Yeeha - A fistful of Euros! Part 4

A Small World

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Feb 22, 2007
Trip report part 4- - Yeeha -A fistful of Euros!

Tuesday 25th March- the return.

Me - 5th time to DLP
DH - 5th time to DLP
DD (8) - 5th time to DLP
DS (21) - 1st time to DLP but has been to WDW 3 times but not for over 10 yrs

Well it was time to leave the freezing cold (but peaceful) caravan behind and return to (crazy) civilisation- otherwise known as DLP.
We had packed most of the car last night and were really glad we had done so as when we woke we found it had snowed again. By now things were packed into different bags – dirty washing and things we didn’t think we’d need at DLP into one case (separated by having the dirty stuff in a bag within the case) to be left in the car until we returned home almost a week later, clothes for DLP, an overnight bag for our last night in the caravan, along with loads of other bits and pieces. That’s the beauty of the car- everything can just be thrown in the boot and doesn’t need to be in a bag. Ever optimistic I kept the sun lotion handy just in case!!!! Equally handy were the hats and gloves and umbrella. Anyhow up and dressed we packed the bedding and overnight stuff into the boot. Wet towels were dumped. We were off. We’d had a good time relaxing on the campsite but were ready now for some more Disney magic.
This time we didn’t follow the signs to Paris so hit the right road and within an hour were at DLP. Once again we parked in New York and after a quick toilet visit were heading through the Village.
First stop was the Buffalo Bill kiosk to try to book for that evening. No problem there were still places left. We produced our dream AP and got the good discount.
We had decided to go into the studios today – mainly as we knew it would be a shorter day due to going later to book in to Cheyenne and going to Buffalo Bills.
The park had already opened when we went in but hadn’t been open long.
We wandered through Studio 1 and DH headed off to get FPs for TOT. Myself and DD weren’t really sure if we were going to do this but had thought we might as well get the passes anyhow. Whilst DH was getting the passes the rest of us wandered over to Cars. I love this film so love riding this at least once every trip and looking at the theming in the queueing area. There was already quite a big queue for it but we decided we might as well wait. DH returned and joined us. Before too long it was our turn and we all managed to squeeze into one car – quite an achievement considering both DH and I are quite Pooh shaped. We did wonder if they might move one of us out (3 adults in a car) but they didn’t. All too soon the ride was over.
Whilst in the queue we had seen Emile from Ratatouille so decided to go and see if he was still there. When we got there he had been replaced by Remy so we joined the queue – not too long. We were at the very front when Remy left and Emile returned. We weren’t really too bothered as we hadn’t met either before however Emile wasn’t able to sign autographs.

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By then it was time for our FP for TOT. Crunch time!!!! DD was keen to try it so I thought why not!!!! What have I got to lose?!!!!!! No one else knows me here!!!!!!
Im not a fan of the thrill rides. The only coaster I will do is BTM and it was only last summer (our 3rd trip) that I was willing to ride it more than once and decided I actually liked it rather than just suffered it. No way will I ride anything that goes upside down and I hate Orbitron as Im sure Im going to fall out.
Anyhow back to TOT. We entered the hotel and made our way through to the pre show and were then directed to the lift area. The themeing was very well done but to be honest its all a bit of a haze as I was still wondering at this stage if Id done the right thing.
We entered the lift and realised we had been given seats right at the front!!! As we were last to enter the lift I somehow thought we would be at the back but no. The CM was wonderful and was staring at us as we entered. He then asked us to check our seat belts and instructed us no photography looking right at me– as if I had the capability to hold or operate a camera while on there. To do that it would mean letting go of the seat and uncurling my fists!!!!!. I shook my head at him so again he looked right at me saying “Peur? Frightened?” Again I nodded my head to which he laughed in an evil way and said “Just wait” or something like that. Then it was off. Wow!!! I didnt know if we were going up or down. The seat seemed to leave my bum and gave the sensation that I was going up and the seat was going down!!! Then the door opened. What a view – yes I even had my eyes open (for a while anyhow).
I got off the ride feeling so brave and…. yes I would do it again.
DD wasn’t sure if she had enjoyed it or not and at one point was saying she would never do it again but by the end of the holiday she said she’d do it again for me (I reminded her that I wasn’t brave enough to do R and R or Crush on previous trips for her) so I think we may well be doing it again in Summer- Watch this space.

After that we decided to go and get some lunch. We went to Backstage Café and joined the queue – Croque Monsieurs for the adults and Mickey Pizza for DD with 3 hot drinks, iced tea for DD and Cookies and Muffins to share. We experienced the slowness of getting fast food as the queue to pay was moving so slowly.
After we had eaten we realised we could make the next Cinemagique show so wandered over there. Really enjoyed this as usual. We came out just in time to hear the parade music and managed to get a reasonable place just outside Cinemagique to watch it.

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We are sorry to see this parade go and wanted to be able to see it one last time. It brought back lots of memories as last time we watched it-last summer- was when we were riding on Mickeys float with him. As someone else has reported Chip and Dale were messing around and pinching balloons from the CM carrying them and Cruella was scowling as usual. We then decided to go on the Tram Tour. We didn’t have too long to wait and the heat from the fire in the 2 scenes was very welcome on a cold day.
We did a bit of exploring and admiring the new area and DD decided to investigate what was behind this door Aarghhhhhh!!!!!!

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A lot of energy was created by the scream machine.

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We tried out the Flying Carpets and then decided to watch Animagique – another favourite.

By this time we decided we needed a break so decided to go to check in at Cheyenne and sort ourselves out. We browsed in the shops on the way out and made our way back to New York to collect the car then drove a few yards to Cheyenne. DD and DS waited in the car while we went to check in. We chose our breakfast times (early) and asked about GMF breakfasts. The CM went to check but said there were no more left but we could keep checking as some may become available. There was a bit of confusion at first as we realised we were being given a breakfast ticket for Tuesday 7am on Tuesday 4pm until we explained that it was Tuesday so we didn’t need it. As we were walking away from reception with keys/leaflets etc he called us back as he had just found one GMF voucher under the counter. It was for Friday at 9.45. Perfect just what we wanted – a late GMF on a day we planned to do EMH.
We sorted out which bags we wanted and carried them to our room in Billy the Kid block.

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Our room was in a perfect position – not too far from reception/shop etc but facing away from the ‘street’ towards the river. It was overlooking the play area which would probably be quite noisy in Summer but was very quiet at that time. We unpacked the kettle and supplies (important things first) and soon had a welcome cuppa in our hands.
DH, DD and I then went for a walk to explore. We looked in the shop and checked out the bar and restaurant and then went to find the path into the park. DD then explored the play area.
It was then time to return for our evening at Buffalo Bills. We went here last Easter and really enjoyed it however were unsure whether to return or not. In the end we decided we would especially as DS wasn’t with us last time. We went in and were given our hats and seats. As DS has slight asthma we asked not to be too near the front. We were in the red area.

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td colspan="2"><embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="452" height="359" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A//" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:0px;background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="left"><img src=""><a target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td><td style="background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="right"><a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td></tr></table>

We watched the pre show and then found our seats, We were about 3 rows from the back and had a brilliant view however we had the worst service possible. The servers came round serving drinks and went to every row except ours. They were then going back to the same people again refilling their glasses and then started serving food and still we hadn’t had anything to drink. There was another family on our row and they were also waiting for drinks. In the end we had to call the server over and ask. He said he’d get someone to bring us some. A server then came with the jugs of drink and went to the row in front of us and started refilling theirs. The server we had asked about drinks dashed over to him and directed him to our row. At last I was beginning to think we were invisible or something. We also seemed very late receiving our food. Last time I seem to remember having eaten most of our meal before the show started but this time we had only just started. We had trouble getting more drinks as well and had to ask again. We enjoyed it but not as much as last time- I think partly because we knew what was coming and partly because we were trying to concentrate on eating. The hassle getting a drink certainly didn’t help either.
After the show we wandered through the village to Sequoia Lodge for a drink in the bar. Because everyone else seems to rave about the cocktails so much we decided we had to try them. Can’t remember which ones we had but we all had different (and of course tried each others). They were all delicious.
We then wandered back to Cheyenne to fall into bed ready for EMH the following day.
What a fun filled day you had. I love your parade photos. :goodvibes
Sounds great fun, and you were VERY brave!! Much braver than me by the way.
I've heard such mixed things about Buffalo Bill's. Can't decide whether to go there or not. I think DS(6) would enjoy it but not sure DD(3) would. Do you sit on stools or benches? The stress of keeping DD seated on a stool for 2 hours might just be too great!
Sounds like another fun filled day. If you can brave ToT and would go on it aain, I'm sure some of the coaster would be a breeze for you!!
Excellent day :)
Shame about Emile as he signed DS and DDs book when we were there last summer :goodvibes
A busy day. I love the photos. Its great you were able to brave TOT, I can't wait to try this & I have been trying to avoid reading too much about it as I want it to be a complete surprise:thumbsup2
Sounds great fun, and you were VERY brave!! Much braver than me by the way.
I've heard such mixed things about Buffalo Bill's. Can't decide whether to go there or not. I think DS(6) would enjoy it but not sure DD(3) would. Do you sit on stools or benches? The stress of keeping DD seated on a stool for 2 hours might just be too great!

We really enjoyed Buffalo Bills last year (our first time). I just dont think its as good once you've seen it once.
You sit on long benches - about 9 to a bench I think
Another great day. I don't think I'll be brave enough to ride TOT :scared1: but well done to you!:cool1:
Super report ... and thanks for the tip about Buffalo Bills. My DD& has asthma too ... did you ask on the night to be seated a little bit back, or prior to the show when you booked it ?

Are seat pre-allocated ... or is it a "tussle" and stampede to sit down ?
Well done going on TOT. Hubby wants me to go on with him when we go back in July. NO WAY. I haven't even picked up the courage to go on BTM after 2 visits:eek:

When we were there in Feb we were in Billy The Kid facing the fort. I thought it was going to be noisy, but the fort was only open the last 2 days of our trip.

When we return we are taking our caravan and staying on a site 15 mins drive away. Even though it will be July, think I will take hot water bottles ( "Be prepared", as my daughters Beavers Group says ) This is coming from someone who also took suncream/sunglasses/sunhat in February::rolleyes1

Look forward to hearing about the rest of your holiday.
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Well, after braving it's a small world, TOT must have seemed a doddle!! :laughing:

That's a lovely first day you had. I know what you mean about Buffalo Bill's. We really enjoyed it when we went but don't feel the need to rush back.
Great day - glad you tried TOT . It is good to try once if only for the theming :goodvibes
Super report ... and thanks for the tip about Buffalo Bills. My DD& has asthma too ... did you ask on the night to be seated a little bit back, or prior to the show when you booked it ?

Are seat pre-allocated ... or is it a "tussle" and stampede to sit down ?

Sorry probably too late to answer this as I think you've set off but seats are allocated when you arrive. We asked then about being seated a bit further back.
You really did have a Western theme to this trip!

Did you enjoy the Backstage Cafe? What is a Croque Monsieur?

Hotel Cheyenne looks like a fun place to stay. Sorry you didn't care for Buffalo Bill's as much this time. Did your son at least enjoy it? (since he hadn't seen it before).

Was your food good at least there? Is there a seperate offering for children or same food served? Did you try any vegetarian options?
JC -From what I recall children had a smaller portion of the adult meal and a different dessert (choc pudding instead of apple cobbler).There is also a veggie choice which I think is pasta.
A Croque Monsieur is a cheese and ham or cheese and mushromm toastie that's been dipped in egg. It's scrummy

You were brave to go on ToT :scared1: . I was terrified on the one in WDW.

I'm impressed you got three adults on the cars ride we thought we did well with 2 adults in the back (we are slightly pooh shaped too :lmao: )

I don't like Orbitron either (or Dumbo) . I feel like I'm about to fall out of both.

Sounds like a great day :goodvibes :thumbsup2
You really did have a Western theme to this trip!

Did you enjoy the Backstage Cafe? What is a Croque Monsieur?

Hotel Cheyenne looks like a fun place to stay. Sorry you didn't care for Buffalo Bill's as much this time. Did your son at least enjoy it? (since he hadn't seen it before).

Was your food good at least there? Is there a seperate offering for children or same food served? Did you try any vegetarian options?

Yes it was a real Western Holiday. DS enjoyed BBs and the food was nice. There is a separte childrens meal- they dont get the Chilli as starter and get chicken, sausage and potatoes then its now ice cream lolly as dessert. Sorry we didnt try the veggie option
:rotfl: @ pooh shaped ! wow 3 ad and 1 ch to a car ! good going

cant wait to go on cars again

and i hope we get to have pics taken with Emile and/or Remy :goodvibes


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