Won't beleive what I just saw in the back yard!!!!!!

Congratulations, Malificent!
I thought I was doing good that my daffodils are all up! :flower:
I couldn't beleive it when I saw their little flashing lights, can not ever remember them being this early in the season.

Daffodils are all but finished here...we are in zone 7

Lightening bugs would have had their coats and hats on around here yesterday. Down right cold. I worked in the garden and was wondering why I'm rushing, had to wear a long sleeve shirt and 2 sweat shirts. We even got flurries last light, thats right SNOW FLURRIES!

I'm thinking about plants and it snowing, forget the plants concentrate on my trip, we leave for DC on saturday. I'm over here trying to rush in some garden work before we leave, forget the yard, get your bags packed.

I need to work friday night so everything needs to be ready, but I have the garden itch. My blood runs green this time of year, and it's so hard to get things done indoors. Even when it's freezing.
Yeah for lightening bugs!

The lawn mowers were out in force around here, grass is green and growing. My veggie seedlings are doing fine, in the house of course.

Enjoy your trip, Mamu!

Wow, that must've been a surprise! Spring has sprung here with tulips beginning to open and forsythia in full bloom :sunny:
Our crocuses have gone by, now we are waiting for the daffodils and then the tulips and forsythia. I feel like they are all taking their sweet time.
I've only seen lightening bugs one time in Iowa. We don't have them here in western Washington.
How fortunate you are. We don't have them here in Texas. At least in the part of the state in which I live. The only time I can remember seeing them, is when I was going to summer school in Cleveland, Ohio. Enjoy them while you can.
Texas Kid really we had tons in upstate Arkansas. And we have so many here in Tennessee(but not usually this early) that UT pays people to collect them for research or they did a few years ago.

Just did a search to see if I could find a pic and found out I am spelling it wrong LIGHTNING Bug is the correct way.

Found this cute website


We usually see the yard full of lightning bugs when we've had a lot of rain & sun in July or August. It's so pretty to watch the field glow & twinkle in waves. DSs have always enjoyed collecting them. Dogs catch em too :goodvibes


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