winner of layout challenge 2....


<font color=red>"dark side" scrapper <br><font col
Oct 8, 2001
sorry I'm a little late, got tied up in some hideous traffic on I-95... anyhow, kate drew the winner about 5 minutes ago... drumroll please... :)

colleen g!
Congrats, Colleen! Sorry I didn't get to this challenge Maggie. I'm hoping to do the next one though!
Congratulations! I HOPE I can find the time to get in on the next challenge! I barely made it in on this one! :rotfl: I'll be checking back later to see what is posted!.............P
Congratulations Colleen!!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what challenge you come up with and hopefully I can get to this one. I'd hoped to do the other one, but never got the time to do it.
Thanks every one! I will get the next challenge up tomorrow afternoon. Hmmm I'll have to think about this one.
Yay, Colleen!! I've never gotten to do a challenge before, but I'm hoping to get to participate in the next one! Y'all do awesome stuff in these!!
Congrats Colleen!

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Hopefully I can find some time to participate!
Sorry I didn't get the challenge up. I was dead to the world last night. I will get it up after the kiddos go to bed. Thanks everyone!
A little late to be posting over here, but I wanted to let everyone know the new challenge is up. Have fun scrapping!


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