PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 18

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Hi:wave: I'm trying my hand at that stalking thing;)

Welcome! We really are a nice friendly bunch, honest. (Just watch out for LaraK. ;) )

:love: Hi....Welcome....invite October on over. We'll have a party. But you must stay on topic here. :rotfl2:
Oh, and if you figure out the topic, please let us know. :rotfl:

Topic? Since when? Have you all changed the rules here????

Next thing you know you'll have standards too.....:lmao:
Ok - dinner is in the oven - two ham and cheese quiches and one broccoli and quiche - a salad, french bread and voila!
Doesney! You brave soul! Welcome!

What time are we eating:teeth:? Shug's bringing dessert:thumbsup2 .

Welcome everyone
Ah welcome, welcome all our new friends! :) I've been in a baking mood. What'll it be? Chocolate chip? Peanut butter? Lemon squares? Banana bread?
lemon squares please. Or PB cookies. I'm easy (to please:) ).

I am seriously considering going and getting a bottle of wine tonight. DH left for Chicago this morning so I have nothing to do tonight. But I'm out of Ambien. :sad1:
I'm trying to decide on wine, beer, one of Hiway's drinks, or my flavored rum with OJ. Do I have to stick with just one? BTW, I've only had one vicodin so I should be in good shape as far as that goes.

That time of the month again, Does? :cloud9:

Welcome! We really are a nice friendly bunch, honest. (Just watch out for LaraK. ;) )

Topic? Since when? Have you all changed the rules here????

Next thing you know you'll have standards too.....:lmao:
Once we have standards I'm out of here.

What time are we eating:teeth:? Shug's bringing dessert:thumbsup2 .

Welcome everyone
Meet at my's probably half way between yours and Shug's houses. :yay:

4's, didn't you start posting here after one of the clique threads on the CB? You wanted to check it out to see how bad it was and you somehow decided on the PMS thread. LOL
I think they really do think we exclude. They are afraid to come in. Some say they don't want to, but if they didn't, why would they care?

Can I say something?

I haven't been here in ages, but back when I did try my hand at posting here (and the firefighter's wives thread), it just moved too fast for me. Doesn't say too much about me, but anyway. :laughing:

I think it's super-easy to get overlooked on one of these threads, and perhaps people have posted before, and in the rush of posts, it got overlooked and they took it as exclusion? I know I've posted on here before and gotten overlooked, but I never thought it was because everyone on here all of the sudden decided that they wanted to exclude me. I just figured it got lost in the shuffle. Nature of the beast, I guess.

I do think adding another sub-board of the CB would be a good idea though. I think it would take some of the grief off of the jumbo threads and their posters, and make those that they bother happy. Just a thought.

But, for what it's worth, I use this thread if not once a day, several times a day, to springboard me to the CB. It's still in my subscribed threads, so I can always click on it and get where I need to go! I've been doing that since the "new post" feature went to crap. :rotfl:

So... just my two cents. Carry on, and whatever you do, don't ignore me. As a matter of fact, you'd better fall all over yourselves welcoming me back, even if it's just for one post. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking rude. :snooty: we have to stay on topic and adhere to standards? I'm not sure I want to be a part of any group who's standards are low enough to include me :eek:
white chocolate chip with nuts AND chocolate chips
just sayin'

just in case you missed this the first time, Shuggie!:rolleyes1 :hug:
Can I say something?

I haven't been here in ages, but back when I did try my hand at posting here (and the firefighter's wives thread), it just moved too fast for me. Doesn't say too much about me, but anyway. :laughing:

I think it's super-easy to get overlooked on one of these threads, and perhaps people have posted before, and in the rush of posts, it got overlooked and they took it as exclusion? I know I've posted on here before and gotten overlooked, but I never thought it was because everyone on here all of the sudden decided that they wanted to exclude me. I just figured it got lost in the shuffle. Nature of the beast, I guess.

I do think adding another sub-board of the CB would be a good idea though. I think it would take some of the grief off of the jumbo threads and their posters, and make those that they bother happy. Just a thought.

But, for what it's worth, I use this thread if not once a day, several times a day, to springboard me to the CB. It's still in my subscribed threads, so I can always click on it and get where I need to go! I've been doing that since the "new post" feature went to crap. :rotfl:

So... just my two cents. Carry on, and whatever you do, don't ignore me. As a matter of fact, you'd better fall all over yourselves welcoming me back, even if it's just for one post. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking rude. :snooty:
Okay, I for one alway notice you because you put mustard on your dogs nose. :sad2:
:rotfl: JK...although it was a recent discovery that it was Goldfish. :rotfl:
Things do move fast here. They know me here and I've met several IRL. Crap came up in my life that kept me away for a while. I would come back from time to time and say hello.....but they never shunned me....even if I shunned them. Heck, some even called me and sang "Happy Birthday" to me about 6 weeks ago and I wouldn't pick up the phone....but thats a whole other topic with me hating to talk to people. :guilty: Yes, I'm pathetic.
These are the nicest bunch of folks you will ever meet. Pull up a chair. As you've figured out....there is NO topic here. Just jump in.....and if no one answeres, get rude....stomp you feet and tell them to talk. The don't ignore....they just have fast fingers and pickled brains. :rotfl2: we have to stay on topic and adhere to standards? I'm not sure I want to be a part of any group who's standards are low enough to include me :eek:

I'll have no part of topics or standards....and if anyone brings up morals, well, hell, I may never post here again. :sad2:
4's, didn't you start posting here after one of the clique threads on the CB? You wanted to check it out to see how bad it was and you somehow decided on the PMS thread. LOL

Guilty as charged. During one of the clique thread debates I decided to check you all out since you always seemed to take the brunt of the bashing. You were all real nice and welcoming and here I stayed. Don't know where I'd be half the time without you all. You've been my rock more than you would ever know. Its really a shame that some people just can't seem to grasp there is so much mre than meets the eye in these types of threads!

Shug- the CC cookies sound good as do the lemon squares. No nuts for me though, well except for you guys. :lmao:
Am_I There_Yet, that's pretty much why I stopped posting here. Didn't feel like I belonged.

Hi again everyone.'re using us to get to the CB??? I'm shocked. :rotfl2: I agree that this thread moves very fast and it's what I like and don't like about it. As you know, we also have a private board, which is nice when we want to post something a bit more personal or something that we don't want overlooked. Because yes, everyone gets overlooked sometimes.

As far as moving fast, that's why I don't post on the ladies meet thread--this thread is enough to keep up with I just can't do it with another one. :)

I don't so much mind a sub-board, however my only real problem with that is that we're a lot less likely to get people just stopping in because they saw the thread and wanted to check it out. I love it when newcomers show up--always room at the proverbial dinner table for one more (damn, that's one big table :laughing: )

Thanks for giving your opinions in a respectful way and stop by and say hi anytime you want--a lot of people do just stop by from time to time to say hi. Nothing wrong with that.
Hi, Am I There Yet (and are you?) :yay: If you use this as a springboard (sheesh using this thread like that) the nice thing to do would be to say hi at least once in a while. ;) Otherwise it just feels dirty. :laughing:
Paige, thanks for the pick me up. I'm going to give the teacher's method a try because I really do love her and don't think she'll make my son feel bad. I know that part of the problem with him is that he has had all the health problems that effect his whole digestive track and it's a control thing for him. If anyone can get him to do this, Ms. April can....he has peed in the potty for me a couple of times (on me this morning) and we're hopeful. My daycare chain is a national chain, so I know they have regulations they have to follow. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that he will not want to mess up his "Blues Clues" and "Spiderman" underware I brought him today.

Scrappy, you know, beeping like that may just trip the breaker (which is very easy to reach and not at all heavy).....just sayin:rolleyes1

good luck Lara, hopefully it will be over soon :hug:

See now, After about the 5th beep, I would have ripped the cord out of the wall. But that's just me. :rolleyes1

Good morning to all my friends. It is a rainy Monday here. I have court tonight for my eviction. I am a little nervous, never done one before.

Pooty training = :sad2:

I am sure you will do well Tiff, put on your tough skin and walk in there and do the best you can!

:scared1: You are VERY lucky you didn't post that pic yesterday! I think you would of had a few more phone calls and maybe even some visits until you went to Urgent Care!

:eek: I agree

Yes both my boys learned to go standing up. Both watched daddy, the older had flushable targets, and the younger was encouraged by the older to try to hit his "stream". Boys are such joys to raise.

I realize I am not at the grocery store. That would be because after readying myself and both boys and balancing the checkbook, getting my keys and phone, putting the dog out to potty and then crating him and walking out the door, raising the garage door and readying to enter the van.............................there was no van.

My husband took the van to work because the jeep still has no gas in it from his ingenious plan of keeping me at home while he was gone to Oklahoma, so he couldn't take it to work. The conversation on the phone wasn't pleasant. He wanted me to see if I could make it to the gas station on the gas he has, fill up his tank and then see if I could cram groceries in his jeep. Um, no. The last thing he said was, "Well, you aren't in a hurry are you?"

I think I'll coach my son to call out "Dead man walking!" when he comes in the door.

:eek: :mad:

Hey everyone :wave:

Bad things are being said about us

I ended up working from home today since some virus overtook me as I was getting ready to go into the office. I felt it was in the best interest of everyone if I stayed far away from people.

What's going on around here?

must be that time of the month again?

Smile and wave girls and Frog..Smile and wave! :wave:

We are being watched...and quoted. :rolleyes:

:wave: :wave: hello peoples, how are ya today?

Ahem. ::Taps microphone::

You're so vain

You probably think that thread is about you

Don't you?

:wave: um..........nevermind

Hi, just stopping by to say hi and bye. I'm currently computer-less since over the weekend DH tried to install a ceiling fan in my office and ended up blowing the power supply and motherboard. I am not sure when I'll get it back. But if anyone is wondering, all is well and I'll check in when I can.

sorry to hear that Ash :hug;

Hi:wave: I'm trying my hand at that stalking thing;)


Can I say something?

I haven't been here in ages, but back when I did try my hand at posting here (and the firefighter's wives thread), it just moved too fast for me. Doesn't say too much about me, but anyway. :laughing:

I think it's super-easy to get overlooked on one of these threads, and perhaps people have posted before, and in the rush of posts, it got overlooked and they took it as exclusion? I know I've posted on here before and gotten overlooked, but I never thought it was because everyone on here all of the sudden decided that they wanted to exclude me. I just figured it got lost in the shuffle. Nature of the beast, I guess.

I do think adding another sub-board of the CB would be a good idea though. I think it would take some of the grief off of the jumbo threads and their posters, and make those that they bother happy. Just a thought.

But, for what it's worth, I use this thread if not once a day, several times a day, to springboard me to the CB. It's still in my subscribed threads, so I can always click on it and get where I need to go! I've been doing that since the "new post" feature went to crap. :rotfl:

So... just my two cents. Carry on, and whatever you do, don't ignore me. As a matter of fact, you'd better fall all over yourselves welcoming me back, even if it's just for one post. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking rude. :snooty:

:wave: yes this is a very fast moving thread. I personally do not always get to read back, I do not have computer access at work(for personal use), and I have to be at work at 6am. I do come and if I have time I read back, if not ask for a re-cap, I am sure someone will post a quick re-cap.
Can I say something?

I haven't been here in ages, but back when I did try my hand at posting here (and the firefighter's wives thread), it just moved too fast for me. Doesn't say too much about me, but anyway. :laughing:

I think it's super-easy to get overlooked on one of these threads, and perhaps people have posted before, and in the rush of posts, it got overlooked and they took it as exclusion? I know I've posted on here before and gotten overlooked, but I never thought it was because everyone on here all of the sudden decided that they wanted to exclude me. I just figured it got lost in the shuffle. Nature of the beast, I guess.

I do think adding another sub-board of the CB would be a good idea though. I think it would take some of the grief off of the jumbo threads and their posters, and make those that they bother happy. Just a thought.

But, for what it's worth, I use this thread if not once a day, several times a day, to springboard me to the CB. It's still in my subscribed threads, so I can always click on it and get where I need to go! I've been doing that since the "new post" feature went to crap. :rotfl:

So... just my two cents. Carry on, and whatever you do, don't ignore me. As a matter of fact, you'd better fall all over yourselves welcoming me back, even if it's just for one post. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking rude. :snooty:

It moves too fast for all of us sometimes. I have no problem with a sub board for group threads in theory. I'm just sick of people who use the subject to grind personal axes. I doubt moving the threads is going to stop those vendettas.
Am_I There_Yet, that's pretty much why I stopped posting here. Didn't feel like I belonged.

Hi again everyone.

Thanks for stopping in. :wave2:

Like 4's, this group is my rock. I've formed so many real in-person friendships from this thread. We've had some meets and other little local mini-meets. A bunch of us are going to the ladies meet in Nov. Not meaning to sound over-dramatic, but I had some issues going on this winter/spring that really needed my attention and this wonderful group stuck by me in various ways and made sure that I took my issues seriously and got help. Yes, I have real life friends, however I keep my game face on for them (my fault) and they are not aware of anything going on here. One of my goals is to meet any and all of the regular posters on this thread and I've met quite a few of them (and no, I really don't have a goal to sleep with them all:laughing: ).
Am_I There_Yet, that's pretty much why I stopped posting here. Didn't feel like I belonged.

Hi again everyone.

It's not so much that (I've PM'd with Tig, as well as posted on other threads with a lot of the posters on here; I like the people here.), as it's just too much for me. I don't see how you all do it!

I found when I got behind by even a half a day, it took more effort than I had time for, to get back up to speed. So, yeah... I guess it would be super-easy to feel out of the loop, but it just depends on how you look at it, or how you take it? Does that make sense?

I'm pretty thick-skinned. And slow to boot! Not a great combo for quick-paced threads! :rotfl:

ALSO - and this is very, very important. I got my hand-slapped more times while I was posting on here, and with the posters on here, on other threads, than I care to remember. Of course, I had nothing to do with it. I'm an innocent, and you all led me astray, and I felt safer keeping my distance. Need I bring up the sneezing thread????
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