing heart and swelling in my legs is nothing and I will be just fine. He keeps telling me that I just need to lose a little bit of weight.
As you may have guesed from Teresa's comment earlier, my appointment with the new hematologist did NOT go well! It was a complete waste of my time. I got there and she starts looking at my chart on the computer and she asks "Did they ever find out why you had that super huge (yes she said super huge) blood clot in your portal vein?" I said "Because I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome." She said "Oh!" She didn't even know what was wrong with me, or why I was there!!!!! She knew absolutely nothing about it, and just kept telling me "I think you'll be just fine." when I mentioned the extreme fatigue and sometimes excruciating pain I have in my muscles. When I left, I went out to my car and cried. She's the 4th doctor I've been to about this and none of them seem to think it's a problem for a 33 year old to have debilitating muscle pain, for days at a time, for no apparent reason. Okay, that was way more than you guys probably wanted to know. But, I'm really frustrated with the whole situation.

My prayers are with you. I know how frustrating it can be to know there is something wrong, but not be able to find a doctor who can or will help you. Riley had chronic kidney infections from the time she was 6 mos. old and I just knew that there had to be a solution. I took her to every urologist in our area and no one could give us an answer. We ended up seeing a doctor (who I absolutely could not stand) for years that treated me like I was ignorant.

Finally we went to a different urologist and Riley had a 15 minute surgery that fixed her problem! I didn't know wheter to be angry or happy. All those years of pain when this simple procedure could have fixed her all along.

Hopefully you will find someone who will listen to you. We found our new Doctor purely by accident. The Dr. we didn't like had surgery and the new Dr. was someone in the same office. Had been there all the time. I had asked for another doctor and been told there wasn't one:headache: . So keep going to as many doctors as you need to until you get an answer! It's got to be out there.
Heather, I will second my2tinks thoughts. My mother had ovarian cancer,but her doctor told her nothing was wrong. In his defense, he did every test, but they all came back ok. But she knew there was something wrong, and persisted. The dr found it when he went to do a hysterectomy on her. My point is to be persistant. You know when there is something wrong with YOU. There is a dr out there for you. I believe that God will lead you to where you need to go. I will pray for you and so will my church. I truly believe that there is a doctor out there that will help you. Keep positive and keep looking at the glass as half full. I will keep you in my prayers.:grouphug:
I'm so angry...:mad: I just saw an epcot outfit on :wizard: and wouldn't you know..someone copied my Epcot outfit. Well the shirt, anyway. It was exact. With the silver for the ball and Epcot written on the hat. That makes me so angry. People are pathetic. She, or he, could have at least modified it a little bit, like I do when I CASE something. :rotfl:
She's getting too old Denise!!! She is looking much too grown up! What a fantastic job she did on those pants! You should be proud, and so should she!

Tell me about it! When did 10 become so complicated?????

Riley has friends that are soooooo "worldly" I guess it the word I would use. I try to keep her in our little world and not get her all worried about things like Britney Spears, but some of her friends know sooooooo much about the world. I am just not ready for that!

Plus, she's like 5'4" and wearing bigger shoes than I do! What happened to my baby?????:confused3
I'm so angry...:mad: I just saw an epcot outfit on :wizard: and wouldn't you know..someone copied my Epcot outfit. Well the shirt, anyway. It was exact. With the silver for the ball and Epcot written on the hat. That makes me so angry. People are pathetic. She, or he, could have at least modified it a little bit, like I do when I CASE something. :rotfl:

That stinks!

You should just take it as a compliment though. I love when someone copies what I do!
Your first corset top tutorial is still bookmarked, but I will update it and add your decoupage jeans tutorial too. Thanks!!! :thumbsup2

I would really love it if you wrote up your applique tips again. They were great, and I haven't been able to locate them on Google.
Pretty please? :flower3:

I decided to add the corset tutorial there because I'm never sure how long the practiceboard or practicewriter pages will be accessible. I've had practiceboard pages last for months but they do eventually get deleted as they clear out space. I don't have as much experience with practicewriter but assume they, too, clear things out eventually... especially since I'm not paying anything. LOL

Shannon, revrob, posted a good section on applique that others have added to. Eventually, I want to do another tutorial but want to do it when I can have supporting photos to include. I'm definitely a visual learner so seeing something helps make written descriptions so much easier for me.

Hey can't you make a girls life easy and post a link??

I'm never sure about board rules about links since we do discuss the forbidden :wizard: sales and such there plus have some other sections that aren't within the DIS boards guidelines. I'll PM a link to you, though. I really think this thread is great and want to continue to post here but I do think the seperate board allows for more flexibility in customizing things to our needs... and we all love customizing! :goodvibes
I went in search of info for Dr's that have knowledge of and specialize in APS- I'm sure you've already seen this site, but just in case, if you go to www.aps.org there is a place you can click on your state and find Dr.'s that could probably sympathize a little better with you and your condition. There's nothing worse then going to Dr. after Dr. trying to get some help and getting none!

Hope that helps friend.
I'm so angry...:mad: I just saw an epcot outfit on :wizard: and wouldn't you know..someone copied my Epcot outfit. Well the shirt, anyway. It was exact. With the silver for the ball and Epcot written on the hat. That makes me so angry. People are pathetic. She, or he, could have at least modified it a little bit, like I do when I CASE something. :rotfl:

Oh my heck, you're right! Sonovagun! I'd be ticked too!

:hug: sorry!!!!!

By the way, you got me hooked on Aqua Net Hairspray for me and my daughter :lovestruc You've saved me a small fortune!
I'm so angry...:mad: I just saw an epcot outfit on :wizard: and wouldn't you know..someone copied my Epcot outfit. Well the shirt, anyway. It was exact. With the silver for the ball and Epcot written on the hat. That makes me so angry. People are pathetic. She, or he, could have at least modified it a little bit, like I do when I CASE something. :rotfl:

I think I'd have to send a private message to the seller. At least to point out that I, the "designer" of the outfit, saw it.
I'm so angry...:mad: I just saw an epcot outfit on :wizard: and wouldn't you know..someone copied my Epcot outfit. Well the shirt, anyway. It was exact. With the silver for the ball and Epcot written on the hat. That makes me so angry. People are pathetic. She, or he, could have at least modified it a little bit, like I do when I CASE something. :rotfl:

OK, nosy me has to go check it out now!

Tell me about it! When did 10 become so complicated?????

Riley has friends that are soooooo "worldly" I guess it the word I would use. I try to keep her in our little world and not get her all worried about things like Britney Spears, but some of her friends know sooooooo much about the world. I am just not ready for that!

Plus, she's like 5'4" and wearing bigger shoes than I do! What happened to my baby?????:confused3

I hear you! My 11 year old son is just so grown. It's sad. I want him to grow up, but not NOW! Being a mom is tough!

Those that asked about the link to LisaZoe's amazing tutorials - I have a link in my siggy. If it is against DIS policy, I'll remove it, but no one has said anything, so I'm assuming it's ok. I'll keep it there for anyone that wants to take a look at any time!
As you may have guesed from Teresa's comment earlier, my appointment with the new hematologist did NOT go well! It was a complete waste of my time. I got there and she starts looking at my chart on the computer and she asks "Did they ever find out why you had that super huge (yes she said super huge) blood clot in your portal vein?" I said "Because I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome." She said "Oh!" She didn't even know what was wrong with me, or why I was there!!!!! She knew absolutely nothing about it, and just kept telling me "I think you'll be just fine." when I mentioned the extreme fatigue and sometimes excruciating pain I have in my muscles. When I left, I went out to my car and cried. She's the 4th doctor I've been to about this and none of them seem to think it's a problem for a 33 year old to have debilitating muscle pain, for days at a time, for no apparent reason. Okay, that was way more than you guys probably wanted to know. But, I'm really frustrated with the whole situation.

:grouphug: I am so sorry you are so frustrated--I would be also.:headache:
Has anyone ever said anything to you about fibromyalgia? My mom has that and muscle pain and extreme tiredness are 2 of the major symptoms. Just wanted to throw something else out there....

I hope you find a great Dr that knows EXACTLY what he/she is doing.
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