DDA Chapter 3

Denise - they looked absolutely marvelous, BK looked like she was having a wonderful time. DH would love that picture you have over your mantel, I promised him that when our youngest DD moves out for good he can turn that room into a BAMA room, she's decided to come home for a while after her graduation so he'll have to wait a while longer.
Your welcome. Riley is not a Cars fan either :rotfl: I just thought I would offer them here 1st. If no one can use them, I will take them to Goodwill.

Thanks for the offer Janet, but he really doesn't care for Cars. Will the Disney store accept them as a return? I hope you can find someone who can use them.
I am trying not to get hung up on things...today was supposed to be the day we saw the heartbeat...instead...well...you know what I mean...

we will still go on the trip...so at least we will get away for a few days...not quite the trip I had envisioned...but still a trip nevertheless

:grouphug: I know that none of this is easy for you all, but you continue in our prayers. I'm glad that you will have some time away together.
Hope it's gone/going well! I hope they're not as hyper as you're fearing - don't give them any sugar! :rotfl:

Well, they decorated mask cookies and 11 girls used up 2 cups of buttercream frosting. Any guesses how that added to the fun? ;) :rotfl:
yes...today we were given the go ahead...I wasn't going to go...but at this point a change of scenery may be good...(at least that what Bill keeps telling me) and since we had so many nice things planned...I might as well just go

My Dad made me promise to go after Mom passed. I was no where ready for the trip, still in a fog, but I'm glad he did. A change of scenery was just what I needed for a few days, and though it was definitely a very different trip, it helped me get in the right frame of mind to start grieving and healing. I hope you find that to be the case as well.

Well, now that my P3 is over, I think I'm going to head to bed. My travel home from NY yesterday was fairly uneventful, which was good. I have a multi-colored knee cap (thank goodness it's pant season!), but the swelling has gone down and I'm no worse for the wear. I'm just so relieved that today was Friday!

And tomorrow is Saturday, and I get to see our friends Marci and Elizabeth for lunch! I'm very much looking forward to it! :goodvibes

Good night, DDA! Check in with you tomorrow! :cloud9:

You know -- I do feel a little better today, but I think it's mostly because I get to see my friends. :)

Not much on the agenda for this weekend. Emma has a birthday party this afternoon. They are supposed to dress like a High School Musical character. I think we are going to straighten her hair and she can go as Sharpay.

I also need to sign both the girls up for soccer today. Molly is beside herself with excitement that she finally gets to play. Emma has evaluations tomorrow afternoon. Her age group gets split up now from the boys and then they group them by skill level.

We signed up for baseball earlier this week and Dad drive me by the DQ to sign the boys up for soccer last night. I hope they both have tons of fun!

Sorry for those still having bad weather. It's really gorgeous here. It was 74 or so yesterday and sunny, though pretty windy. Right now I see blue skies, and it may make it to 70 again. I'm taking it slow this morning, running an errand or two before I meet Elizabeth and Lindsay, then coming back home to nap before we go to see Pat Green tonight. Randy, on the other hand, got up early to take the boys to their baseball lessons, then he'll take Andrew to his select baseball team practice this afternoon.

Have a good day everyone. :)
Tia - Nyah nyah nyah! I have a boy! ;)
Screaming girls would push me over the edge. I hope things settled down! How did the cookies turn out?

I knew there was a reason I thought I'd be better off with a boy than girl. So far, mines not as much of a screechy screamer as others. Hopefully that will continue. The cookies turned out pretty well. I just traced out a mask shape and cut it into the dough for the shape. They were pretty big though, but it's the size that Rachel finally "okayed". About half of the girls actually decorated them like masks and they were cute. The other half filled there's with various "I 'heart' xxx". :rolleyes: They were too funny about the boy thing all night long.
Thanks for your input, Lindsay. I know that the Patina Group has taken over Italy ;) and that is one reason I wanted to try Tutto Italia. We ate at Catal in DD in DLand in July and it was an amazing meal. Joaquim Splichal looks to have his eye on great service as well as special cuisine. I think the reason I have included it is that I have good reviews of the dishes that most interest Bob and me. Add to that the hope that the new restaurant could be open when we get there... :confused3 who knows... we will leave it on there for the time being and revisit the choice in 30-45 days.

I also think we will forego Coral Reef as you suggested. For the very reasons you stated! Thanks!

The reason I chose Citricos over Narcoossee's is the menu. Bob is not a huge seafood fan. There is a more meat-friendly offering at Citricos and it is as close to V&A as I am going to get with my gastronomically timid hubby!

We will be certain to ask for Gary or Topher at CA Grill. I am hoping that we have a better meal there this time!

Again, thanks for the brainstorming session! I do have to say that it has presented another problem though. I forgot that Bob asked to eat at Biergarten on day! :eek:

Eek - another restaurant to fit in! :eek: ;)

I agree with Tammi, then - you might need to pay for a few of the breakfasts out of pocket, like Kona. Or you could always forego a breakfast one or two days, and eat an early lunch at Biergarten, Tutto Italia, and/or Chefs de France. Use a snack credit (or pay OOP) those mornings for something light from Mara to tide you over. Or, if you can upgrade to concierge, just eat in the lounge! ;)

It's a good problem to have, though! Good luck as you continue to puzzle it out!

Lindsay - Shoot. You HAD to bring up the luggage not fitting in the car, didn't you? Well, you live pretty close! What are you doing on August 1 at 4:30 AM? Maybe you can bring a couple of cases to the airport for us! :thumbsup2

I must warn you - I am not NEARLY as pleasant at 4:30 a.m. as I am at noon! ;) :rotfl:

Before I go...

Happy 1st Anniversary, Tammi and Bob!

And Happy Anniversary to me too! It has been one year since my infamous "evil" post! :rotfl:

How about this one instead.

Hope you all have great days. :goodvibes Think of me...

Happy Anniversary....to both you and Tammi! :rotfl2:

I'm wondering how in the world you remember when you posted that infamous smilie?

Good morning. It's cold here and there is more wintery weather heading our way. We have bowling this morning and a friend of Nick's will be coming home with us for a while after that. We need to make a trip to the dump and recycling too. I suppose we should shovel the camper roof as with all the rain that snow must be heavy. We need our camper for our 3 week trip this summer Can you believe that I've already started a grocery packing list :lmao: When I see the boys enjoying shelf stable food I am jotting it down that way I will have ideas for easy things to pack :goodvibes I know that we will eat breakfast at the camper each day and we'll try to do either lunch or dinner there depending on our plans for the day. I'm sure some days we won't get back, but other days we will be at the camper all day so it will probably was out in the longrun.

I hope everyone has a nice day, maybe even a productive one

Good luck getting it all done, Deb! I say you can never begin planning too early! :thumbsup2 I hope the snow shoveling goes quickly, and that bowling is fun!

2 things before I go beat my head against the wall for the next few hours (that's code for finishing up with the photopass pics)

Lucy is almost crawling:woohoo: :scared1: She is getting up and rocking back and forth. She can go backwards now.

And secondly, is anyone going to WDW before the end of March or beginning of April? Molly has decided on a tea party for her birthday and I think that instead of tea we are going to serve hot chocolate. WDW has the Princess hot chocolate and I need a can of the pink- Sleeping Beauty. I don't know why I didn't pick up a can or 2 when we were down there. So if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it

WTG Lucy!!! :woohoo:


I just looked at the American website and the fee for overweight bags is now $50 each! :eek: Crap.

OK. New plan may be necessary! We can check 6 bags going to MCO and check 7 coming home for a cost of $80 total. BUT 6 full size cases won't fit in the car. I guess I better just plan to pack ONE of the big cases over the weight limit, and if the souvenir duffle isn't the full on the way home maybe I can offload some of the excess from the big case into the duffle? Plenty of time to work on this. Not a problem.

You could always ship some stuff ahead - that would be cheaper than the overweight charges with American!

Is most of what you're taking clothes, or do you have a lot of "only use this in WDW" stuff? If the latter is the case, maybe you guys might want to check into the Owner's Locker program (www.ownerslocker.com). For about the amount you're talking about above, you can store stuff down there, and they bring it/retrieve it directly to/from the bell stand at your hotel, and it's stored in a climate controlled warehouse the rest of the time. Might just be something to think about. They have a 1-year guarantee or your $$ back. Jonathan and I are going to be trying it this year - I'm so excited at the thought of leaving lots of toiletries, sunscreen, rain gear, pin paraphenalia, floats for the pools, etc., etc. behind! I'm even thinking of packing sheets to put in there, as a good portion of the WDW bedding grosses me out!

Good luck! :thumbsup2 See you soon! :goodvibes
o yeah!

So what does everyone have palnned for today?
I have nothing going on til 5--im babysitting til 11 or so....then im going out with my "cruise people!" My brother, me, hank, and danny!! im so excited

Not too much, I don't think. We may be getting Terra's pictures taken this afternoon, but that's about it. Have a good time with the "cruise people".
Well, after seeing the increase in overweight baggage charges...:rolleyes1 The thing is, last August I came home with at least 7 clean outfits and my bag wasn't overweight. An additional 7 or 8 outfits beyond what I packed last year isn't going to weigh THAT much more. And last year we didn't have the second 29" suitcase. I just bought that. If we pack the carry-ons as full as we possibly can (they can weigh up to 40 lbs. each) I might be able to do it without going over, or at least just going over on 1 bag.

Do they ever weigh carry-ons? I've never seen this....if that's going to start, I could be in even more trouble! My laptop alone I swear weighs almost 10 pounds! :eek:

Well, they decorated mask cookies and 11 girls used up 2 cups of buttercream frosting. Any guesses how that added to the fun? ;) :rotfl:


Well, look at it this way, you're a survivor today! :goodvibes

I need to get cleaned up, and start my day! I don't have much on the agenda beyond lunch today - I might run an errand or two, and then come home and be responsible, cleaning the house. I had thought about trying to squeeze in a massage after lunch (I have been hoarding GC's to a great spa in town), but I like the full body massage, and with my knee still being tender, I think I might wait until I can fully enjoy it.

Catch you later, DDA! Elizabeth and Marci - I'll see you soon! :thumbsup2
We love our Owners Locker...ours is about ready to burst open we have soooo much stuff in it. (including a king-sized blanket) :rotfl:

Is most of what you're taking clothes, or do you have a lot of "only use this in WDW" stuff? If the latter is the case, maybe you guys might want to check into the Owner's Locker program (www.ownerslocker.com). For about the amount you're talking about above, you can store stuff down there, and they bring it/retrieve it directly to/from the bell stand at your hotel, and it's stored in a climate controlled warehouse the rest of the time. Might just be something to think about. They have a 1-year guarantee or your $$ back. Jonathan and I are going to be trying it this year - I'm so excited at the thought of leaving lots of toiletries, sunscreen, rain gear, pin paraphenalia, floats for the pools, etc., etc. behind! I'm even thinking of packing sheets to put in there, as a good portion of the WDW bedding grosses me out!

Good luck! :thumbsup2 See you soon! :goodvibes
Good morning, DDA! It's a tired morning already, but oh well. The girls were all gone by 11 last night (except the two spending the night) and I was in bed by 11:15. Had an iffy night's sleep with Terra half on top of me part of the night, then took Phil to work at 6. Came home to go back to bed and Terra woke up 10 min later crying like mad. Apparently her left ear was hurting. I finally had to go out and get some grape-flavored Tylenol and also got a McDonald's breakfast bribe to accompany it.

She had quit crying by the time I got back and was a little happier. Now, she's bouncing like crazy so I can't decide what to do. I think I'm going to call the exchange and see if they will phone in a prescription. Otherwise, we may be hitting the Walgreen's clinic. She hasn't had much of a fever yet, but last year at this time, she complained of a mild ear ache and two days later was spiking 105+ temperatures. Why is it that my daughter only gets sick on the weekends when there is no doctor. Maybe we need to find a new ped with Sat hours. :confused3
Woohoo! It seems that the ped office is open. I just tried to call for the exchange and the office phone picked up. I'm on hold so we'll see what they say. Of course, the Tylenol is working for now so Terra doesn't think she should go to the doctor (i.e. she's afraid it will be bubble gum flavored amoxicillan if we do). I guess we'll see what they say.
Jackie officially turns 13 today...where oh where as the time gone??!
Do they ever weigh carry-ons? I've never seen this....if that's going to start, I could be in even more trouble! My laptop alone I swear weighs almost 10 pounds! :eek:

I need to get cleaned up, and start my day! I don't have much on the agenda beyond lunch today - I might run an errand or two, and then come home and be responsible, cleaning the house. I had thought about trying to squeeze in a massage after lunch (I have been hoarding GC's to a great spa in town), but I like the full body massage, and with my knee still being tender, I think I might wait until I can fully enjoy it.

Catch you later, DDA! Elizabeth and Marci - I'll see you soon! :thumbsup2

They haven't ever weighed our carry-ons, but that is the restriction listed on the website. I guess if they felt like weighing it and it was over they could make you check it? :confused3 And charge you $80 for having an extra checked bag!:scared1:
It is almost entirely clothes and shoes. The shoe bag really is a waste of packing space. We do one bag of shoes, umbrellas, pool towels, and other misc. that won't fit in the other bags. I might have to re-evaluate that one. Our dedicated WDW stuff fits in one backpack so Owners Locker would be kind of silly. Especially since I don't know when we will go back after this big trip.

Good morning, DDA! It's a tired morning already, but oh well. The girls were all gone by 11 last night (except the two spending the night) and I was in bed by 11:15. Had an iffy night's sleep with Terra half on top of me part of the night, then took Phil to work at 6. Came home to go back to bed and Terra woke up 10 min later crying like mad. Apparently her left ear was hurting. I finally had to go out and get some grape-flavored Tylenol and also got a McDonald's breakfast bribe to accompany it.

She had quit crying by the time I got back and was a little happier. Now, she's bouncing like crazy so I can't decide what to do. I think I'm going to call the exchange and see if they will phone in a prescription. Otherwise, we may be hitting the Walgreen's clinic. She hasn't had much of a fever yet, but last year at this time, she complained of a mild ear ache and two days later was spiking 105+ temperatures. Why is it that my daughter only gets sick on the weekends when there is no doctor. Maybe we need to find a new ped with Sat hours. :confused3

Our pediatrician has Sat AM hours but ONLY if you call on Sat AM with a sick child. You can't make appt's ahead of time.
Sister used to do that thing where she would wake up SCREAMING about her ear and then be fine later on. But she had teeny, tiny little ear canals. Her Dr. said to use drops to keep wax from building up (Debrox, or something?) and gave us a prescription for "numbing" drops for middle of the night pain. She never had an actual ear infection, though. I hope Terra feels OK and isn't coming down with anything! :wizard:
Well, I am apparently on a long hold with the doctor so maybe I'll go do something else while I wait. I hope they really are open and didn't just forget to put it to the exchange. :rolleyes1


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