** WISH Volunteers for 2010 WDW Marathon Weekend **

I was at H2O stop 7 and had a good overall experience, though cold and icy and slick. I heard it did not go so well at Stop #2. :hug:
I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers for the marathon! I was actually very comfortable running but I know you all were FREEZING cold. I am so impressed that the volunteers braved the cold and came out to support us. Thanks for the slushies! I think the running community is the greatest.
This was our first time doing any Disney race and volunteering. No one could have anticipated the cold weather. Unfortunately, I do not think Disney was prepared enough for the conditions. We met a gal in the airport on the way home. Her friend fell FOUR times during the full at various water stops that had iced over. That was not good. I know my hubby had a great time no matter how cold it was and would probably sign up to do it again next year. I on the other hand am trying to convince Judy to do the full with me :goodvibes
Thanks to all the volunteers at the water stops and other spots around the course. I can only imagine how difficult the job was under the weather conditions you had. However, we participants greatly appreciated your efforts and support.

Thank you so much volunteers for working in such tough conditions this weekend. I know I for one REALLY appreciated it. Seeing smiling and familiar faces at water stops certainly adds a boost of adrenaline to the system when out there for such a long time. Then to see those I saw at the mile 7 water stop again as leaving MGM...it was priceless. The pretzel sticks were just what I needed at that point as I was starving.
I did Water Stop #7 for the Full and I had a good experience almost better organized then last years Full #11. We had a team leader that did the Half the day before and he had a co-leader. The co-leader was in charge of the powerade stations. We were told what we needed to do when we got there and how much to set up. We did have a Disney person there spreading sand when the ice started to build up on the road.
Not much we could do for the ice that was forming on the top of the water except try to pop it before handing it out to the racers.
I still am amazed at the "elite" runners who grab a cup and then just drop it by there side when they are done, they don't toss the liquid off to the side and they don't toss the cup out of the way. Just think those cups they drop do become things for others to trip or slide on. I would yell to be careful of the slick roads near me as I was the last volunteer at that stop and near the end was a slick area.
I loved finishing up and heading over to HS!! Corinna and I had a blast doing that!
I would volunteer again, without a doubt!

What happened at water stop #2?

We had the same Leader as last year, who STILL didn't know how to set things up, admitted he didn't go to the walk-thru (they had widened the course since we told them last year it was just way too narrow there). He was nasty and rude, told other volunteers to stay away from us, tried several times to split us up even though there were others who were not part of a group who could have covered other tables. Had us fill water at three different tables while other volunteers stood around chatting with him. Then he would bark orders at us. He's just an awful, rude, really very abusive person who is clueless about his responsibilities there. We will volunteer again just not at that water stop. Jim can fill you in on more details since he went a couple of rounds with the guy.
What happened at water stop #2?

and anyone who would listen he would "bad mouth us" saying things like - they signed up as a team and think they should stay together - almost yelled at us for filling up a 3rd table - it needed powerade, we said we'd do it when we finished.. well then I realized there werent any pitchers - so I grabbed an empty water bottle filled it with powerade... and they thought we were "cheating" adding water :sad2: and he only wanted 1 bag of powerade to each jug!

Also he got abusive yelling at a guest that wanted to cross the area to get to his car (several others were standing in the middle of the street with signs, others were crossing) He yelled at the guest, the guest yelled back ("you want me to stand here for 6 hours before I get to my car - that's not going to happen "you WILL NOT cross the race course sir"

omg it went on and on ! our group did work - but if we stopped for one second he was on us telling us not to stand around!! Someone saw 2 younger teenagers that I dont think anyone saw them pick up any boxes, or fill any glasses..

there was no place to sit, no place to get warm...

I definately thought it was stupid of me to get up at 2am for that!!

dh picked up his bib and it was that guy - he said water stop red #2 was the "FUN" stop - everyone thought so last year! ROFLOL!! (I so wanted to say that under my breath a few times that morning!!)
I did truly enjoyed working the waterstop though with the Wishers. Dale and I had a good time, but it was so cold! The 'leader' put a damper on things, but we still had fun, and supported the runners (which was our goal).
Maybe one of the WISHers could be the team leader for the water stop???? Just a thought as you all have done that stop before and could probably handle it just fine!! Don't think you have to be a Disney employee to be a team leader at a water/powerade stop.

I think we had a group of teens from a school at our stop also, but they had "chaperons/parents" with them and they definately stayed busy. I think having a co-leader in charge of the powerade helped a lot. We were able to stay together with our group of 4, I asked at the very beginning if we could be on water at the end and the guy had no problems with that.
Did you guys at #2 not have a bus nearby to go back on to stay warm? We were told as long as we had our two tiers of water cups set up with the boards on top we could go back to the bus to get warm while we waited for the runner's to start coming through.

The WISHers at WS#7 for the FULL!!


Sorry to hear about the bad experience at water stop #2. Your team leader sounds like a bonafide jerk! Our leader thanked us on numerous occasions for coming out under such adverse conditions. He actually didn't give us much direction, but we all sort of knew what to do and got the job done. If there were any slackers, I didn't notice.....probably because I was so focussed on getting my own table set up. We were missing alot of our volunteers, but it all worked out. Originally there was supposed to be 2 buses, but we all fit on one. There were also supposed to be 5 water tables with 2 workers each on our side, but we ended up having only 3 tables and 5 workers because alot of helpers didn't show up. Tracy and Corinna got their table ready first and then helped me finish mine. John had already gone to the 3rd table to help the other woman because she didn't seem to know what to do. We got it done with about 10-15 minutes to spare which we spent on the bus. It felt SOOOO good to be someplace warm! Luckily the runners didn't consume a whole lot of water and we had enough. Even though our shift was supposed to last until 10:am, we were back at the check-out tent by 8:45. We wanted to go over to Epcot and see our daughter finish, but first we needed to drop off our stuff. Unfortunately, the line for the monorail was like none I have ever seen before and we didn't make it. She ran a 4:01....not her best time, but fabulous considering the circumstances.
Popping in to this thread to say thank you, thank you, thank you! to all the volunteers who came out for both the half and the full this year--water stops, scream teamers, and photographers!

I know how cold the course was and I can't even imagine being out there and not moving. Knowing that I'd be seeing you along the course helped keep me going. I'm in awe of you all. :worship:

So, I'm not reading the thread, post-marathon weekend...I'll be volunteering next year, and have a pretty good idea what water stop to avoid! :lmao:


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