What would you where on your feet?


<font color=0000FF>I can see clearly now!!<br><fon
Oct 2, 2002
I really would like everybodys opinon on what the best shoes are to wear around the parks.............Leaving in 19 days, and still need to get something comfortable!!!! Help!

Now that I'm thinking about it, what about something for my husband, and 11 year old daughter!!? Just really curious to see what worked for y'all that have been there recently!! Thanks a bunch!

Contemporary Girl
:sunny: :earsgirl: :Pinkbounc :earsboy: :bounce: :sunny:
I just went recently, and wore my birks (great for every day use, but they just didn't work for me at the parks), my tennis shoes (didn't work well either, but I don't really like tennis shoes, my feet feel confined), and my tevas, and the tevas were the most comfortable, so I have decided to make them my park/ lots of walking in the summer, sandals.
Whatever you decide to wear, make sure you break them in before you go, or you'll be miserable from blisters - plan on walking MILES per day:eek:
NIKE STRAPRUNNERS...Walked all day and even nite with them ...never had a problem with blisters or anything...they are so great I bought my husband a pair and now they are all he wears also..any sport authority has them and people here have links to get them cheaper..I paid 29 for them..Marianne
I just ordered Teva sandals for DF and myself. They're due to be delivered on Tuesday, can't wait to try them out! I thought they were a bit pricey ($60/pair) but definitely worth it if they can get me through a week at WDW without achy soles and blisters!

Check out Teva.com and see what's available in your size. It tends to be kind of hit-or-miss (I found a pair I really wanted for DF, but they didn't have his size, so I had to pick a different style) but I hope you'll find what you're looking for!
We have found that in summer we feel much more comfortable in sandals. In summer the cement you walk on radiates alot of heat through your shoes and sandals let your feet dispel some of that heat. Also pouring water from a cold water fountain on feet can really refresh you (obviously sandals work best for this). Might want to put some sunscreen on those feet if they have not seen the sun in a while. 2 votes for Nike straprunners.

We just returned and what worked best for me was tennis shoes and I took 2 pairs so I could alternate them. I would wear one during the day and another after our nap and that helped a lot. Blister Block is your best friend!!! They help prevent blisters so that's a plus! I also took all new socks and that was helpful as well.
Wow!! thankyou you so much for all the advice!! Teva's and Nike strap runners both sound great!! I liked the thought about being able to get in some water to cool down a bit!! I never would have thought of that!! Good idea.

That bad shoe site was so cute!! How do people wear those things?!

Thanks again!

Contemporary Girl!
16 more days!!
:sunny: :earsboy: :bounce: :earsgirl: :Pinkbounc :sunny:


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