DISappearing PEEPS Volume 2

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Thanks UM for the PM about the new thread. When I went to my subs my peeps were gone :scared1: So if they get our "old" thread back will we go back there or stay here. I need my peeps, you guys are my support. I subscribed to this one so the heart palpiltations (spelling is probably wrong sorry) can stop. I got so nervous reading the other posts you don't know.

I am down .4 today. Not much but I'll take it. AF came the day I weighed in (Tuesday at WW) so I think that's why it was only .4 but a loss is a loss.

Have a good day everyone and I'll see you later alligator.

Morning peeps! Just stopping in to weigh-in. It's been a crazy, hectic week (which followed a crazy, hectic week on travel and will precede a crazy, hectic week on travel next week.

I am -3 lbs!!!! this week which means I got my bling back!!! I didn't get a chance to post last Friday, but I was a samer due to too much take-out while on travel. Next week I'll be driving, not flying to my destination and will have an efficiency, so I'm planning to do a bit of simple cooking to try to continue the downward trend!

Congrats to all the samers and losers!
I'm down -1which since the RE-START is a total of 7 pounds.

I love the name of this thread....makes it sound like we were run out of town. Like we're naughty :cool2: pirate: popcorn::

WIDF- I haven't been to Norway recently either. That was a flop. Not enough people all around. I felt like it was a blog. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Nice new digs. I love what you have done with the place.

I am MINUS 1 LB.

which is better than nothing. I am having problems- mainly with my own attitude and commitment. I need to do something. Up the exercise? quit the snacking? eat less?????:eek:

I am nowhere near my Valentine goal. However every step closer is a step closer, right?
Morning peeps. You couldn't lose me!!!!

I'm a SAMER this week. I think this is the most excited weigh in ever. After being up 5 from last week's trip to WDW, I never expected to get down to the beginning again. I know, Melinda, you said I would but I didn't believe it. Now I feel like I'm back on track and don't have to feel guilty about how bad I was on the home planet.
hey, peeps! i'm glad i see lots of us have found our way over here. i hope everyone eventually does IF they take our old thread away forever.

i'm -1 pound today. i'm definitely happy with that since i thought i'd either be a samer or a gainer because of my non-peep-like weekend.

aaron - does that make me 2 pounds away from my valentine's goal? i hope so because that's what my math shows!

Thanks for finding a spot for us Wendy. I just don't like a part of us missing from the thread. Like missing pages in a book.

i know! i hope everyone finds their way over here!

In case you are looking for a good food/exercise journal, I just ordered one from amazon that looks really nice. It's by "Calorie King". Here is the linkif you want to check it out: http://www.amazon.com/Calorie-King-Food-Exercise-Journal/dp/1930448155/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1201271197&sr=8-1
I hope this helps hold me more accountable for all the crap I put in my face.

this is the one i have and i love it! :thumbsup2

(I'll take above zero any day ali!! Its -20 BELOW this morning!! :scared1: Good news, by Sunday its supposed to get to 40 deg ABOVE ZERO... gotta luv Chicago...)

:scared1: i would die!!!!!!

I love the name of this thread....makes it sound like we were run out of town. Like we're naughty :cool2: pirate: popcorn::

but we ARE naughty. :rolleyes1
Morning peeps. You couldn't lose me!!!!

I'm a SAMER this week. I think this is the most excited weigh in ever. After being up 5 from last week's trip to WDW, I never expected to get down to the beginning again. I know, Melinda, you said I would but I didn't believe it. Now I feel like I'm back on track and don't have to feel guilty about how bad I was on the home planet.

speaking of your trip to the home planet, how was it? you probably posted about it and i missed it while i was out of town.
Nice new digs. I love what you have done with the place.

I am MINUS 1 LB.

which is better than nothing. I am having problems- mainly with my own attitude and commitment. I need to do something. Up the exercise? quit the snacking? eat less?????:eek:

I am nowhere near my Valentine goal. However every step closer is a step closer, right?

Hmmmm? :scratchin

So your thinkin' exercising more and eating less????

It's so crazy, it just might work! ;)

I'm never motivated after having a baby to do anything. Especially anything that requires me to eat less or move more. I relied on the breastfeeding diet...but convinced myself I needed a bazillion extra calories so THAT backfired :rolleyes: ....I still have the baby fat from my ADULT child.
Morning peeps. You couldn't lose me!!!!

I'm a SAMER this week. I think this is the most excited weigh in ever. After being up 5 from last week's trip to WDW, I never expected to get down to the beginning again. I know, Melinda, you said I would but I didn't believe it. Now I feel like I'm back on track and don't have to feel guilty about how bad I was on the home planet.
So let me get this straight. You go to Disney World, gain 5 pounds (sounds all too familiar), but then you manage to lose it all the next week!?! That is excellent work! :worship:
aaron - does that make me 2 pounds away from my valentine's goal? i hope so because that's what my math shows!
Relying on my math is always a dicey proposition. But the spreadsheet never lies, and it says that you are 2 down, and 2 to go!
Fly-by from work. Down 2.8! Thanks for the new home UM.
Ok peeps!

Nothing changed, I didn't fix my problem. That's ok, the difference will be there next week I just know it.

I am down -1.
Back from the gym. OI, that was hard. I did a basic class since I haven't been to a gym or done any classes in more than 2 yrs and it kicked my rearend. It feels great though. I'm going to try to go to classes a few times a week plus my walking. I know that as I build muscle, which weighs more than fat; my weight loss will slow down but I'm ok with being toned and still hanging on to a lb or so.

The sales person at teh gym tried selling us personal training sessions. It was something like $720 for 12 weekly couples sessions. He guaranteed weight loss and increased energy, yada, yada, yada. I was sort of interested but :scared: that's a $$ commitment that I can't make right now. (I'm headed to the home planet in a few months and hoping I can convince DH that we can go again if there's free dining..........)

I've got to get in the shower.

GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! We've all made so much progress! I can see another toddler being 'lost' this week!
I just realized something. If we never get our old board back, that means that all of those bathing suit pics are lost forever, huh? What a shame, because mine was truly excellent.

And what about our intros and bios? Those would be lost, too. Goodness, this is really going to be an inconvienance for any future newbies.
I am STARVING today!! AF is visiting and I am so close to falling off the wagon. For lunch I had tomato soup and a 100 calorie pack of chees nips which = about 350 calories. Oh, and an apple socloser to 450. Plenty for lunch. So why do I want to stuff more in my face? popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::
OK, I am jumping in, if it's ok with you all. I wanted to post on the old thread, but it was long and all that blah blah blah.

I AM going to lose 15 pounds before we go on our trip to WDW in April. I've been eating like crap lately. Dh has been deployed for the last month and I just have not had the energy to do any 'work'.

I just want to be hot, is that so wrong?:confused3
Briarmom - Welcome! Its great here (and the old thread, obviously!). You WILL lose your 15lbs, the peeps are here to help!
And no, its not wrong to want to be hot - thats why im here! I get married in August and do NOT want to look like a toilet roll holder when I get married :rotfl:

Everyone - well done on the losses! Pakey - losing your 5lb gain in a week is amazing - I only have to THINK about going on holiday and whoops, there it is - straight on my hips! :rotfl:
I am STARVING today!! AF is visiting and I am so close to falling off the wagon. For lunch I had tomato soup and a 100 calorie pack of chees nips which = about 350 calories. Oh, and an apple socloser to 450. Plenty for lunch. So why do I want to stuff more in my face? popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

I am having the same problem.:guilty: And I need to go to the store so I have no healthy carp around here.I am drinking crystal light-so far NOT helping.It is taking all my willpower not to grab Rachel's goldfish.:sad2:

I am up 2.5 lbs.

I am upset with myself but I am going to do better this week.I am determined to have 7 cheatfree days and exercise 5 days.There I said it now I have to do it.
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