Other guests who ruin the Magic...

A pediatrician told a friend of mine, the first swat on the behind is for punishment and teaching, any swat after that is for the parent. Very true. I didn't have a problem with swatting my children on the behind when they are younger - it doesn't hurt with the diaper and it teaches them. Now that they are older, taking privledges away is much more beneficial. Such as nothing that requires electricity or batteries for two weeks. I don't want to listen to them complain about being grounded to the house besides being outside is good for them. So we came up with this alternative to grounding. As for the 13 year old at WDW, if my child acted like that at that age, he/she would have to serve 2 weeks community service when we got home. I learned this from a friend of a friend. They didn't want to have to live with a grounded teenager so they would tack on a weeks community service for every time the teenager did something that warrented a grounding. Well, as the school year progressed, the teenager would get into trouble with his friends. His friends would get grounded and they would say how great the teenager had it since he wasn't grounded. Well, surprise, surprise, when summer break came, the friends of the teenager were having a great time swimming and such but where was the teenager? He accrued 6 weeks of community service. He worked the entire summer. However, the next school year, he was a model student and kid. GREAT idea! It helps the community, helps teach your kid how to help others less fortunate and may even strike something in the teen to want to get into that line of work. Win, win all the way around.
Well, surprise, surprise, when summer break came, the friends of the teenager were having a great time swimming and such but where was the teenager? He accrued 6 weeks of community service. He worked the entire summer. However, the next school year, he was a model student and kid. GREAT idea! It helps the community, helps teach your kid how to help others less fortunate and may even strike something in the teen to want to get into that line of work. Win, win all the way around.[/QUOTE]

As an active volunteer for an organization that relies on "community service" hours to operate, I'm not sure we would want a bunch of surly teenagers who didn't want to be there to help us.
After going back and reading a few more posts, I would like to add this. I learned a very good lesson regarding confrontation in front of your children. To make a somewhat long story short, a had a friend - she is more of an aquaintance now because of her behaviour - a very long story and her son and my oldest son are the same ages. Our families hung out and such. Well her son is a bully, has been since I met them when he was 3, he is now 10. Anyway, a couple of years ago, we were at our basketball party and my son with another boy were holding the door closed on her son and not letting him in the restraunt. Well, for this act, when the other boy opened the door, my friend's son took his shoe and flung it and hit my son in the head. Well, my son started crying of course and they shared the story. Well, my friend lamblasted my son in front of everyone there about how he asked for it by teasing her son. I saw shell shocked and didn't say anything. Her husband told her to knock it off. I didn't think it was the time or the place to get into a confrontation. Well, we left immediately after that and my son asked me why I didn't defend him and allowed her to humiliate him in front of everyone. I couldn't answer him except to tell him that I didn't think it was the right time or place. In hind site, I should have taken her outside and raked her over the coals. I did get on her later in the day and told her to never address my children in that matter ever again. I will never miss an opportunity to defend my children again no matter where I am or who is watching.
As an active volunteer for an organization that relies on "community service" hours to operate, I'm not sure we would want a bunch of surly teenagers who didn't want to be there to help us.[/QUOTE]

I applaud your service. There are many surly teenagers that have been turned around by doing community service whether they started out "wanting" to be there or not. The idea is to be a community and to help each other.
My son used to cry after a public tantrum because people were looking at him and he was ashamed of how he acted. After one particularly bad episode during which a complete stranger came up and said "if that was my son, he'd get a good whack on his a**", Jace hugged me after it was over and cried because he thought that the woman thought that I was a bad parent and it really upset him.

What a gut-wrencher! The poor little guy. Our family motto is "Patience. Compassion. Simplicity." We don't always live up to it, but we try. It's unfortunate that the woman you wrote about chose to judge you rather than offer compassion.

We have four kids and they're all completely different when it comes to dealing with various situations and discipline. With one of them all you have to do is give her a look, while with one of our boys, you have to practically yell just to get his attention. I don't get why people think there's a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with kids. I think the biggest thing is to earn their trust and let them know that you're willing to work through things with them. Even our 2-year-old is realizing that we've "got her back."

Next time we're at WDW (less than a year away...), I'm going to be watching for other DIS-ers who've been reading this thread. They'll be the ones giving encouraging smiles to the parents' of kids who are having meltdowns!
The 1 2 3 method made me chuckle. I don't even have to say it out loud. My kids look at me and I hold up my hand - 1,2,...I very rarely ever get to three because they know I am not kidding. Kids are kids, some have disorders some don't. Some have bad days, some have good days. Some are also more spirited than others. As parents we do our best and maybe the next time you see a child having a full out meltdown have a little sympathy. It's not easy on anyone involved -parent or child. JMHO.princess:

I agree with this! We didn't count in our house. I have high spirited kids that are now very functional adults. Once one of my DG's said," you didn't count!" I replied," Nana doesn't count!" I feel like I was a very good parent, but kids will push you, like pushing a brick wall, now how far you let them push, is your business. They know how far they can go! Don't kid yourself.
I would agree sometimes it's better to let little annoyances go, but not all the time. Sometimes you have to show your kids that somethings are worth standing up for. And if you can't/wont stand up for your child who is being abused by an adult for no other reason than they feel they can get away with it (the rude person didn't attack an adult, did they?) who can/will you stand up for? And while I accept that others may disagree, I don't think its wrong to teach a child to stand up for what's right even if it means toppling a bully in Disney World. I'd like to think that the child was proud of mom for standing up to two complete strangers and defending her when unjustly accused of line cutting. Again, people can see things differently, but I'd be proud to teach my child that they can count on mom to protect them.

A stranger accusing you of line cutting is not a danger or threat to your child. The child was probably unaware of the hubbub in the first place. Seeing Mom get in people's faces over the smallest of things teaches the child to sweat the small stuff. There is a saying about picking your battles. Protecting your child from a REAL threat is one thing, going off on strangers during what should be a happy vacation is another.
A stranger accusing you of line cutting is not a danger or threat to your child. The child was probably unaware of the hubbub in the first place. Seeing Mom get in people's faces over the smallest of things teaches the child to sweat the small stuff. There is a saying about picking your battles. Protecting your child from a REAL threat is one thing, going off on strangers during what should be a happy vacation is another.

I disagree with this. First of all I believe the OP said the child grabbed the Mom to let her know this stranger had approached her. I would not stand for some stranger speaking to my child like this. My daughter knows it is my job to "keep her safe" and she knows I will do it.

As far as a stranger accusing you of line cutting not being a "danger or threat", I disagree with that as well. I personally had some woman get out of her car and walk up to my car in a drive thru and grab and pinch my arm (all she could reach) while calling me every name in the book(telling me she would beat my - - -. When the police caught her she told them she did it because she thought I had cut her off. (The officer pointed out I had done nothing wrong-she had made an illegal lane change). She also told the police that if she had had her gun with her she would have used it. This happened in Orlando!
And on the subject of Meltdowns!
I spend a lot of time in WDW, I have seen my share of meltdowns from children. They happen, it is hot, the kids are tired, Disney can be overwhelming. But the meltdowns I don't understand are the PARENTS. The ones who scream at children. Some "memorable ones" 1)We are here to have fun, you can sleep at home. 2)We spent ALOT of money to bring you here now enjoy it! 3)Stop crying that you are tired and SMILE!

I have heard adults yell these things at their children,some of the children were too young to even understand why they were being yelled at.
What about a picture taking approach? When your kid is in the midst of a fit - whip out the digi cam and snap their scowl, pout, or frown. Then put it on display, and show to them what a grump they are being.

I know there is some site where people can post pictures and info from people they had unpleasantly encountered in public - like the camera phone video of a lady changing her baby's diaper on a restaurant dinner table or the details of the conversation the person who was talking too loud on her phone in the post office.

Careful - you do NOT wanna end up there.

Speaking of ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6icPodjaA

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!
I have seen several things while at the world. The one thing you have to realize is that Disney is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, so you are bound to see some nasty guests while you are there.

Some of the more memorable and funny things I have seen are:

A women walking with her three teenage kids saying "This is supposed to be the most magical place in the world, and you three are making it a nightmare."

Another one was: Two sweet old ladies waiting on line for Honey I Shrunk the Audience, and they started having an argument, and one said to the other "Shut your Hole". The first time I ever heard that expression. Very Funny.
Has anyone ever smelled pot at disney? when we were there a couple of times we smelled someone smoking while we waited for the bus. Anyone else had this experience?
Has anyone ever smelled pot at disney? when we were there a couple of times we smelled someone smoking while we waited for the bus. Anyone else had this experience?


Hoo boy! Ah well ... at least you'd know who it belongs to when you are in the bus line and some people near by are doing ... :dance3:
I disagree with this. First of all I believe the OP said the child grabbed the Mom to let her know this stranger had approached her. I would not stand for some stranger speaking to my child like this. My daughter knows it is my job to "keep her safe" and she knows I will do it.

As far as a stranger accusing you of line cutting not being a "danger or threat", I disagree with that as well. I personally had some woman get out of her car and walk up to my car in a drive thru and grab and pinch my arm (all she could reach) while calling me every name in the book(telling me she would beat my - - -. When the police caught her she told them she did it because she thought I had cut her off. (The officer pointed out I had done nothing wrong-she had made an illegal lane change). She also told the police that if she had had her gun with her she would have used it. This happened in Orlando!

Part of the problem is that I don't know what these letters mean. I don't know what DD and OP and all of that are. Unless someone actually, physically touches you or your child, it's not worth the fuss. If you do not contend, then no one can contend with you. Those are the words of Lao Tzu, and they are very true. I would never want to teach my daughter to get into arguments and verbal confrontations with people over silly things like someone being mistaken over line cutting. I know I would just tell the woman that this is my daughter and that we aren't line cutting. I'd say the Cast Member waved us over to this spot. I'd even ask her if she wanted to go in front of us. What's the big deal? I think some people are just defensive and confrontational and others are not. I choose to take the high road unless it's a dire emergency.
I thought the Disney Boards would be a nice, friendly place. I have to say I am really disappointed.
I thought the Disney Boards would be a nice, friendly place. I have to say I am really disappointed.

Just because people disagree with you, it does not mean that they are not nice.
If you liked pink and another person liked brown, would you too think they are mean?

I disagree with several things here said but that will not keep me from talking to or even posing back and forth to them.
If a guy is going "psycho" and yelling at a Cast Member, why would you go up to him and tell him anything? Why not just get away from that guy as fast as possible???
Part of the problem is that I don't know what these letters mean. I don't know what DD and OP and all of that are.

DD = Dear Daughter
DS is Dear Son, DH Dear Husband, DM Dear Mom, DF Dear Fiance or Dear Friend, DGS Dear Grandson...kind of like that :)

OP= Original Poster, the one who started the thread
PP= Previous Poster, someone who posted in the thread above you...like "I agree with what the PP said..."

Here is a list of abbreviations that might be helpful http://www.wdwinfo.com/abbreviations.htm

I notice from your post count you are really new :flower3: There is a lot of good info here, and a lot of wonderful people. Some thread topics have kind of heated or enthusiastic discussions :eek: :mad: :scared: I usually try to stay away from ones that start, "I know I'm gonna get flamed for this"... I do sometimes disagree with posts that I read, but try not to take it personally. Everyone has different opinions. :confused3


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