Wheelchair in line?


Earning My Ears
Jul 17, 2014
Hi everyone, we are going to disney on a surprise trip for our children Halloween week. My 5 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Legg-calve Perthes disease, and is not allowed to walk for more than 15 minutes at a time. Since a lot of the rides lines will be longer than that, can I bring a chair in line with us? And do they rent pediatric wheelchairs in Disney, or should I just get a stroller?
Thank you!
Hi everyone, we are going to disney on a surprise trip for our children Halloween week. My 5 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Legg-calve Perthes disease, and is not allowed to walk for more than 15 minutes at a time. Since a lot of the rides lines will be longer than that, can I bring a chair in line with us? And do they rent pediatric wheelchairs in Disney, or should I just get a stroller? Thank you!

Wheelchairs and stroller as wheelchairs can go into all lines. If they can not go into the line they will issue a return card for when you can come back to the alternate entrance.

Disney does not rent pediatric wheelchairs. How are you keeping her from walking at home? If you have a pediatric wheelchair at home just bring that or if you are using a stroller bring that. If you need to rent then rent from a third party. You'll get cheaper rentals and a more comfortable rental for DD. I'm not sure if Disney allows stroller as wheelchair tags on their rental strollers anyways so if that is the case a wheelchair would be your only option direct.

For a stroller you will need to stop at Guest Relations to get the needed tag.
You can bring your own or rent from independent authorized dealer with Disney. Only authorized dealer can leave the chair at the hotel and you pick it up from the bell hop station at your hotel. All others dealers you have to be there when they deliver.

You can also rent a nice comfortable stroller that holds 100 lbs. Theres a nice place that advertisers at the bottom of this website. The stroller from Disney are hard and uncomfortable and more expensive. And when you leave the park your have to return it. But what about working to the bus(and then standing online) at the park and then working to room when you arrive at your hotel.

I rent a ecv when I down there from Apple. There some rides that I have to transfer to a wheelchair in HS. Other then that I ride my scoter all around.

When you get to the bus stop you pull up in front of the people online (in front of the first row of the chains) or sometimes they have markings on the ground indicating for wheelchairs. Make sure the driver sees you because he loads you prior to the other passengers.

I hope this helps you.
Thank you. I'm thinking a stroller, because she can walk, and is still little. I want something that's easily collapsible. I don't think we'll need to be loaded on busses or anything, it's just long periods of standing/walking is dangerous for her hip.
She was just diagnosed last week, so keeping her still at home has been a challenge. She may be in leg braces for the trip, I guess then I'd need a chair. Thanks again for the advice!
Thank you. I'm thinking a stroller, because she can walk, and is still little. I want something that's easily collapsible. I don't think we'll need to be loaded on busses or anything, it's just long periods of standing/walking is dangerous for her hip. She was just diagnosed last week, so keeping her still at home has been a challenge. She may be in leg braces for the trip, I guess then I'd need a chair. Thanks again for the advice!

There are some strollers that would work with leg braces. Since your daughter is 5 and this is new to everyone perhaps ask what she thinks. Tell her she only has two options a stroller or a kids wheelchairs do ask if she has a preference. At 5 she may even still be able to lie down in a stroller but not a wheelchair. Just thinking if she has some input into it maybe you won't have to fight for her to stay in it.
A 5-yr-old would likely fit best in a stroller unless you have a personal pediatric wheelchair in her size. The rentals are likely to be too large to be comfortable for all day. An off-site rental (or if you still have one at home) is best, so it can be used to/from the parks and around the resorts, which can be considerable walking distance as well (easily 15+ minutes at a time). Use at the airport would probably be a good idea as well, if you still have a stroller at home you can bring.

Though I agree that getting her input will help if she's not too keen on remaining off her feet for extended periods -- if it's her "choice" she might be more apt to comply. I don't know much about it, but DH had Legg Perthes when he was about that age, too. Listen to her doctors; I suggest talking to them about your trip and getting their input.

Enjoy your vacation!
If you are not aware, to get your stroller to be considered as a wheelchair you have to go to Guest Services so they can give you a tag for that. Otherwise normally strollers are not allowed in lines.
If you are not aware, to get your stroller to be considered as a wheelchair you have to go to Guest Services so they can give you a tag for that. Otherwise normally strollers are not allowed in lines.

Thank you, I didn't know.
Do I need to bring a letter from her pediatrician?
Thank you, I didn't know.
Do I need to bring a letter from her pediatrician?
You need to go to Guest Relations and explain that she needs to be able to use the stroller as a wheelchair.
They will give you a red tag - similar to a luggage tag - to put on the stroller. You don't need to get a new tag each day. The one they give you will be dated to be valid your whole trip and can be used in every park.


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