The new search system- problems, observations, issues

Hey Dan
This thread, quoted by you, was an announcement by Alexa about BoardTracker Version ONE. Not the new version. 13 months ago DisBoards started Beta testing the FIRST version of BoardTracker. Not the new one. The new one is in beta for less than 2 months AND DisBoards is the FIRST (and atm the only) board beta-testing the new version. We are working on Version 2 for about 7 months (we actually always working on new things, but defining a new version was 7-8 months ago). And actually, even 13 months working on a new version is really a very short time, considering the scale and complexity of creating a search engine.
As the new version requires dealing with about x20 more data and much heavier infrastructure and resources requirements, this is a very delicate issue. Doing it for free (certainly the case thus far), lacking the budget of Google ;) it may also explain why we can't get 50 people working on it and finishing it all in a month :)

Anyway, we are working on it (aside from the times we are posting here ;)) and we are happy to keep you updated.

Best regards,

So everything has always been in Beta? When do we get a non-beta version? When do we get one that the whole site can use?

Here's a thought. You are providing a service. For Free (right?). The only visibility that you have currently is a little doggy that fills up, goes to the bathroom, fills up, goes to the bathroom, over and over. Sometimes he finds results, sometimes he doesn't.

You need to make money so you can hire more (better?) Koalas. You need to serve Google type ads. Provide this search service for free. But in the search results you are allowed a line or two (or one or two graphical) ads. You can organize your ads by category so that your search doesn't serve up ads that would conflict with any board sponsors. Just from the DISboards alone, you could get thousands of ad impressions a day. Heck Tens of thousands. Just imagine the clickthrough rate if they are vacation directed links being shown to people that like to vacation and spend a lot of money.

We built a search engine for my company's site. It took ONE programmer about a month of dedicated time. Since he wasn't our best programmer, it took him another 1/2 month to fix the bugs. I suppose maybe that's why I don't understand the delays. I understand scaling issues. Really I do. But you need a useful product in order to even scale it...
So everything has always been in Beta? When do we get a non-beta version? When do we get one that the whole site can use?

Here's a thought. You are providing a service. For Free (right?). The only visibility that you have currently is a little doggy that fills up, goes to the bathroom, fills up, goes to the bathroom, over and over. Sometimes he finds results, sometimes he doesn't.

You need to make money so you can hire more (better?) Koalas. You need to serve Google type ads. Provide this search service for free. But in the search results you are allowed a line or two (or one or two graphical) ads. You can organize your ads by category so that your search doesn't serve up ads that would conflict with any board sponsors. Just from the DISboards alone, you could get thousands of ad impressions a day. Heck Tens of thousands. Just imagine the clickthrough rate if they are vacation directed links being shown to people that like to vacation and spend a lot of money.

We built a search engine for my company's site. It took ONE programmer about a month of dedicated time. Since he wasn't our best programmer, it took him another 1/2 month to fix the bugs. I suppose maybe that's why I don't understand the delays. I understand scaling issues. Really I do. But you need a useful product in order to even scale it...

Any idea on when it will work??
Since the system is in Beta and bugs, problems and obstacles are found on a daily basis, its impossible to give an exact date. And as it goes, things that should have taken a day take a week and visa versa.

We are attempting to both stabilize the system and finish indexing all pending within the next 45-60 days. Having said that, we wont be surprised if it takes 30 days or 90 days. A system that complex has a life of its own :) understand that BoardTracker deals not only with Disboards but with many thousands of other boards, some bigger, some smaller, but overall a huge collection.

(I only wish we had jfulcer's mediocre programmer so we can finish with it in a week and move on to build the next Yahoo over the weekend ;))
(I only wish we had jfulcer's mediocre programmer so we can finish with it in a week and move on to build the next Yahoo over the weekend ;))

It was a month and a half. Even still - with having to do reviews and such of his code, I know what's involved and what he was doing. I can't imagine that you are doing much differently. Maybe, maybe not.
the button for new posts isn't working at all - it goes into the search mode and then says "nothing to display"
I admit it, I am techno-illiterate, but in line with the above posts...

When a BoardTracker DIS'Search feature isn't working or is perhaps disabled because the system is in Beta-mode (I know that features come and features go while they are being tweaked), can that button/clickpoint/option be disabled as well?
For instance, *if* Find New Posts isn't working, then can that option be deleted until the working feature returns OR can a helpful response message be put into that feature stating "This option temporarily disabled", something other than "Nothing to display" or "No Results" etc.

I don't know if this general idea is possible, but I've asked this question before in the various New Search threads and don't remember seeing a response.

I admit it, I am techno-illiterate, but in line with the above posts...

When a BoardTracker DIS'Search feature isn't working or is perhaps disabled because the system is in Beta-mode (I know that features come and features go while they are being tweaked), can that button/clickpoint/option be disabled as well?
For instance, *if* Find New Posts isn't working, then can that option be deleted until the working feature returns OR can a helpful response message be put into that feature stating "This option temporarily disabled", something other than "Nothing to display" or "No Results" etc.

I don't know if this general idea is possible, but I've asked this question before in the various New Search threads and don't remember seeing a response.


Was wondering if BoardTracker or one of the Webmasters had the answer to my question/idea :idea: above.

Questions to the webmasters are probably best posed via PM (for all things, actually).
Was wondering if BoardTracker or one of the Webmasters had the answer to my question/idea :idea: above.

Hi agnes.
Since we are not representing DisBoards and can not speak on behalf or the webmasters or make any changes to DisBoards, we (BoardTracker) can not answer this question.

(In general, its better to turn off features that don't work. But sometimes its really messy to get rid of something small, and its better to leave it till the feature is reintroduced.)
Questions to the webmasters are probably best posed via PM (for all things, actually).

Actually, bicker, the OP of this thread specifically asked/stated.......

Please use this thread to post any problems, observations or issues with the new search system

I would assume (I know, assume....) that the webmasters (he is one as far as I know) would like to have such thoughts posted here on this thread to keep all the search concerns, feedback and ideas in a single, consolidated place. At least that was my take on it. May be wrong though.
I'm having the same problem. Cannot search for my previous posts or posts by other members.
The Search button isn't working at all today and neither is the New Posts button - I haven't been able to get it to work in days - even clicking on the quick link for Today's posts won't work.

This has definitely decreased my interest in coming to the site. I have to say the board was better before the change to Board Tracker for searching.
I would assume (I know, assume....) that the webmasters (he is one as far as I know) would like to have such thoughts posted here on this thread to keep all the search concerns, feedback and ideas in a single, consolidated place. At least that was my take on it. May be wrong though.

Actually, this thread is so outdated that it really has no value to us any longer as a place for search concerns, feedback, etc. :) It long ago degenerated into complaints rather than helpful feedback.

And yes, WebmasterAlex is a webmaster. Perhaps his username gave it away. ;) I know it's been a very long time since you were involved here, but that hasn't changed. :)

For anyone who is relatively new here, all webmasters have "webmaster" in their usernames. And Alex is our head techie geek webmaster, with responsibility for our servers, board software and all related systems. Boardtracker is not one of those systems, as it's external and not owned or controlled by the DISboards.
Actually, this thread is so outdated that it really has no value to us any longer as a place for search concerns, feedback, etc. :) It long ago degenerated into complaints rather than helpful feedback.

And yes, WebmasterAlex is a webmaster. Perhaps his username gave it away. ;) I know it's been a very long time since you were involved here, but that hasn't changed. :)

For anyone who is relatively new here, all webmasters have "webmaster" in their usernames. And Alex is our head techie geek webmaster, with responsibility for our servers, board software and all related systems. Boardtracker is not one of those systems, as it's external and not owned or controlled by the DISboards.

So, and please do not take this as anything other than the question that it is, where should we address such concerns? I know I'm not alone in wondering if things are ever going to function even remotely close to how they did in "the good old days" ;), so is there a place other than this that we might find those answers? Is there a way to let someone (and who?) know that we are really frustrated by the (lack of) search function?

In my opinion, and again I'm not being snotty or sarcastic, I'd rather just know if that's never going to happen. If it isn't, then I'll just move on. Goodness knows I still appreciate this board, and use it for many things -- just maybe not as much as I used to when it was a bit more user friendly -- and certainly not for the research tool for which it was intended. I'm not throwing a fit, or threatening to go elsewhere, etc because that would be silly.

I would just love to have an honest answer as to where this is going (if anywhere), or - truthfully - if you all have decided to not take our feedback, etc, as would be your prerogative. It sounds from your post that we might just be talking to ourselves in this thread (forgive me if I'm understanding it wrong) ... just please let us know if that's true so we don't get the feeling that we are just wasting our time.

Thanks for all you do, and thanks in advance for clarification on our "involvement" in getting this feature changed (or not). :goodvibes
Actually, this thread is so outdated that it really has no value to us any longer as a place for search concerns, feedback, etc. :) It long ago degenerated into complaints rather than helpful feedback.

I suppose a lot of people that are posting on this thread are frustrated after promise after promise, deadline after deadline, update after update go by the wayside, one by one. Here is my helpful feedback:

1) If search is not working, then as another poster suggested - put a 'temporarily DISabled' message up for when the search comes up. It certainly would eliminate the large number of messages that say "why does search not work?"

2) If someone is going to post a date something is going to happen, then stick to it even if you can't do it 100%. Put a message on the search saying "please note: this is not 100% indexed" or whatever is missing/wrong.

3) Put a sticky at the top of this help forum: "How to use a partially enabled search" (or something) and point to the California Gold help messages we've posted over and over.

4) Tell us what is going on. A weekly(?) message stating progress/goals would be wonderful. Communication is soooo important. If all of us that are interested in this know that progress is being made other than 'The Koalas are working on it', it would be soooooo nice.


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