DDP 2008 Tipping

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YUCK! I wouldn't want to sit next to someone that scraped their plates and left them for me to look at "pig slop" while I was trying to dine. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but GROSS! Think of the other guests.

Well we don't have a lot of leftover, we generally only take what we eat, and it's really no different than anyone else who leaves their pig slop plates out and about covering their entire table.

Also if the server is good, they'll be by shortly to pick up the plates. So you shouldn't be staring at anyones waste - strewn about the table or on top of one neatly stacked pile - for very long.

LOL - then again, maybe we should be bussing our own tables and taking the plates to the kitchen.
I have only received a handful of tips less than 15% at Park Fare. That's including those guests without DDP. I used to work at All Star Cafe at the Wide World of Sports and often worked 14 hour days and went home with $50, so I feel the other side too.

That's the difference in clientele. The location makes a huge difference.
I receive perfectly adequate service at buffets, but I cannot think of one server at the buffets we went to who did anything more than clear our plates and give us an occasional refill. At non-buffet eateries the server will talk to us about our day, joke with us, make menu suggestions, etc.

That's probably because those of us who work at buffets don't have time to do the "extras" because we're too busy being quadruple sat.
That's probably because those of us who work at buffets don't have time to do the "extras" because we're too busy being quadruple sat.

In NO way do I want to imply that you aren't busy and working hard at buffets. I believe you that it's hard work and that you are busy at work. Being quadruple sat does not sound like fun.

However, they still aren't providing me (personally) the same level of service that I receive at another non-buffet restaurant.
In NO way do I want to imply that you aren't busy and working hard at buffets. I believe you that it's hard work and that you are busy at work. Being quadruple sat does not sound like fun.

However, they still aren't providing me (personally) the same level of service that I receive at another non-buffet restaurant.

I understand that, and I wish I could provide more personal interaction with my guests. However, some people act like they don't want you to interact with them. I ask them where they're from and they ignore me, or their kids throw food at me (it has happened). I've gone above and beyond a lot for my guests before they implemented the new seating system.
I know that a buffet server works hard, just like a table service server, but at a buffet, I, the consumer, am also working hard, as is the rest of the family. We just can't sit back and relax after walking the parks. Everyone is constantly getting up, leaving and coming back. The patrons are assisting in the food service and this should not be discounted. We are talking about "service" and there is less "service" at a buffet. So, to tip the same, would actually be tipping the buffet server "more" for less "service."

It can be argued either way.

At a buffet, its the guest choice to be there. So the "work" they have to do is again their choice. The reward for this "work" is having 5x the options as opposed to sitting down, and ordering one plate from a menu. With a menu restaurant, the server controls the timing, as to when they get their app, meals, desert, etc. At a buffet, its all random. They get it when they want it. With a menu restaurant, the server can take a families order, go ring it in, and then know he can easily not even check on them for 4-5 minutes.

Buffet servers don't have such free time. They make a trip past their tables grabbing dirty plates, and seeing what their guests need. They drop the dishes in the kitchen, and then go into the side area to get refills/napkins/checks/extra spoons/etc. They drop those off at whatever tables asked for them, and start collecting more dirty plates, and seeing if other people now need stuff. Again, a drop in the kitchen, and back into the side area to get what they need. This is how it goes for 6+ hours.

...and that is if things go smooth. Lets toss in a bunch of random variable. Little Jimmy spills 12oz of Coke does his front side, Sally has a protein spill all over the tables, the Petersons want their checks split 5 different ways, Billy is allegric and needs to see a chef, its Grannies birthday, the Walters decided to not wait to be greeted, and just helped themselves to the buffet, and not demand drinks ASAP, Mike dropped his plate of food making a mess, and breaking the plate, Julie is 5 months old, and has a mother that lets her throw food everywhere within a 5 foot radius, etc, etc, ETC.

You can argue the definition of a tip, grat, service fee, etc but it basically comes down to the fact you are paying the server for their work. There is no question if buffet servers work as hard as menu servers. Disney clearly says they do, and thus the standard tipping of 15-20% goes to them as well.
You're right, we make a lot of money, and we're some of the top paid servers in Disney at Park Fare.

Thank you for your honesty, so many posters classify the servers as poor, underpaid workers that can barely make ends meet. I believe that any worker, no matter the industry, should earn as much as he/she can. It's the great American way.

I will be returning to Disney in 2007 with the DPP and will have to decide on the proper gratuity. We are going to more buffets based upon the removal of the appetizer (I am not shy to eating) for Table Service.

Emily Post says 10%

the standard in Las Vegas in $1 - $3 per person, depending on drink service

tipping.*rg suggests 5-10% of the bill

Good Housekeeping advises that 10% is customary

This information was taken from "neutral" sites which provided general tipping guidelines.
Emily Post says 10%

the standard in Las Vegas in $1 - $3 per person, depending on drink service

tipping.*rg suggests 5-10% of the bill

Good Housekeeping advises that 10% is customary

This information was taken from "neutral" sites which provided general tipping guidelines.

...and disney is an exception. Disney its self even says 15-20% is standard.
...and disney is an exception. Disney its self even says 15-20% is standard.

We have to listen to what Disney, the employer, says? If they said 25%, would you pay it?

I suppose if Ponderosa or Golden Corral said 15%-20%, we would have to abide by that as well?

Show me an independent source that advises a 15-20% standard tip for Disney.
Show me an independent source that advises a 15-20% standard tip for Disney.

Outside of disney, I can't. Let me put it this way. If you see Golden Corral, and a Disney buffet in the same picture, then you are just way off.

Here's something I dare you to do. Ask a buffet server at disney while you are there, if they would stay with the company, if buffet servers got a flat 10% tip, and nothing extra. I promise you 75% of all buffet servers, and 95% of the full time buffet servers would all quit. They work WAY to hard to only receive 10%.

I know fine dining servers at Disney would only say they don't work nearly as hard as buffet servers.
Outside of disney, I can't. Let me put it this way. If you see Golden Corral, and a Disney buffet in the same picture, then you are just way off.

Here's something I dare you to do. Ask a buffet server at disney while you are there, if they would stay with the company, if buffet servers got a flat 10% tip, and nothing extra. I promise you 75% of all buffet servers, and 95% of the full time buffet servers would all quit. They work WAY to hard to only receive 10%.

I know fine dining servers at Disney would only say they don't work nearly as hard as buffet servers.

I can't argue with YOUR imagined facts to support YOUR argument. Once you have taken a poll, please post the results. At least pose the question to our resident server before you proclaim knowing 75-95% of their responses. I'm glad you are here to speak on behalf of the Disney service industry.

By the way, the biggest difference between a Disney buffet and Golden Corral is that it costs twice as much..... And how does a Disney buffet server work harder than a non-Disney buffet server? You have stated that we are paying them for their work, so shouldn't you tip them the same? (and I assume irrespective of cost?)
There is a HUGE difference between a Disney buffet and the Golden Corral. When I was first interviewed for Disney, I had to know A LOT about food service and wine service to be placed in a good restaurant. I didn't know the required info, so I was placed at All Star Cafe. I had to go through several training classes and several lengthly interviews to be placed at Park Fare.

To answer the PP's "poll", if I were a full-time or part-time cast member and was offered a flat rate for being a buffet server, I would most likely leave and so would a lot of my co-cast members. I don't work that hard to be below the poverty line. BTW, I'm a seasonal cast member.
Actually I don't see a problem using the national average even if your assertions are correct. If the national average is 10% base, and Disney surpasses the national average in service their tip will rise in increments accordingly... so where's the problem?

Outside of disney, I can't. Let me put it this way. If you see Golden Corral, and a Disney buffet in the same picture, then you are just way off.

Here's something I dare you to do. Ask a buffet server at disney while you are there, if they would stay with the company, if buffet servers got a flat 10% tip, and nothing extra. I promise you 75% of all buffet servers, and 95% of the full time buffet servers would all quit. They work WAY to hard to only receive 10%.

I know fine dining servers at Disney would only say they don't work nearly as hard as buffet servers.
And someone else would take your place... there are millions of people out there working hard to remain under the poverty line - welcome to America in 2007

To answer the PP's "poll", if I were a full-time or part-time cast member and was offered a flat rate for being a buffet server, I would most likely leave and so would a lot of my co-cast members. I don't work that hard to be below the poverty line. BTW, I'm a seasonal cast member.
Just for the sake of arguement--Disney already charges double the Golden Corral, so in effect the servers making a 10% tip in either place will have a better tip at Disney. If 10% is the standard, Disney already guarantees a higher tip becasue the base cost is higher. As for the "you get so much more from a disney buffet" argument, well Disney itself only values the character interaction at $5.00 (the fee they charge those that do not eat)still making a Disney Buffet double that of Golden Corral--five years ago I would have said the food was better, but recent experience shows me otherwise.
WOW *** a night that is a good chunk of change.

Couldnt agree more, for the 15 years we have given to the US Army, complaining about wages the way these servers do just doesnt sit right with me. There are alot worse things they could be doing for alot less. Also, even though they tip out to the bus boys, that means its *** without even having to bus all the tables. Talk about easy money!
Couldnt agree more, for the 15 years we have given to the US Army, complaining about wages the way these servers do just doesnt sit right with me. There are alot worse things they could be doing for alot less. Also, even though they tip out to the bus boys, that means its *** without even having to bus all the tables. Talk about easy money!

I am not saying they don't deserve it, Disney is very expensive and heck No I don't see days like that at my local breakfast joint. I am doing cartwheels if I make 125.00 on a VERY BUSY Saturday and these days are few are far between. But you have to remember these servers are guaranteed at least 18% with the dining plan and partys of 6 or more. Most restaurants the servers are not guaranteed this so you have people that tip very poorly or a few stiffers.
Yes, mom2, but constantly we hear things like 'being put in there place' by these same ungrateful servers and it really rubs me wrong. sorry just another guy, Disney buffets are not SO superior to warrant 20-25% just because you wish it were so. From my standpoint, I am really tired of this entitlement attitude.
I will have to stop reading these boards before my trip.....just to lower my blood pressure and to keep from "stiffing" the waitstaff. The sense of entitlement and greed I read on this board by the servers really...ticks me off. I know many professionals that go to college for four years and don't average the hourly wage some of these servers do..... and the attitude is appalling. I don't care how cute and tongue 'n cheek you think you can say something and "get away" with it. Rude is rude. I bet most just feel sorry this server wasn't brought up with better manners. I was always taught, "that you catch more flies with honey". Sometimes just one NICE word will turn around a sourpuss....maybe they are tired and just have had a bad day.

I don't care how deserving the Disney servers feel they are. They work no harder than a server at Waffle House, IHOP or the Golden Corral. You guys have a good gig...appreciate it.
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