Will We Manage to See and Do It All?!?! - Sept. 25/Oct. 1st. - First PTR

We went today to see Toy Story 3. We LOVED it. :love: It was truly fantastic. I actually cried (please tell me I'm not the only one who cried). We will be going back to see it again, but this time in 3D!!! :3dglasses

Totally 3 thumbs up :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I always think Pixar does a great job. Anyone else excited to see Tangled. Should be a great one too. :woohoo: Great way to get psyched for our trip. :banana:

A pic of the kids today...

Thursday, June 10th we had a Meet the Robinsons movie night. We had a lot of fun. This used to be my DS's favorite movie 2 years ago but he hasn't watched it much since.

We had spaghetti and meatballs (no food fights with meatballs though) :lmao: and I was going to make some sort of pb&j dessert but nothing really sounded all that great. So instead we had nilla wafers with peanut butter and banana sliced on top. Very good. Not so much like the movie but still very good.

Before dinner we made Lewis hats. Basically I cut yellow construction paper in half with a ragged edge and then punched holes in the ends and tied them onto our heads with yellow ribbon. Then the kids said they needed glasses so we took some old 3D glasses and punched the lenses out. Voila Lewis glasses (or close enough).



Decorations weren't much, just the Meet the Robinsons figurine set and the movie.


After dinner we played Lewis baseball. I took another piece of construction paper and drew bases. We would roll the dice and a 1 = first base, 2 = second base, 3 = third base, 4 = home run and 5 & 6 were strike outs.


(gotta love the spaghetti mustaches)

Finally movie time. I like this movie it's pretty different at times but it's a great movie all the same. At the end when he realizes his family to be is standing in front of him it always makes me tear up.


The quote at the end by Walt Disney is awesome and I love how they fade all the words out except for "Keep Moving Forward".


Now in case you were wondering what my DH does during movie nights....


Yes that's right, he sleeps. Through each one. :confused3 Guess we can't all love disney as much as us. :love:
Hey just found you PTR, looking foward to reading about your upcoming trip!

And yoour not the only one who cried at toy story 3!
The Meet the Robinson's movie night costumes were adorable! I loved that quote at the end too - I'd forgotten all about it. I need to see that movie again, I guess!

No, you're not the only one who cried at TS3 - I did too! What a great movie! We'll be seeing it again too, because my hubby didn't get to go with us. I'd like to go out to the drive-in in Belleville if its still playing out there.
Fall off the face of the earth much???!!! Why yes, yes I do. I have been working so much lately that I have lost track of everything else around me. Dis boards, housework, the summer.

We received a letter last week informing me that school starts on August 16th. Wait - what!!! No it couldn't be nearing the end of my kids break already. I'm so sad. I'm one of those mothers that likes to be with their kids. ;) Plus my baby girl (6) is starting first grade. Which means school everyday, all day. Not sure I'm going to make it. :confused:

sigh... in Disney planning news. I am now working with the fabulous Sleepingbooty to plan my trip. It's been great and thank god someone is thinking about my trip. :goodvibes Like I mentioned I have been working non stop lately. Which is great because I'm saving money to pay off the trip. That's the best part. Sleepingbooty has been on top of everything for me and it's so appreciated. :cloud9:

One of our big changes - WE UPGRADED TO DELUXE DINING!!! I know. It appears I can't make up my mind. But this way we can eat all the places we want (well almost). Sleepingbooty is keeping an eye on some reservations for me but as of right now I'm so happy. :love:

We have had a movie night every week and I really need to get those caught up on here but I am just a little lazy lately because when I'm on the pc I'm usually editing sessions. We've had a Lion King night, a Little Mermaid night and a Three Caballeros night. Tomorrow night is Chicken Little. Bet you can't guess what we're having for dinner. :lmao:

I don't have any sessions scheduled for July or August as of right now. Good for catching up on life, bad for creativity and finances but that means I will catch up here. :thumbsup2
We have had a movie night every week and I really need to get those caught up on here but I am just a little lazy lately because when I'm on the pc I'm usually editing sessions. We've had a Lion King night, a Little Mermaid night and a Three Caballeros night. Tomorrow night is Chicken Little. Bet you can't guess what we're having for dinner. :lmao:

Oh no, please tell me you didn't EAT chicken, while watching Chicken Little!!!:lmao:

I remember when one of the girls was little (probably Jenna, it seems so long ago), when she finally figured out that the 'chicken' she eats comes from those animals called chickens. She was like, "Oh, that's why they call it chicken!" :goodvibes
Yeah no excuses. Just absolutely no excuses. Been gone for over a month. We've had a lot going on around here though.

We recently cleaned up our house and moved a lot of stuff out of our house (well technically it's a duplex) so that we could place a for sale sign in the front yard. So that's been eating up a lot of time. We're trying to decide where we want to look for a house and what school the kids will go to. It's exhausting and I might be a little crabby because of it. Too many decisions and hoping that they are always the right now.

School started for my daughter 2 1/2 weeks ago and she is loving it which is good for everyone because if she's not happy no one's happy. :rotfl:

My son will start back next week and then I will have a little time to myself :woohoo:. I wonder what I will do :confused:, don't worry I know I can think of something. (Sleepingbooty - how about that coffee meet-up??)

So 24 days to go until we leave. Finally I am able to focus on the trip instead of the house and start planning things out. I am a list maker so this is right up my alley.

I made a packing list and who's going to carry which bags on the plane so that's a relief because I am a little worried about everything going smoothly at the airport. First time flying with kids and I'm a nervous wreck. I just don't want to be in anyone's way.

I started perusing Creative DISigns today looking for some t-shirts designs for my son. He wants a Star Wars (which I have), Phineas and Ferb (which I found a picture and I'm just going to put that on a shirt), Pirates something (found his name with Mickey pirates) and now Toy Story 3 (having trouble finding something perfect for Toy Story). I haven't thought much about my daughter and what she's going to wear. She has a couple shirts and a dress but nothing major yet. I was hoping that it would get cool here before we leave so I can pack summer clothes as we get further in the month. But it looks like it might be a warmer September than I was hoping for.

So I really don't have much to do before we leave. Buying an extra memory card and battery (wish it was a whole new point and shoot - but DH said NO), make some t-shirts and find Disney gift cards for the kids. That's about it. Nothing left but to sit and wait. I'm not so good at that part but it'll be here before you know it.
Oh, I won't make you feel bad - I've been a Dis-slacker, too. So much going on. I need to take some pics of the t-shirts we did over the weekend and post them on my PTR. They turned out pretty cool. I did the reverse tie dye thing.

Glad to hear things are coming along on the house.

Yes! Lets get together for coffee soon!
I think I'll hang out on the DIS today. I need some pepping up and I really need to start getting jazzed about the trip. 18 days till we leave. OMG. Really everytime I say that... that's nothing at all. See being on here really gets you going. :goodvibes

I've been really hard at work on the kids t-shirts. I just have to make one more trip to Hobby Lobby to get an embellishment for DD t-shirt and then I have to see if the tie-dye/mickey head effect came out on my shirts. They are starting to annoy me because it's not working the way I thought it would in my head. But not much does. ;) Oh and I forgot I am waiting on one more Creative DISign from Millipie and I'll be all done. :thumbsup2

My hubby and I do not have any shirt designs because #1 he wouldn't wear it and #2 I'll just buy a shirt down there and then wear it on my last day in the parks. We did buy a whole lot of t-shirts from a company here in STL by the name of STL Style. I was telling the owners that we were headed to WDW and that I would wear my Forest Park t-shirt to MK and have our photopass picture taken in front of the castle. He told me that if I did that and e-mailed to him he would put it on their site. That's pretty cool. :cool1:

So not much else going on. I have to work this weekend (shoot a wedding) and that money will buy our MNSSHP tickets so that'll be an excellent thing. Oh and I guess I could show you our countdown to WDW.


and a close up

I basically just print out 30 copies of a Mickey head and split them between the kids (ok I did a couple) and let them color them however they want. I go through and number them and they take one down each day. They really like it and there is never any fighting about whose turn it is because they know which ones they colored. :woohoo:

One last thing before I go... I might have talked my extended family (us 4, my mom, my bro, my sis in law and their baby) into going back in 2012. So excited to think about that. We would go in November so YEAH!!! :banana: I might have another ticker before I know it. :dance3:
OMG I accidentally added a day to my countdown. I only have 17 days - NOT 18!!! I need to pay more attention to what's going on. :rotfl2:
So the list is ever growing.... Here's a look at the things I want to tackle before we leave.

- get a dog sitter (yeah this is URGENT) :eek:

- get my hair cut and colored, appt next Wed. It should be against the law to have as much gray hair as I do at 34.

- add water electric parade to our to do list and keep it a surprise :thumbsup2

- buy halloween tickets, should do this tomorrow

- upgrade BBB appt, tomorrow also

- buy new camera and extra battery plus memory cards so I don't have to lug my laptop to Orlando

- make sure we have travel size tolietries, a little worried about the new flying rules. Need to wrap my head around those. :confused:

- start packing the "entertainment" carry-on for the kids or if not packing it then at least make a list and decide on which bag to carry

- buy new Disney purse (wanna see http://www.ebags.com/product/overland-equipment/placer-shoulder-bag/140201?productid=1368564) I have the Donner bag currently in lime and it's awesome but this is a little smaller so not sure if I should or not but we'll put it on the list

- get daughter's teacher on board with sending her assignments :teacher:

- finish t-shirts for the trip

Ok well at least that's a start. Because this is how I feel.... :scared1:
With a house on the market, a dog that has no sitter and a jumbled brain. I feel like I should probably start packing now.

I met today with our travel agent (Sleepybooty) and she gave me some awesome stuff for the kiddos and a planner for ME. It's awesome. I've already read it a couple times today. It's perfect size for my purse while at WDW so I can have it with us at all times. One less thing to worry about and that makes me ecstatic. :cloud9:
So tonight I bought our Halloween tickets (yeah). We loved the Pirate and Princess party when we went 2 years ago and I KNOW this party will be better so we are super excited. Plus it could be even less crowded then when we went to the P&P party in April.

Then I can also cross off the upgrade to DD's BBB appt. She is now going to have the pleasure of the Castle Package. She is going to freak and I love it. :love: She can pick out her Tiana dress and shoes and that's the night we are going to MNSSHP. So she'll be all set.

One other thing I don't want to forget to do - Henna tattoo in Epcot. Love the Henna tattoos. If I can't get the real thing, this is the next best.
I am desperately trying to finish up some editing. I shot a wedding two weeks ago and I told the bride she'd have them by Friday (tomorrow). SO instead of packing and getting ready for the trip I am knee deep in wedding photos. UGH. I just want the fun to start. :thumbsup2

2 DAYS!!! Can't believe it!!! SO excited.:banana:
Well, I guess you are at Disney by now, enjoying your first evening!

Hope you have a magical week! :)


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