Wk of Jan 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Lynn - Bite your tounge!!!!! There will be NO reduction in java consumption. I actually rode over to the start on the bus both days w/ my morning coffee in hand!!! I always have a bowl of oatmeal too. That is how i start my little routine day! What you said about the training makes total sense. I never thought about using the trainer for that. I have not put a skewer (is that what it is called?) on my new bike to put it on the trainer! It is rainy here today so today would be a good day to try it, but I'm too lazy. You could come here after residency so you can ride year round! Our only problem is that we have terrible roads (no shoulder) The are about to make major changes to were i ride with the boy too. but by the time you get here, we should have plenty of places to ride!!!
xterratri said:
Cam- Taking the SAT during 7th grade will scar DS12 for life. After all, look at how I've turned out.

I hope and pray my son turns out half as well as you, sweetie! :thumbsup2 :love: :hug: I think he'll be done in about an hour and 15 minutes. Can't wait to hear how he thinks it went.
Morning all! Glad to hear that everyone has had a good week training! Good to see everyone doing well.
Good morning!

Feeling a little discouraged today. Just completed my first full week of mfm 5k r/w plan. Today was the long run (only 35 min). I decided to go outside today since it was in the low 40's. I just felt awful the whole time. I walked most of it.

Positive note - I have exercised in some form 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks. That is the longest I have ever stayed consistent.

This is my weekend to work, so that is not helping my mood.

Well anyway, went to target to look at sausage pants. Boy putting those on is quite a site :rotfl2: They are really comfortable though!

Celeste - you are right about the 12 hour shifts. I start next week. While I am looking forward to less days per week, it will be a long day. Since I am a morning person, I am hoping to get my workout in before 7am. We'll see.

Maggie - Great job on finishing your LR! Those always seem to be the worst for me too! Actually, I've found that no matter the distance, about 3/4 of the way through, I feel like I'm not going to finish!!!! I always do though, even if i'm miserable! You did too. Lily said the greatest thing earlier in the year about the important thing is getting the steps in. that is what you did! You got your steps in! good job. and great job on working out so much in the last few weeks!!!! You have started a habit!
Hey all: Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really appreciate it!

Xterratri, yes you are so right about remembering the shin splints. Those were so painful.

So today, I did 2 miles outside on the track because it was so nice out, and I did it in under 28 minutes! :cool1: I took DD5 princess: and DD8 princess: with me, they rode their bikes on the track, and I walked as fast as I could. It felt great. :banana: So this week I walked 5 out of 7 days. Whoo hooo! :cool1: That's a great start for me. Now the hard part is keeping up the momentum after the excitement of starting. Thanks for the help and encouragement.
Just a very quick :wave2: Just got in from my long "run" at a blistering 19:49 pace :lmao: but I did it :woohoo:

I am thinking about getting some shirts ordered for people who are looking to do some races and want a "uniform". If anybody is interested, please take a look at the designs and le me know if there is interest and if we can get enough people wanting shirts to get a god deal....I was think if Sunny didn't mind, maybe we could use the same WISH Logo that was used on the front of the Disney shirts....so take a look and let me know what you think.

Off to get a shower and then on with the day....

Happy training!
Mel-- I'm so sorry you had to work today! I almost had to, but I got out of it by working really last last night if that is any consolation!!

Sunny-- I hope you feel better soon! Everyone I know is coming down with this same cold at one point or another (me included!!)

Cam-- good luck to your DS on the test!!! I can't believe they're having him take the SAT at 12!!??

Dave-- 2 miles at 15 minutes is HUGE!!! There was awhile when I couldn't even do that!! You'll be surprised how fast you can build it up!!

Maggie--Great job on the LR and keeping with the exercising! I find that having races to look forward to really helps to get me out of bed for those workouts!! Don't feel too bad about feeling out of it-- that happens to all of us at one point or another. Sometimes, I will feel great for a 6 mile walk/run, and then struggle to get through a couple miles!!

Liz-- great job on your LR!!

Whew- I just made it through 3 pages of posts!!! This morning was my big cross-training morning (3 hours of step aerobics, weight training, and pilates!) I'm utterly exhausted, but I got 13 WW points from that!!

Tomorrow is my cut-back LR of 3 miles, and it is *beautiful* out here this weekend, so I can't wait to get out and try my Garmin out!!!
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes,but I'm not really sick. I was just down. I get digestive disorders that have been tested but not diagnosed and sometimes it just gets to me. This particular time is going on 3 days now. Remember the movie Alien? well I get these episodes when it feels like there are several aliens not only getting ready to burst out of my stomach but their fighting to boot! Sorry, TMI!

I went to the Y this morning and did 9.3 miles. It wasn't the incredibly fun running experience I had hoped it would be but I got it done.

Dave in 2001 I restarted my fitness routine. I couldn't make it two miles on the TM. You've started and you are well on your way, at a great pace I might add!

MelR-- I was pretty invincible when I got back from the marathon. Not just in physical things but I felt like I could do anything! It wore off, though. It was a little frightening. I thought I might be having dillusions of granduere :rotfl2:

Lynn- I thought you were kidding about Belmont! I should have met you there just for fun. Its only about a 20 minute drive from me. I'm glad it was a successful trek.

Hi Everyone,

Just starting training for next year's Disney Marathon - today I did just a little less than 5 miles in 1 hour......I hope that's a good start :confused3

I might bring it down a little and start the method in "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer." Good book so far, I just have to start the method. I will also start training with my personal trainer in Februrary.

Looking so forward to next year - I just hope I can suceed! I don't care about running the fastest.....all I care about is that I finish - oh yeah, and to keep up with my best friend, who will be doing the marathon also!

wow, I wasn't on here for a few days and there was several pages of posts to catch up on.....it sounds like everyone is doing great.

I was very proud of myself this week....I had to attend an out of town meeting last night and today, and I worked out on the TM both days in the hotel......I jogged 2.5 miles on the treadmill at 12:00 pace, and when I finished I felt I could really do more, but I don't want to push it. I am very excited at how I am sticking with my training. I think I may register for the full this week...the only thing holding me up is the possibility that I may not be able to get off from work to go!!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

Hey Keenercam - there's a Philadelphia to Orlando DING until 9:00p EST. Sorry I didn't get this to you sooner.

Philadelphia to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Baltimore to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only
Hey Minnie - here's a DING from St Louis to Orlando for the month of February if that helps. Prices last until 11:30pm CST today.

St. Louis to Orlando for $79-$88 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, February 1 through February 28, 2006 only

These fares are good starting in either direction if it helps anyone.

Orlando to Indianapolis for $54-$63 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, February 1 through February 28, 2006 only

Orlando to Little Rock for $64-$88 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, February 1 through February 28, 2006 only

Orlando to Louisville for $79-$88 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, February 1 through February 28, 2006 only

Orlando to St. Louis for $79-$88 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, February 1 through February 28, 2006 only
Everyone is doing so good!!

Tonight DH and I went to the gym and did 35 minutes on the elliptical I got 2.5 miles and then 20 minutes on the treadmill to cool down. We're hoping that tomorrow we can have our first outdoor long run. Fingers crossed for a nice day!
I've talked DH into doing "Run the Universe" with me, so we are now signed up for that. I had to tell him I was going to do it even if he did not want to. He thought about it for a while, then said he couldn't let me have fun in Universal without him! Fortunately, I do not think they have sweepers because I have a cold and my walking time was really slow today. I was back up to the 20 min mile range, and that was with me feeling like I was going at a pretty good pace. Must be because I'm not feeling well because I have been a lot faster than that lately. I am using this event to gague my time for the 5K in MGM in March, and also to help me decide what to do about the Minnie. Right now I am leanng more towards the 5K, but I will see how it goes this weekend.


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