You just have to shake your Head

Aww Robyn that stinks. Welcome to VMK though! Turn off that trade availability for dd. I always tell my kids they're not allowed to trade anything, even to life friends (at least not w/out permission).

I think the rudest thing in Mansion is quitting anytime after initial start-up. I don't care about the 40 credits for winning (get that and more half the time for losing, lol) but if nobody sucks up the other ghosts then my own color is rare to come out of the coffins and I just keep turning wrong color for the next minute or so. I think that's much worse than quitting in pirates.

Rudest thing in pirates, other than foolish, immature chat, occurred last week when two players had a mule play on the opposite (my) team. Of course I didn't know it until the end of the first round and while they never fully admitted to it, they were laughing in game and on dock after i said, 'What, you've got a clone playing with me?' I joined their game again and they didn't put the clone in, but did the third time so I just changed lobbies to look for more honest players.:headache:
:thumbsup2 My game is Mansion also. I enjoyed Fireworks when I first started, but after the crashing issue I didn't play for months. Plus Mansion was easier credits, then Pirates. I've never mastered that one.

I've encountered plenty of rude people while playing HM, but my major pet peeve is the people who start the game with uneven sides. Some will start with themselves on one side and 3 or 4 people on another!

Then there are the booters. You have me wait with you for 5 minutes, gathering players, then boot me right before the start.

Oh, and one more thing...players who get mad that I "sprayed" them when they are ghosts. They don't understand the points for me are worthless really and it helps them get more ghosts for credit. Also it is important to help so they can get their ghosts, so more of your color appear. I've had players chase my character screaming that I should leave them alone. All those multiple dialog lines block the game, making it difficult to play.

I wonder if they will ever go back to the 5 point system. I hope not, with Magic Month starting.

See everyone at HM!
I'd like to thank the several folks who offered to replace DDs red santa hat as a gift.:hug: It was very generous of each of you, but truly not necessary. She maybe 12, but she knows it's a game. :goodvibes

Our greatest fun so far is acquiring mother-daughter princess outfits. And that was thanks to another super generous DISer...Princess Angelica.

It's good to know you can turn off the trading; I will look into that. I think we will look for trades here on the DIS board.

Overall we're having fun, and it's great to know that I can add another DIS board to my daily routine. :rotfl:
It would be SOoooo nice to have a list of ppl who will not leave mansion games. Right now i play 3 friends only. I never try to do a pick-up game there. I would rather play 2 mules against 1 another than be left bc I am kicking their tails.
Interesting thing I discovered today: IE closed (twice) due to a fatal error in the middle of an HM game. Well, I'm sure my opponents thought I had walked out on them, but I didn't!

So perhaps we should be giving some benefit of the doubt too. Some players may be dumped by IE or VMK.
Interesting thing I discovered today: IE closed (twice) due to a fatal error in the middle of an HM game. Well, I'm sure my opponents thought I had walked out on them, but I didn't!

So perhaps we should be giving some benefit of the doubt too. Some players may be dumped by IE or VMK.

Yep, happens to me sometimes too. I usually do give the benefit of the doubt, except for those who chose to say "I'm outta here" or "bye bye" or sling an insult just before they we were discussing earlier. You can usually tell when someone is playing a good game with you and scoring up some good points and they just "poof", I figure they got dc'd.

but I think that is the most annoying part of playing mansion, got a real good game going and IE closes out on me :headache:
I get called a cheater in pirates all the time. There is no way to cheat in either ghost or pirates...

One word "Gold". :rolleyes1 Just kidding.

Yes, I really wish chat was off in games at least give us the option to shut it off.

In addition, if there was away to penalize a person who chooses to leave the game on their own, like a credit deduction. Like when you click exit, prompted with a message that states "If you chose to exit the game, exiting 100 credits will be deducted and applied to the other teams account." (If the person does not have the credits, place them in the negative and upon receiving credit payoff their debt. I know wishful thinking. Therefore, you would know if the other side actually left because you would received credit. (Have a message pop-up on the other teams messages (after game of course) if they received "poor sport credits.") If the person crashed, no credit received just a bad crash.
One word "Gold". :rolleyes1 Just kidding.

Yes, I really wish chat was off in games at least give us the option to shut it off.

In addition, if there was away to penalize a person who chooses to leave the game on their own, like a credit deduction. Like when you click exit, prompted with a message that states "If you chose to exit the game, exiting 100 credits will be deducted and applied to the other teams account." (If the person does not have the credits, place them in the negative and upon receiving credit payoff their debt. I know wishful thinking. Therefore, you would know if the other side actually left because you would received credit. (Have a message pop-up on the other teams messages (after game of course) if they received "poor sport credits.") If the person crashed, no credit received just a bad crash.

Heheh. I would love to earn "poor sport credits". That would be such a
great thing, but I would think the programming for that would be torture. ;)
It would be SOoooo nice to have a list of ppl who will not leave mansion games. Right now i play 3 friends only. I never try to do a pick-up game there. I would rather play 2 mules against 1 another than be left bc I am kicking their tails.

I agree with you Dreamytime, it would be great to have a list of people from the Disboards who you could play a game of HM with. Haunted Mansion is my favorite way to earn credits but I do waste alot of time waiting for a game to start and then only to have the other player quit before the game is over. The rest of the time I mostly crash by vmk or IE.
I must say that I have crashed at least once or twice per day while playing mansion. What's up with that??:confused:
One word "Gold". :rolleyes1 Just kidding.

Yes, I really wish chat was off in games at least give us the option to shut it off.

In addition, if there was away to penalize a person who chooses to leave the game on their own, like a credit deduction. Like when you click exit, prompted with a message that states "If you chose to exit the game, exiting 100 credits will be deducted and applied to the other teams account." (If the person does not have the credits, place them in the negative and upon receiving credit payoff their debt. I know wishful thinking. Therefore, you would know if the other side actually left because you would received credit. (Have a message pop-up on the other teams messages (after game of course) if they received "poor sport credits.") If the person crashed, no credit received just a bad crash.

Actually, I have written VMK about this issue. Never heard back from them, but I didn't really expect to.... sigh

I suggested that they remove the exit button entirely from the games. Why is it there in the first place? There's really no logical reason to have that option there anyways. If an emergency happens where you absolutely need to leave a game you're playing, then you should just click VMK off entirely and log back in when you're available again. I would assume that "quitters" would think twice about having to click out of VMK then take the time to log back in... all because they just want to leave a game because they're losing. I know some still will just because they're obstinate... but I think it will stop the majority. :confused3
It would be SOoooo nice to have a list of ppl who will not leave mansion games. Right now i play 3 friends only. I never try to do a pick-up game there. I would rather play 2 mules against 1 another than be left bc I am kicking their tails.

I'm usually on around 9ish. If you see me in the Lobby join up. Rarely like to play teams though, unless I'm friends with the person (who won't get mad if I manage to snag a bunch of ghosts out from under them! :rolleyes1 LOL!), and I always try to go three rounds.

NedsTJ = NedsTJ
I've encountered plenty of rude people while playing HM, but my major pet peeve is the people who start the game with uneven sides. Some will start with themselves on one side and 3 or 4 people on another!

Then there are the booters. You have me wait with you for 5 minutes, gathering players, then boot me right before the start.

Oh, and one more thing...players who get mad that I "sprayed" them when they are ghosts. They don't understand the points for me are worthless really and it helps them get more ghosts for credit.

I'll admit to having booted people off my game, but only when a) I'm playing with particular people, they're making the teams uneven and I've already politely told them this, or b) they join on my side, I'm trying to get a one-on-one game going (my preferred way to play, since I tend to crash with more), I've already asked them to join on the other side instead and they ignore me.

The whole "don't spray me" thing is weird too. I'm getting to the point where instead of "gl" at the beginning, I want to ask, "excuse me, but are you one of those people who will get mad if I spray your ghosty purple hide?" Very tempting.

The uneven teams thing is my biggest Mansion pet peeve. I CONSTANTLY see people start games, tell everyone not to join on their team, keep calling for more players after 2 or 3 have joined on the other side already, and then complain when everyone leaves their game to join a more fair one and nobody wants to play with them. Uneven teams are incredibly selfish unless you're playing friendly ghosts with buddies and taking turns being the odd one out. It isn't fair when you're just playing with random people, expecting them all to bolster your credits at their own expense. Talk about an overblown sense of entitlement!

A minor annoyance is when people stand around going, "someone start a game!" Like they're incapable themselves, but that really has nothing to do with any of this. ;)

Here's my solemn promise to anyone who ever plays with me:
1. I will never, ever voluntarily leave a game.
2. I will very rarely crash out of one either, if it's one-on-one.
3. I will always spray you when you get ghosted, if I can get to you. Please understand that it helps BOTH of us when I do.
4. I will always let you spray me, and will be glad you did. See above.
5. I DON'T CARE who wins.
6. I'm up for three rounds if you are. If not, that's fine too.
7. I will always bear in mind that Mansion works best when played cooperatively, rather than competitively.
One word "Gold". :rolleyes1 Just kidding.
In addition, if there was away to penalize a person who chooses to leave the game on their own, like a credit deduction. Like when you click exit, prompted with a message that states "If you chose to exit the game, exiting 100 credits will be deducted and applied to the other teams account." (If the person does not have the credits, place them in the negative and upon receiving credit payoff their debt. I know wishful thinking. Therefore, you would know if the other side actually left because you would received credit. (Have a message pop-up on the other teams messages (after game of course) if they received "poor sport credits.") If the person crashed, no credit received just a bad crash.

This sounds like a wonderful idea, but how would VMK know the reason why ppl leave the game? Most of the time I play with friends (due to ppl I don't know leaving), but if we're playing 2 on 2 and the game starts without knowing that someone was mistakenly left in the lobby for whatever reason, we usually all click exit on agreement and meet back with the lost person to start a new game. There are also numerous times when I choose to play 1 on 1 with a friend and the game starts before we notice that another person we don't know hops on the game. Because we can make between 800 and 1000 credits each time in a 1 on 1 game, we almost always agree first to exit those games. I personally don't think we should be penalized for this...but that's JMO.
Actually, I have written VMK about this issue. Never heard back from them, but I didn't really expect to.... sigh

I suggested that they remove the exit button entirely from the games. Why is it there in the first place? There's really no logical reason to have that option there anyways. If an emergency happens where you absolutely need to leave a game you're playing, then you should just click VMK off entirely and log back in when you're available again. I would assume that "quitters" would think twice about having to click out of VMK then take the time to log back in... all because they just want to leave a game because they're losing. I know some still will just because they're obstinate... but I think it will stop the majority. :confused3

Taking the exit out of games would be great, except for one flaw:

If you stand still in Pirates, you get "Krakened", and if you do the same in Mansion, the game will boot you out.

And while there are plenty of us who don't quit in Mansion, many times the game itself will decide that I am no longer required to be there....

White Box or IE error crashes. :headache:

I think people realize that I haven't left the game by my own free will if I've won a round and am ahead on ghosts in the next round. At least I can usually tell if someone crashed vs. quitting.
Interesting thing I discovered today: IE closed (twice) due to a fatal error in the middle of an HM game. Well, I'm sure my opponents thought I had walked out on them, but I didn't!

So perhaps we should be giving some benefit of the doubt too. Some players may be dumped by IE or VMK.

Another note on this....luckily I was done with the game I was just playing before IE closed out on me this time, but Windows finally gave me the message about what the problem was. It said I needed to update my FlashPlayer, so I did, which usually helps for a while, at least until the next update :laughing: but I thought I had it set to alert me to updates and I guess not. So you might want to check, it might help, at least for a little while.
This sounds like a wonderful idea, but how would VMK know the reason why ppl leave the game? Most of the time I play with friends (due to ppl I don't know leaving), but if we're playing 2 on 2 and the game starts without knowing that someone was mistakenly left in the lobby for whatever reason, we usually all click exit on agreement and meet back with the lost person to start a new game. There are also numerous times when I choose to play 1 on 1 with a friend and the game starts before we notice that another person we don't know hops on the game. Because we can make between 800 and 1000 credits each time in a 1 on 1 game, we almost always agree first to exit those games. I personally don't think we should be penalized for this...but that's JMO.

While I agree, that does happen, I think the majority are people who are just poor sports who choose to leave when not winning. I like Pink's idea eliminate the exit box completely, then if you fall into the situation you stated above your friend that you missed will understand and wait for you when the game ends. Still like my idea though, any way to make more credits makes me happy. :)
This is sad
I always wish people gl when I do a game and gg afterwords
Anyway, winning isn't everything, you can still get credits. right?
Seeing this type of behavior makes me sigh.
My two cents
- Silly
On this thread everyone is discussing the lack of sportsmanship and manners among some players (and that is being kind).

On another thread we are discussing playing Mansion with mules.

I'll tell you what everyone, if you don't me playing on one side and my mule on the other side, I'll play with you!

I will say good luck - I will catch many ghosts so they will continue to come flying out of the coffins - and I will always play to the end (unless I get that aggravating error message that sometimes happens when I play against my mule causing one of me to lock up) -and after it's over, both of me will say good game! :)

So who wants to play! :thumbsup2


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