Bizarre Meal at Flying Fish


Apr 7, 2004
DH and I planned a nice romantic evening on Jan 1 at the Flying Fish at BW. We had eaten there before and knew that the food would be good. It was very crowded at WDW, but we had no trouble getting in with our ADR for 7:45pm. We were seated at the same time as another, much younger couple. They had the table next to us. Our waiter, Bradlee, immediately came over to get our drink order. We ordered their cabernet flight, the couple next to us ordered glass of the Pinot Noir on special that evening. Since we knew what we wanted, we ordered food immediately. Bradlee returned a few minutes later with a bottle of Willamette Pinot Noir and started pouring for us, I immediately reminded him that we ordered the cab flight. No problem he said. He assured us that he wouldn't charge us for the PN. Then he turned to the table next to us and poured them a 'taste' of the Pinot Noir and left. Well, we were a little confused, but it was early. He returned with the cab flight and asked us for our order. We reminded him that we had placed it and he looked on his notepad, sure enough it was there. Before he went off, he turned to the other table and asked if they wanted a drink. They asked for the Pinot Noir again.

Well, I had the boston bib salad (with pears and gorgonzola) and DH had the crab cake as starters. They were excellent! Meantime, table next to us has ordered dinner and finally got their wine. Our cab flight was also very good.

Dinner came, we had the potato-wrapped snapper and DH had the salmon. Both were excellent. Bradlee, upon removing emptied dishes, would say, "Oh I can tell you didn't like that." He was very friendly and told us he was 47, grew up in Mich.... Meantime, the other table finally got their salads.
During dinner, he brought us a different cabernet (that we also had not ordered), poured us each a glass and told us it was on the house. Well, we didn't want to turn a good cab down. It was $90 a bottle (not that there was any bottle under $50 on their menu). And things were pretty weird. We were now talking to the neighbors at the next table about Bradlee's behavior. They were apparently getting free salad.

Anyway, since we were in a good mood, we ordered dessert: a chocolate trio and an apple tart. Bradlee took the order and couldn't believe we didn't want coffee. 5 minutes later, he was back with the dessert menu looking at us. I immediately assumed that the kitchen ran out of something. I said "what no chocolate." Bradlee looked at us blankly and said he could get us anything on the dessert menu. So DH and I repeated our order. Apparently, he had forgotten. He left, and when he returned, he asked table next to us what they wanted for dessert. They wanted nothing -- they had a long drive back to Daytona and it was already 9:15. Bradlee then proceeded to roll up the menu and hit the lady next to me on the head. After he left, she looked at us dumbfounded and admitted that she had never been hit by a waiter before! A few minutes later, Bradlee was back with spoons and forks, he looked at DH and I and asked us if we wanted dessert. Okay... at that point, we decided to give up. After all, the wine was gone. I told Bradlee that we had to get back to the kids, it was late, we needed our bill... (a white lie as my kids are teens and were out on the town at WDW eating chicken nuggets and pizza). Bradlee gave me a kiss and left to get it. [Yes, this story gets better.]

At this point, I left the FF to call the kids (who I had just remembered). When I returned DH was sitting at the table with a new bottle of wine and a couple of Disney paper cups. I have to say that I was surprised at this turn. It seems that along with delivering the bill, Bradlee wanted us to try a new cabernet and he wanted us to take it with us, in the paper cups, and the bottle, too.... This was too much. The tables around us were perceiving that there was something weird going on. DH and I decided Bradlee had a few cabs too many back in the kitchen.

We paid the bill in cash ($120 which included the cab flights, the appetizers and the entrees). Fortunately, the bill was for what we ordered, however we got a better deal thru Bradlee! I picked up my paper cup and went to the bar where I saw someone who looked like the manager. I tried to explain the evening to her, but I don't think she understood. She looked at the paper cups and said that 'wine in go cups is not allowed in the state of Florida.' At this point, DH walked up and reluctantly was told to surrender his cup. I told her that Bradlee was either drunk or was off his meds. Check with the table next to us! She said that she hadn't had a complaint about Bradlee all night. At this point, Bradlee came up and gave me another kiss! and hugged DH with a big "I love you." I was miffed as Bradlee didn't love me! I don't know what she thought of the business. We left very quickly, waving to the other couple through the window.

I doubt anyone else would have a similar experience at FF. Frankly, I was surprised that the other waitstaff hadn't reported him. I don't think we will be eating there again though. Too many 'weird' memories.
Omg I don't know whether to laugh, or be shocked it just kept getting better and better. I think I would have started refusing things once it started getting odd. I would have been a bit miffed and would have told him to get his manager ifact he popped me on the head. It does sound like something was off with him (to use the expression a hamburger short of a happy meal) that night. Sorry you had such an weird dinner.
We had similar but not so many weird moments with Bradlee on our December visit. He forgot we had ordered apps!! He also commented that we must not have liked something when we cleaned the plate. He is an ODD dude!!:hippie:
Wow. Hey at least you got a good story out of it!!!

Now I don't know whether I should ask for Bradlee or try to avoid him. TO tell the truth it sounds like you guys had quite an adventure and in the end it was pretty harmless. :rotfl:
LOL just the sheer comedy of this server is almost enough to have me considering changing one of our adr's to FF. This is the most bizarre experience I have heard about anywhere.
Oh my goodness, this post had me so laughing out loud! I read it to my sister over the phone and was nearly in tears. I'm glad you had such a good attitude (well, I would too with all that fre wine!) and thanks for sharing your experience.
FF is probably our favorite.
I think next time just for laughs, I will request Bradlee, if he's still there. :lmao:
Thanks for posting your dining adventure.
Bradlee then proceeded to roll up the menu and hit the lady next to me on the head. After he left, she looked at us dumbfounded and admitted that she had never been hit by a waiter before!

popcorn:: WOW

I wonder if Bradlee knows Tigger :rotfl:

Maybe Bradlee is Tigger :tigger: incognito:cool2:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
OMG, I've never heard of anything like this before. I think we will request Bradlee (if he is still employed) next time!:rotfl2:
We won't be dining there until August but we may have to request Bradlee.

You certainly had a strange and entertaining evening! I know my DH and I would have had a good time with him LOL.
Dinner came, we had the potato-wrapped snapper and DH had the salmon. Both were excellent. Bradlee, upon removing emptied dishes, would say, "Oh I can tell you didn't like that."

I can see a waiter saying that tongue in cheek. I know my own grandmother has been known to say that when I was a kid after I've scarfed down a bowl of ice cream or whatever.

But something was definitely off with this guy. Maybe a little self medicating going on, or not enough? Either way, what a Twilight Zone-ish experience! How did you keep a straight face through it all? We would've been on the floor rolling with laughter!
That's funny! Definitely weird. :rotfl:

Too bad you were upfront about the free bottle of wine and that it got confiscated. Maybe you should have kept that bit from the manager. ;)
Oh my goodness. Too funny. So funny I found this post linked on the Canadian board. Where I'm sure it will be cherished for days to come!!!!

My vote is for ecstasy because of his "very loving" behaviour. Well besides the hit on the head.


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