Yikes, decided to really go scrap booking! HELP!!!!!!!!


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Apr 27, 2000
Ok here is the scoop. When DD was born I wanted to make her an album she can take with her when she (sigh) moves out many years from now. I started with an album someone gave me covered in fabric, stick on pages....I just cut the pictures in silly shapes and stuck them on and put a little blurb about it....now almost 6 years later I decide it was time to upgrade! So Ihave some questions
I have a hard time choosing pictures. Is it best to just use a few from an event or day of trip instead of tons of pictures? (I do have my own album which is just pockets, with every picture I take.
also should you only put 2-4 pictures on a page? Do you put pictures on the back, I mean seperate page but in the same plastic holder thing?
How do you save news paper clippings? Locks of hair? Ribbons etc...I realize I shouldn't have any of this touching the actual pictures.
I just got back from Michael's a bought a bunch of die cast...it really can get expensive.
Where does everyone buy their stuff? Would love to find some ballet pages or cut outs. They only had stickers!
thanks everyone!
Hello fellow scrapbook addict (I've found that you can't be a scrapbooker without being addicted):p

As for the pictures, I usually try and stick with full layouts (meaning 2 pages laying open) and on that I try and use 7-9 photos depending how much I crop. And yes I do use a seperate sheet for back and put in the same sleeve. Works perfect and makes the turning of pages stronger.

I would love to write more but MSN is getting ready to shut down for maint... I'll try to get back soon. In the mean time you should check out Creating Keepsakes.com Lots of ideas and the magazine is wonderful.

Good Luck
Spinning--I have found that each person seems to find their own personal style as they get into scrapbooking. I took a class some years back and they suggested 4-6 pictures per page. Some of my pages have many more than that, and sometimes 1 pictures seems to be worth a thousand words. Sometimes I have pictures from an event that take up one page or several. I try not to use "duplicate" pictures, and I try to eliminate the ones that aren't great (closed eyes, heads cut off the tops of pictures etc...) As far as locks of hair and other small mementos, I like to use "memoribilia pockets" to store that stuff. I think the brand I use is by 3M (the scotch tape people!) They are adhesive on the back and you can stick them right down on your scrapbook page and then put your stuff inside and close the flap. You should be able to find them at your local craft/scrapbooking store. I have heard that the best thing to do with newspaper clippings is copy them onto acid free paper. But I will admit, I have been guilty of putting the actual clipping in my album. You are right, you need to make sure that anything you use that is not acid free/lignin free does not touch your photographs. I like to put "page protectors" onto my finished pages and then I am sure that any questionable materials are not touching the photos on the opposite pages when the book is closed. Sorry this is long, and I hope it helps a little.
Happy Scrapping! :pinkbounc
thanks! I plan to start today! While DD is in preschool! Plus it looks like rain so seems like a good day for it! Has anyone bought anything from QVC? I looked at their web site and the stuff seems much cheaper. Just wondering! But I can see how it can be very addicting! All the stuff you can buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spinning: I have bought some things from QVC - some are good prices, some are not. Depending on where you are in PA (as I am too) I could recommend some places to go for good items.

hi I am actually fairly close to you. I live in Media. I was at Michael's and plan to go to ACMooreonce I get started! Need to see what I need or want
but I would love to know of any other discount places. I want to also stop in at Frank's sometimes they have good sales too or discounted stuff. Thanks
I recommend not buying a lot of "stuff" until you see what you actually use.

I bought quite a few pair of fancy sissors when I started out, but mostly use just two, deckel and corner rounder. Likewise, stickers. I can never figure out where to stick 'em so that they're not competeing for attention with the pictures. And I doubt I will ever use up all the paper i've bought!
I have been scrapping for several years now and I have just a couple additional things to add to the great posts above.

1. I agree with the above, DON'T get caught up in buying a million pairs of scissors cause I guarantee you won't use them!

2. Having said that, Unfortunately, I think the one thing that all new scrappers tend to do, is cut up there ORIGINAL pictures with crazy shaped scissors-PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!!! You will totally regret it later on!! Plus, you will find that the rough edging can be very distracting and actually take away from the picture!

3. Stick to simple pages and you will find a much cleaner, less disturbing page that focuses on the actual pictures rather than the actual artwork. Don't get me wrong, I love to embelish my pages creatively but, sometimes it can be way overdone.

As far as the best supplys to buy: The number one supply I can think of is my 12 X 12 paper cutter. It is essential to keep lines straight!

As far as paper, I LOVE IT!!!! I have a ton of it! But, I find I generally use mostly acid/lignin free cardstock. There is a rainbow of colors available! Have you considered buying any supplys on line? If so, let me know and I will connect you with a number of wonderful sites. If you need any additional help feel free to ask! Sorry that this is so long!! Patty
everyone thanks for the input. Lots of good advice and info especially not to over buy! I have been back to Micheal's twice but mainly to look and I needed more glue. So far the only thing I would like to change with my books, I would like to buy actual scrap book books, the ones that have the paper in it already. I just don't like dealing with the plastic sleeves. But that is ok! I will soon have them filled and can move on.
I'm not to found of the decorative paper! Never sure where to stick the pictures! Plus some times I feel it over takes some of the pictures!

Thanks for all of the info as for cutting the pictures I always get doubles, I have my pocket albums that every pictures goes in and is in order! So I don't mind cutting up pictures. I will leave some hole or mostly in tact!
Also I would buy off line. I looked at some of the sites people has posted on other threads. But I wanted to wait until I really figured it all out! Always seems when I shop on line I spend more because I buy more! LOL! You can email with your sites or post them here. I am sure everyone would love to know!
Spinning, you are SO organized!!! Even though I have been scrapping for several years, I still have a million pictures sitting in envelopes waiting for me to get to them! I bet you even scrap in order too! Boy do I envy you because my scrapbooks are in no specific order at all. I will gather my list of online vendors and post them to the group later on today. Happy scrapping! Patty
Actually you just raised another question! LOL! I have been trying to figure out whether it would be best to do one scrap book that is all vacation, another school year, ballet classes, sports, etc....what do you think? Yes I am a wee bit too organized when it comes to my pics! No one is allowed to look at them until they are in their little plastic sleeves! So I think that is why I am going nuts trying to figure out how to actually scrap! I am pretty much caught up now, just one more DIsney trip and I think Christmas. But then to figure out how....to put it together. I have those sleeve to use! See I want to give these books to my kids when they are grown. So I don't know if keeping them in order is best or make special ones. I was thinking school and activities might be nice to do seperate! What do you think? Thanks Sondra
It's so funny that you should ask that question because after I wrote to you I began to re-think my whole setup! When I first started scrapping they said to start from now and go backwards. Okay, that's what I did. But, I ended up with 2 huge scrapbooks that contained anything and everything! The thing that worries me about this is, I have 3 kids- now I have to go back and somehow split them up between the 3 of them! If i just started out doing separate albums in the first place I would have been much better off.
If I were you, I would keep each event separate. I would have one album for Christmas, one for school, one for professional portraits etc. This would be easy for you to do seeing that you are so organized! I belong to a few scrapbooking clubs and this is pretty much how most people do it. In some cases where there is more than one child in the picture, I have heard of the mom scrapping the same page two or three times so that each child would have the same pages in each of their books. Ummm..no thanks!
By the way, I think its great that you put them right in the album before letting anyone see them. My husband has tried to get me to do this for years!
I am so jealous that you are so caught up! I took 30 rolls of film in Disney back in December and haven't scrapped a page yet!!! Okay, this is long enough! Let me know what you decide! patty
Hi patty,
We seem to be thinking about this a lot today. I think I have decided to do several books in the future. I think i will keep one in order which will have summer fun, holidays, friends and trips. Then I will make one for my DD who just started ballet this past year, and will keep that up as a sports/dance extra activities. And will do the same when DS starts. then I think I want to do a school book. I think that one would be a hoot to look back over the years! Put in teacher letters report cards.
Thanks for all of your help!
Hi. I have just really started scrapping this year and because of the fun I've had, become a creative memories consultant! With all my classes that I hold, I've gotten lots of different ideas about what kind of albums to do. So, these are my thoughts:

Start recent. If you have a special picture of someone, make a duplicate of it and then put it aside. What I am doing right now is a 2001 book. I have the year to date with all of our pictures. My kids (2-DS, DD) - I will be making them each a book (choosing a color of album for each child). I'll use the duplicate pictures from my main album and then any pictures specifically that I saved for them. Most of the memoribelia will go into their books (dance class programs, music recitals, tickets stubs). Instead of doing separate sports albums, I'll just add it to their album that will include anything and everything about them!

Then I will do separate baby books for each child; I have already finished an ABC book for my 2 year old. And I'm getting pictures together for a small, quick album from our wedding 15 years ago.

And finally, I have my Disney trips in their own albums (a different color from what I've chosen for everyone else.) Have lots of fun! I know that they just opened a Michaels in Wilmington DE on Concord Pike - NO TAX!



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