Tim and Lesley Year of Million Compromises/TONS pics- 8/5 help me pg. 164!!!

Your pics of Grand Haven are Great! I like Tim's "Got Rings" shirt. I have a friend who is from Michigan who told me the beaches there were great, but I have to admit I was one of the "the beaches are probably hard and crappy" group, until now. Wow. That looks like some great sand. Coming from the Northeast I'm used to a good beach and those look like some of the best I've seen.

How warm was the lake water? Obviously warm enough for the kids, but what about us moms?

Glad you had a great trip. Sorry school is approaching so soon. We're planning to head back to WDW in June. Maybe we'll see you there.

Can't you take another vacation so we can get another trippie--going anywhere for the holidays...something?
That's why I took a pic of the beach, I have had people say that to me about the beaches, they are just so beautiful. The lake water averaged low to mid 60's when we were there and the temperature was mid 80's so it felt great! Can't wait to return in June, wish it was sooner but unless we win a contest (which of course I enter daily) or hit the lottery (which honestly I don't play) looks like June for us.

Sounds like you had a great time in Grand Haven. We go for a long weekend every summer, actually we usually stay at Hoffmaster State Park in Muskegon but always drive down to the pier. We also do several day trips each summer, the benefits of living an hour away. I agree Michigan has some of the best beaches and no salt water to wash off after swimming is a huge benefit for us!
We did, actually the beach I posted that other day due to ecoli was Hoffmaster State Park, so that is where the pics are from ,it was nice there. I agree, no salt water is AWESOME!

I'm glad you had such a great time in Grand Haven - sorry you had some rain though. I went to college on that side of the state and fell in love with it - I'm hoping to eventually get a job in the Grand Rapids area and move there permanently.

The pics are great!
Isn't it beautiful, I was born in Grand Rapids and that's where my parents are from, small world.


Thank you so much for the Grand Haven report. We are non-natives to the Midwest, and often have wondered about where to vacation along the Great Lakes. It looks as though we have our answer now! :beach: Any tips about where to stay while we are there?? Also, we grew up going to the ocean along the mid-Atlantic Coast - do you have any idea how the lake water temperature compares to the ocean there?? I have always imagined that the lakes are freezing!! :eek:
You are welcome, glad you enjoyed it. I HIGHLY recommend it for a trip, gotta give it a try. Temps are a tiny colder than the ocean, around mid 60's when we were there, but it is warm there in July so that is why we go then. You do need a jacket after the sun goes down at night though, but I just love that. If you go, we rent a house in Grand Haven, you can go to the actual www.grandhaven.com website and look under accommodations, we rent a house and that is the cheapest and best way, be sure it's IN grand haven and within walking distance to the downtown area, NOT spring lake area, you could also try www.vrbo.com I love getting rentals on there, we use it for Destin.

Lesley---Loved your mini-TR! Grand Haven looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing!:love:
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the TR Lesley! Grand Haven looks so nice! I am going to have to check it out I think. Looks alot better than these darn Ohio beaches! LOL
You should, it definitely beats Ohio beaches, if you can call them that.

Great MIchigan TR! Looks like a blast...I love vacation communities like that. It looks so family friendly and peaceful!

Thanks for sharing!

Can't wait to hear where your family decides to stay next year!
It really is nice, very great for families! Rates should be out soon, so I'll post my decision here when it's made. I've got the 200 ready to put down to book.

Looks wonderful, I have wanted to go to Michigan for a while now (mackinac island) Maybe next year I googled it and its about 300 miles from where I live in Indiana..
I've never been to Mackinac, is it nice?

Great mini TR!! :hippie: Sounds like you guys had a fun time (besides that E-coli scare with the water!!) Anyways, when in June do y'all plan on going to disney? DH & I might be going in June as well (we can't decide- June or August!!) I think it'll all depend if I get a teaching term or if I am still substituting!!
Glad you enjoyed it. We'll be there by June 5th for sure, I get out of school June 4th this year, so we're hoping to beat some crowds down this year, should be fun. Good luck getting a teaching job, I know it can be rough out there!
Great mini-TR on Grand Haven...you took some fabuous pics! I've really enjoyed following your PTR and TR! Thanks for taking the time to share all of your Disney fun with us Diser's! Looking forward to the next one! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!:cool2:
We really did, it was nice. You know I thought the bumps would bother me too, they do on other sandals, but I can't say enough good things about the Crocs, they are AWESOME!!! I'm due for another pair :goodvibes

Lesley, I finally broke down and bought some Crocs! I bought the same kind as you, same color. I have heard so much about them from the DIS I decided to go and just look at some and see how they feel. They felt so good, I decided to buy them right then. Now I want to buy some more. just a different color. I don't really like the looks of any of the others, except the Patras. I may just go ahead and buy them online b/c it is so hard to find the exact style and color I want out somewhere. Let me know if you have any luck finding them out in the stores (if that is where you plan to buy them).
Lesley, loved the mini TR:goodvibes looks like you had a great time! I never realized how long Lauren's hair is she is such a cutie!:cutie: You mentioned a new dining plan option and I was curious as to what that was?:confused3 I can't believe how early you guys go back to school. How many days are in your school year? We go 180 and start 9/5 and get out on 6/13 this year. Just curious! LOVED all your pictures and so glad you had a great end to your summer!:thumbsup2 Tell Tim that you guys have so many loyal viewers that anything you post will receive tons of replys so not to be too sad about the TR ending!:lmao: :goodvibes
Wow - beautiful pictures of your mini-trip! I'll confess - I was one of those who would have thought the same thing about the beaches, so you've taught me yet another thing! :rotfl:

Tell Tim that's a :cool2: shirt - I think I need to find something like that for a Christmas present.
Great to here your family had another great vacation together.....my dh felt better seeing your husband in a Mickey shirt other than at Disney because he catches alot of flack around our friends for wearing Mickey shirts, he wears his Disney wear everywhere not just in Disney, the guys at his firehouse really bust him for that. The beaches look great, so unexpecting for lakes.
Enjoy planning your next Disney escape.:)

love the mini TR, I always admire your family so much, and only wish my kids got along as well as yours lol!
We are originally from Chicago and Lake Michigan beaches over on that side are not near as nice IMHO as what I saw from your pictures!

We too are planing our first family trip in early June(don't know our dates yet either)but maybe we can try and plan a "dis meet up" I think our kids are very close in age :)~ Annette
What an awesome trip! You are making me so lonesome for the great lakes! We spent a week on an inland lake in Michigan this year and it just wasn't the same. We went to Grand Haven a lot as kids and mocked the music of the musical fountain many times... glad to hear it's improved! I hope the transition from summer to school goes well for everyone in your family!
Ahh, Grand Haven is the best! Beautiful pictures Lesley, looks like you all had a blast! I'm from MI (more towards Ann Arbor), but we love going over to the west coast when we can :)
We live on the west coast a little south of GH. St. Joseph beach is really nice too. Lake Michigan does have the best sunsets!
Hi Lesley! I guess I am late to the party, but great trip reports! Grand Haven looks beautiful. Might have to check into that...
I have a quick question for you though. I notice that you rented a stroller at WDW. How did that work for you? Lauren and my daughter are about the same age (Marley will turn four Nov. 8th). We are going to WDW in five days!!! And I am still unsure if I should take a stroller or just rent. I *really* don't want to, but scared I will regret it once there! Did you (or Tim) have to carry her around much outside of the park? I am going with my mom (DH is staying home with my DS2) and we won't be able to carry her around *too* much. How did Lauren do in the airport? Are the strollers relatively easy to get? Thanks for your help! And can't wait to read your next TR!
Great to here your family had another great vacation together.....my dh felt better seeing your husband in a Mickey shirt other than at Disney because he catches alot of flack around our friends for wearing Mickey shirts, he wears his Disney wear everywhere not just in Disney, the guys at his firehouse really bust him for that. The beaches look great, so unexpecting for lakes.
Enjoy planning your next Disney escape.:)
Yes, our Mickey wear doesn't stay in the parks, we are addicts through and through and it shows in our daily wardrobe : )


love the mini TR, I always admire your family so much, and only wish my kids got along as well as yours lol!
We are originally from Chicago and Lake Michigan beaches over on that side are not near as nice IMHO as what I saw from your pictures!

We too are planing our first family trip in early June(don't know our dates yet either)but maybe we can try and plan a "dis meet up" I think our kids are very close in age :)~ Annette
Thanks, glad you liked it, those Michigan beaches really are pretty. Sounds good about the dis meet.

What an awesome trip! You are making me so lonesome for the great lakes! We spent a week on an inland lake in Michigan this year and it just wasn't the same. We went to Grand Haven a lot as kids and mocked the music of the musical fountain many times... glad to hear it's improved! I hope the transition from summer to school goes well for everyone in your family!
Oh my gosh, we always mocked the fountain, the first night we were there we didn't go and Tim was out on the porch reading Harry Potter as the fountain started and it was Gwen Stafani Sweet Escape, he heard the "woo hoo" and he screamed "GUYS, GUYS, they updated the fountain, LISTEN!!!" We couldn't believe it, it was soooo nice with the modern music.

Ahh, Grand Haven is the best! Beautiful pictures Lesley, looks like you all had a blast! I'm from MI (more towards Ann Arbor), but we love going over to the west coast when we can :)
I agree, it is the best, glad you enjoyed the pics.

We live on the west coast a little south of GH. St. Joseph beach is really nice too. Lake Michigan does have the best sunsets!
Don't they!!!!

Hi Lesley! I guess I am late to the party, but great trip reports! Grand Haven looks beautiful. Might have to check into that...
I have a quick question for you though. I notice that you rented a stroller at WDW. How did that work for you? Lauren and my daughter are about the same age (Marley will turn four Nov. 8th). We are going to WDW in five days!!! And I am still unsure if I should take a stroller or just rent. I *really* don't want to, but scared I will regret it once there! Did you (or Tim) have to carry her around much outside of the park? I am going with my mom (DH is staying home with my DS2) and we won't be able to carry her around *too* much. How did Lauren do in the airport? Are the strollers relatively easy to get? Thanks for your help! And can't wait to read your next TR!
Welcome to the party, better late than never! The stroller rental was QUITE nice but honestly sometimes we'd bring the umbrella stroller too like for the airport, DTD where stroller rental didn't work and on the late nights we knew we'd need it after we left the park, we'd put it on top of the stroller. We love renting because both our kids use the stroller, it's a lot of walking for Luke and for safety in the crowds I like having them both in there, and not hauling a double on the buses was priceless for us. If you do it though be sure to rent it the first day at the parks for your entire trip for a length of stay discount. We love the rental strollers. If it's JUST for one child though and she does o.k. in the umbrella stroller Iw ould save the money and just bring an umbrella stroller.

Great mini-TR on Grand Haven...you took some fabuous pics! I've really enjoyed following your PTR and TR! Thanks for taking the time to share all of your Disney fun with us Diser's! Looking forward to the next one! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!:cool2:
Glad you enjjoyed it, thanks for reading/posting!

Lesley, I finally broke down and bought some Crocs! I bought the same kind as you, same color. I have heard so much about them from the DIS I decided to go and just look at some and see how they feel. They felt so good, I decided to buy them right then. Now I want to buy some more. just a different color. I don't really like the looks of any of the others, except the Patras. I may just go ahead and buy them online b/c it is so hard to find the exact style and color I want out somewhere. Let me know if you have any luck finding them out in the stores (if that is where you plan to buy them).
YEAH!!!! I know, aren't they awesome!?! I want another pair in the brown color before I go back to work, I love the Patras too but they were 10 bucks more. I found mine at Dicks sporting goods, our Hallmark has them too. But shoebuy.com has a great variety and good discount codes online.
Lesley, loved the mini TR:goodvibes looks like you had a great time! I never realized how long Lauren's hair is she is such a cutie!:cutie: You mentioned a new dining plan option and I was curious as to what that was?:confused3 I can't believe how early you guys go back to school. How many days are in your school year? We go 180 and start 9/5 and get out on 6/13 this year. Just curious! LOVED all your pictures and so glad you had a great end to your summer!:thumbsup2 Tell Tim that you guys have so many loyal viewers that anything you post will receive tons of replys so not to be too sad about the TR ending!:lmao: :goodvibes
I know, Laurens hair when wet is super long, thanks for the compliment on her. The new dining plan option is rumored to be several different things, here is a link for you, the premium one is VERY tempting for us:
I know, we go back super soon this year, sooo depressing. We had a building year last year so we got out late, but this year we start early and get out June 3rd and have a super long Christmas break not going back until January 7th so I'll enjoy the breaks this year. i will tell Tim, maybe it will bring his spirits up.

Wow - beautiful pictures of your mini-trip! I'll confess - I was one of those who would have thought the same thing about the beaches, so you've taught me yet another thing! :rotfl:

Tell Tim that's a :cool2: shirt - I think I need to find something like that for a Christmas present.
So glad you enjoyed it and it changed your mind about the beaches. He got his shirt at Manny's online. Take care.
Your pistures and stories are great! We are taking our twin daughters (2 1/2) for the first time this Septmeber. They loved seeing your daughter with all of the princesses. Thank you for taking the time to spread the magic!
Another great summer fun report. Lesley
you really should consider putting Lauren's
picture in a baby contest. The two close up
photos are so adorable...all those great curls!
Bet she would win!!!!:cutie: Please stay with
us here at the diz, we can't live without all
those updates!!;) I wish 2008 rates come out

I just noticed on the Crocs site they have a new style, the Alice (a slimmer Mary Jane). I wonder how those are.

Anyway, sorry to hijack, but I thought I'd share.
Hi there--I'm another lurker that has been following your trips. Your trip reports have been great resources for us!

I have a question for you--how did you wash the hair spray/gel/goop out of Lauren's hair after BBB? Did you use anything special or have any tips? Thanks!
Your pistures and stories are great! We are taking our twin daughters (2 1/2) for the first time this Septmeber. They loved seeing your daughter with all of the princesses. Thank you for taking the time to spread the magic!
Thanks, glad you liked it, have a great time with your twins in the world!
Lesley! I'm home! I have some serious post-Disney depression though!:laughing:
WELCOME HOME!!! I understand the post disney depression, I'm going through it now, hang in there, hope you had a great time!

Another great summer fun report. Lesley
you really should consider putting Lauren's
picture in a baby contest. The two close up
photos are so adorable...all those great curls!
Bet she would win!!!!:cutie: Please stay with
us here at the diz, we can't live without all
those updates!!;) I wish 2008 rates come out
So glad you enjoyed it. I actually did enter her in a Johnson and Johnson beautiful hair contest for kids ages 2-5 last month but haven't heard anything, figured it was worth trying.


I just noticed on the Crocs site they have a new style, the Alice (a slimmer Mary Jane). I wonder how those are.

Anyway, sorry to hijack, but I thought I'd share.
Cool, I'll check those out.

Hi there--I'm another lurker that has been following your trips. Your trip reports have been great resources for us!

I have a question for you--how did you wash the hair spray/gel/goop out of Lauren's hair after BBB? Did you use anything special or have any tips? Thanks!
Thanks for posting! Actually it washed out much easier than I thought, just took a normal washing but the glitter did stay in for over a week, but that wasn't a big deal. On another board I asked that question before we came and they said baking soda with the shampoo helps.
Well Lesley, not only the hair but the face is
beautiful too!princess: I really hope she wins!:yay:
She is really adorable. Luke is a cutie also!!;)
So I spent some of the day on the phone with Disney and on the computer looking at rates, can't wait for AAA to open tomorrow so I can figure out the prices with AAA discounts. Right now it is looking like our dates in June would be the 9th-18th if we do 9 nights. I wanted to do earlier because we get out of school on the 4th but gaydays runs until the 9th this year and it can get kinda crazy down there and my kids ask A LOT of questions and I'm not ready to answer those questions yet if you know what I mean. . .;)
The new deluxe dining plan is really appealing to me but it also stinks about tipping.
If we did 9 nights at POFQ with 10 day hoppers and the REGULAR dining plan (same as this year - appetizers) it would be 3772.40 w/out the AAA discount, I'm thinking grand total around 3372 with discount, we'll see tomorrow.
If we did 9 nights at POFQ 10 day hoppers and DELUXE dining plan it would be 4528.40 so I'm thinking around 4128 with AAA, again can't wait for tomorrow to see. It is tempting because with the second plan ALL food is included so I wouldn't have to budget money at all, but would need about 30 dollars in tips a day for our meals.
The other option is OF COURSE WL. For 8 nights standard view at WL with the regular dining plan and 9 day hopper it would be 4310.20 so with AAA I'm thinking around 3910.20
8 nights WL with 9 day hopper with DELUXE dining plan is 4982.20 so with AAA I'm thinking it's around 4582, again, can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.:rolleyes1
So what would you do? Would you do deluxe dining, knowing all meals are covered and 9 nights at POFQ? ORRRRR would you go "back home" to WL and forgo the deluxe dining plan and do 8 nights instead of 9 for about 100 less than staying 9 nights at POFQ and getting deluxe dining. OR would you try to really save and do the 9 nights at POFQ with the regular dining plan which is the cheapest option.:confused3
I need help people, what would you do????



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