Why cant girls wear black nail polish?


Feb 15, 2013
I'm just curious, not like I paint my nails or anything lol ;)

Cause with some girls black nail polish looks really good.
I'm just curious, not like I paint my nails or anything lol ;)

Cause with some girls black nail polish looks really good.

It doesnt look natural. Part of the dress code is to make guests feel comfortable and having a harsh/non-natural color on your nails could make some feel uncomfortable. Keep in mind that Disney is an International company and other cultures may look at this as inappropriate. The other feeling is that of "old fashioned fun", and black nail polish also doesn't fit in there.

This is my take on why these rules are in place from my knowledge of Disney.
Same reason why girls cant have highlights or non natural color hair. It stands out and is not the All-American look that Walt wanted. Anything different would draw attention to the cast member, which is exactly what the company does not want to happen.
Same reason why girls cant have highlights or non natural color hair. It stands out and is not the All-American look that Walt wanted. Anything different would draw attention to the cast member, which is exactly what the company does not want to happen.

Yeah I have to agree black nail polish can be seen as a negative colour. Personally I find it attractive when girls wear it *cough* Kim kardashian *cough* ;) haha
Yeah I have to agree black nail polish can be seen as a negative colour. Personally I find it attractive when girls wear it *cough* Kim kardashian *cough* ;) haha

Yet another reason why it violates the Disney Look, detracting from the bigger "show" that is the park and the guests.


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