Wk of Feb 26--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Tiger Lily 03 said:
Jodi, I bet you won't realy "need" to do a "training" full. Think this way (I did and was so glad too), you will do your first full in the best place on earth. This will be part of your roller coaster of fun this year. Get yourself prepared as scheduled, maybe make that last LR as 22 miles (instead of the usual 20)as many here did (me too since I figured as they were saying, if you can do that you can walk the rest).

I'll have to go back and check my weekly training miles for the Goofy, I really don't think I was putting in 50-60 miles/week. I'll check my calendar and post back those stats. Unless you are racing it, maybe the speed people needed to put in that many. Hmmm, wonder if I really was a "speed people" too? Nawww.

I will be doing 6 miles this weekend. I'm just not sure when exactly. I guess it must be in the "air" b/c I really need this weekend too. Way much going on in life just now and I need some sunshine. I will be on that trail somehow. I need it very badly.

Thanks Lilly! I guess you're right......I had a feeling that it would be too much but in a way wanted to do it to see how to pace myself - I just really want to do well with the Goofy next year.....Right now it's just hard to imagine with what I'm doing now, helping me through the race in January but I guess I just have to put some faith into what everyone is saying (books, trainer, and people on the board).

Thank you for all of the wonderful advice. :goodvibes

xterratri said:
Jodi- run a fall marathon if you want. Look at the halhigdon.com site and his info on doing multiple marathons in a year. Basically, you would train for the fall one and then use one of his bridge programs to get you to Disney. Another option is just treating it like a really long training run. I did a half this fall because it fit perfectly into the plan. This fall, I'm undecided. If I have a hope in a rather warm place of qualifying for Boston, I will be running a fall marathon. Maybe Hartford or Steamtown in Scranton PA.

Were you talking about the race in Hartford sponsored by United Technologies? That's one of the two races that I was debating about but maybe I should just take the option of doing the half or I think they also have a 10k included.

I will have to check out halhigdon.com - I just started to read his book, I like it so far; very interesting. One of my trainer's friends recommended it to me.

I have been following the plan in "The Non-Marathon Trainer" So far, I like it :goodvibes

Every two weeks I meet with my trainer and have her take a look at what I have been doing and we work on my core (it needs help).

Thank you for the advice :thumbsup2

BTW - Where are you from? Are you in the CT/MA area?

Jodi :cool1:
MDM, Sorry for your loss. Glad that you were there with family. Prayers to you and family as you go through this time. Hope you can get de-stressed somehow. :hug:

Minnie! Glad to hear you are getting back to it. Take it easy. Do what Lynne says...she's smart!

I went back and checked my calendar for what I did in miles/week last training year. Most I did was 20-25 miles/week. Some less, one or two a hair more. Also cross training was more for toning than bulk and Pilates as much as can. So with that I did Goofy! I didn't race it, but I finished and have my happy jewelry to show. High mileage/week seems a little like asking for injury in my class. If you are in the faster miles/hour class then that would stack up the miles. I think that is where it adds. I don't think those miles are put on any more than the scheduled trainig in any of the suggested methods. Most are during the week train for amount of time i.e. 30 min, 40 min and such. LRs are for distance, so whatever your ability then that would be the miles/week. I would say it is not a set amount to be successful. As I understand the most important part of success is constant steps and some XT from now through to the race day.
MDM - :grouphug: Deepest sympathies for your loss.

Sunny - loved the pics. Your kids are beautiful.

Heavy WT for me this a.m. 6 miles in the a.m. tomorrow...
This morning I was able to do a fast walk for 15 minutes while my DD was at her swimming lesson. Then this afternoon (after I took at nap... haven't done that in forever!!), I did 42 minutes of wogging. Still trying to figure out my breathing. Maybe I just need to get used to the extra exertion that jogging causes.

Mel... I live just north of Madison in the middle of the State, about 1 1/2 hours. Madison is such a lovely city. I like to visit when I can! Good luck. Where are you from? Do you travel around a lot for runs??

MDM... I am so sorry for loss, but happy to hear that it was peaceful for her! May her happiness that the pain is over bring you the strength you need.

OK, gotta check on my sheister girls. I have to post of pic of them sometime!! They truely are my inspiration!
MDM - I'm so sorry to hear about your pain..may the Lord be with you and your family during this time.
Jen- it was actually me that asked not either of the Mels. I do travel some(I typed that and then thought about me race schedule- the real answer is yes, I travel alot to race.) Most of my schedule is triathlons(swim/bike/run) with a few runs thrown in. Triathlons that require a plane ticket are in St Petersburg FL, at the World FL, and Ironman Wisconsin in Madison. Driving distance races are in ME, NH, and NY. Runs with plane tickets are the Minnie Marathon and WDW Marathon weekends and the Chicago Distance Classic. Runs within driving distance include the Boston Run to Remember Half Marathon next weekend.

I told a friend I would do her first ever 5k with her here in ME in June. It's a fundraiser for a scholarship fund in memory of a local Army Reservist Officer that was killed in Iraq. She and I are both Army officers too and she did her first runs of over 2 miles with me last summer when we were in TX for Army training. Since we are useless to the Army until we are full trained as physicians, we are in the safest position in the military for the next 5-7 years.

So another site I belong to(beginnertriathlete.com) had a post about some cool T-shirt designs. Some of them are raunchy and in questionable taste but many are ROFL funny and some are just plain inspirational. It's worth taking a look, the ones shown are cotton now but are going to be available in tech fabric soon. One of them even uses the word Fartlek.

My favorite would actually require some explanation but not alot for this group. It has in big lettering "16:59.59" and then in little letters something about "the promised land." The importance of that time is that any time equal to or faster than that is then followed by those all important words "congratulations- YOU Are an IRONMAN." The Disney sweep time is in the vicinity of 7 hours for the marathon; the Ironman North America sweep time for an official finish is 17 hours for 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles biking, and then an itty bitty little run of 26.2 miles. I've got 2 official finishers medals and certificates and I signed up for a third, planning on signing up for a fourth and qualifying for a fifth. I am officially certifiably nutso.

Just to show I do some training also in addition to posting about random stuff, I had a great long run today. It was only 11 miles but for the first time ever in training rather than racing I averaged under 10 min miles for a run in the double digits distance wise. I worked a little bit but my average heart rate was still just at the upper end of Zone 1 for the run and I'm allowed up to Zone 2 for steady endurance runs. The weather was low 30s and the winds were 15-20 mph. It wasn't even a flat course. I really suprised myself when I took the first mile out easy 9:56, second mile uphill still 9:56. Hmmm, what's going on? Next mile 9:25, and it continued from there. The average for the run was 9:40 min/mile.

I'm going to eat like a little piggy this week, not ride hard next Saturday, and maybe I'll have pleasant little result like a PB on Sunday. On that note, I think I need a bowl of ice cream with peanut butter. I've consistently got my caloric intake up above 2000 calories per day so now I need to work on getting closer to 2500/day. That hopefully will be enough to keep my weight stable and give me energy to train. If not, I'll have to up it again. I was 116 after today's run and that was after drinking a 16 oz recovery drink and drinking 20 oz during the run. That's a pretty good weight for a 5'4" endurance athlete even if I would like a little more muscle definition. I want it to come from building more muscle though and that takes time both longitudinally and in the pool.

Keep training hard.
jodistar said:
Hey I'm debating on whether to do a trial run with a marathon. There are two that I'm interested in (but will only be going with one of the two). One is in October and the other is in November - do you think that's too close to the Disney Marathon?




I will come out of lurker mode to give my take on this one. (hope it's not too late!) It is possible. I just began running again in Jan 2005. I had not run since high school many many years before. I was able to do my first marathon at the end of October, and I completed Goofy this past January. I treated the October marathon enitirely as a training run. Think of your October/November marathon as a training run for WDW in January. You will gain valuable experience from any race that you do before WDW. I learned more about pacing and how to run a marathon from my October marathon than I did on my 20 mile long runs. My wife completed WDW marathon (her first) in January, and she did 2 half-marathons (September, October) as part of her training.

I agree that Higdon's website has a lot of good information about how to plan your workouts for between the marathons. I also use Galloways advice in MARATHON You Can Do It Galloway emphasizes a slow pace and how you feel to determine when you can do your next marathon. For example, if you go at least 2 minutes per mile slower than your maximum effort, and your legs feel good in 3-5 days you can do your next one 4 weeks later.

As of right now, I am leaning heavily towards Goofy again in 07, and the decision has yet to be made for Vegas in December.

MDM - I am sorry about your loss. There is a good group of people here for you if you need them. :grouphug:

Did 7 miles this morning in 1:13. Felt great! 48 days until my next marathon.

MDM - so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.

I haven't been on too much this week. Seem to have it a lull in my training to train segment. I did 45 minutes on the exercise bike today and about 20 min. of abs.

Ya know what really bugs me? :mad: Freak (or unexplained) injuries. Now I haven't done much this week and Thursday night my knee started bothering me. Right now I'm sitting with an ice pack on. Have no clue why it's acting up. And it's not really me knee, structurally (at least I think not). It's sore and slightly swollen just above my kneecap. I didn't bang it, fall or anything.

The last time I had an injury in that area was about 20 years ago when I broke a bursa sac. The knee swelled up so bad i couldn't even bend it. It's nowhere near swollen like that but when I sit with the knee bent (Indian style or tucked under my chair) and then get up to walk it's very sore.

I'm going to ice it for the next day or to, but if it's not better, I'll have to get it checked out. This is not good for my motivation.

I'm gonna try to keep up with the new week's thread. Threads increase so quickley around here! :)



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