8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 9

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over time if you use reg detergent in the HE washer it wears out the rubber somethingie thats what happens to one of my coworkers he was just telling me the other nite :confused3

I would use the correct detergent also.
On the news right now they are talking about how Stephen Grant cut up his wife at his machine shop. How horrible.
i just did some not much ketcuping lot has happened
i hope everything is ok with bip:grouphug:
i havent checked my email but nobody better be messing with our lisa she is the woman!!!:worship:
im off to bed hope everyone has a good nite
Jonesing - hope you don't mind putting my 2 cents in but let me share something that happened to me on the 11-Nighter in Sept. For some reason, right in the middle of the cruise - about 5 days in - in Antigua to be exact, I lost over 500 photos on my 4 gig card - compactflash. It ended up being some kind of spark or someone got a hold of it and JUMBLED everything - my friend called it mojo'd. Anyway, to make a long story short somewhat, tried to recover it in some shop. NOPE! All gone - I was going to reformat but some little voice told me not too. Then I got home and contacted a friend who had friends in HIGH HIGH places. W/O going into details my photos were finally recovered but no thanks to me.

My friend HIGHLY suggested that I still to a 1 GB and buy several of them - he also suggested to stick to SanDisk as most government agencies use that brand and have the software to recover any info. (Read into it what you want here :cool2: - AKA Witness Protection ;) ) I, however didn't listen and when he said 1, I thought he said 2 and went out and bought a SanDisk Extremem Fast 2 GB - scared to use it but have since bought several other 1 gb just in case! Anyway, back to my story - lost only about 15 of them and several were patchworked together but the one I most wanted - my MASTERCARD PRICELESS memory ones were finally recovered - I told you all that I had a photogod watching over me - when I finally learn how to resize correctly just may have to post those - they're hilarious - ask some of the 11_nighters that have seen them - :rotfl2: :lmao:

(Lets just say it involves DH, Brand new camcorder and the Devil's Triangle!)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

grrrrrrrrrr :mad:
stinkin' router died while I was trying to post...

I've had a card fart out on me but recovered the images using specialty software (we have it at work). But nowadays, you can get that recovery software either online or on the memory product itself.

The Lexar Pro card DW uses has never had a problem. The idea of using several 2-4Gb cards rather than one 8Gb card is noteworthy. They have a new line of 300X cards coming out...MUCH faster than they 80X card that DW has.

Insofar as agency use goes, they have a new line of cards with "LockTight" encryption security...
"LockTight CF cards will not be accessible on any computer without LockTight Access software and a valid User Name and Password. In addition Locktight CF cards will only work with LockTight enabled cameras for which it has been authorized. This Ensures a high level of data security if a LockTight CF card is ever lost, stolen or inadvertently falls into the wrong hands."​
Pretty sweet if you need that level of image security on the card!

But I keep forgetting....we have over a YEAR to get this stuff so there's no hurry! :laughing: Shoot, she might not even have the same camera by then!
i just did some not much ketcuping lot has happened
i hope everything is ok with bip:grouphug:
i havent checked my email but nobody better be messing with our lisa she is the woman!!!:worship:
im off to bed hope everyone has a good nite

Well, time for bed. DD wants to go to school early tomorrow. Have to take her in at 6:30. She needs to meet with her Math teacher. I hate how they grade math homework. Give them 30 problems and only pick one or two to grade. So if you get one wrong you get an F. Could have all the others right but still fail. She has a new math teacher this semester. Went from an A+ to a C because of this.
I like that idea JOHN......I will pick smiley position #21!

You are truly funny!

Wait a minute. It was MY idea and JOHN is getting all the credit???

I am the funny one. <pout>

Lisa I won't be a problem....we won't be bringing any luggage.....we'll be wearing two weeks worth of clothes on our backs.......and toothbrushes will be in my purse........I will however, have a 400 lb backpack of booze and 2 blenders, so that will take up some space :rotfl:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: This isn't the nonelimination round of AR. :lmao:
Oh I had one of those last week. Chased by zombies while I was holding a pitch fork. The only thing to get rid of them was a HUGE inflatable monkey!

What did I have for dinner that night!


Nutmeg? Nutmeg has the same hallucinogenic effects as LSD but much nasty-er side effects. Got to eat a lot of it too.
Well, time for bed. DD wants to go to school early tomorrow. Have to take her in at 6:30. She needs to meet with her Math teacher. I hate how they grade math homework. Give them 30 problems and only pick one or two to grade. So if you get one wrong you get an F. Could have all the others right but still fail. She has a new math teacher this semester. Went from an A+ to a C because of this.

That stinks!

Night Laura.
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