What did I get myself into!?!?! PTR Jan 2011

We have had dinner at Coral Reef and it was great. I don't eat seafood, but fiqured there was something I could find to eat. They all loved watching the fish in the tank and finding them. I gave up on everyone and just made reservations for all 15 of us at any restaurant I could get. When we found out we would be less then fifteen I just called and cancelled that day, someone else got lucky and was able to get in.
It seems like forever since I've logged into Dis! I've just been way to busy to do much of anything, but thankfully things are starting to slow down a bit! I don't think I've mentioned, but I'm an accountant for a living so the end of the month was a killer for me! We've also had weddings company picnics to deal with. The next month probably won't be much better, but I'm for some down soon! I already know this weekend we are going to a local amusement park for Pappy's company picnic and then the 7th we have a yard sale and my company picnic (at another local amusement park). Then thankfully the summer will be winding down to an end and I may actually get to see all of my family again! I typically have dinner with my sister and mother on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but over the summer those have come to a halt due to my sons therapist needing to change her schedule. I have a therapist at my house every weeknight from 5-8pm. It makes the days long since either me or my husband has to be in the room or within sight in case there is a problem. So I generally spend 5-8pm attempting to make dinner, keeping our baby happy (and getting him ready for bed), and keeping watch over therapy. After she leaves we eat, clean up, and then go to bed.

Anyway, so what have I come up with for Disney?!?! That is the real reason we are here, right? So I've come to the conclusion that on 15th we will have dinner at 5:30 at Planet Hollywood together. I had thought about also doing a QS at the hotel for lunch, but I have no clue when we will actually arrive and on top of this we are doing breakfast in our rooms, so I'll have to go out for a while to get some groceries and we will either do lunch while out, on the way down, or we will grab some stuff to make sandwiches. The 16th we are all doing Cape May for breakfast (this is the last meal together) at 9:15. Then we are going to MK and will probably do Casey's Corner or Cosmic Rays for lunch, not sure about dinner (possibly may not even do dinner this night, maybe just a snack). The 17th we are doing AK, so I'm thinking Boma in the morning for breakfast (heard this was really good), Rainforest for a late lunch, then either snack for dinner or skip it). The 18th we will be in EP, probably QS Mexico for lunch and Teppan Edo for dinner. The 19th I have no clue where we will even be. The 20th we might do Pizza Planet for lunch and then H&V for dinner for Fantasmic! 21st we are back at EP, not sure about lunch, but we will do Nine Dragons for dinner. The 22nd is our last day, not sure what we are doing but I'm planning on T-Rex for a late lunch and we'll probably head home around 5/5:30.

I've tried telling everyone else that they need to make their dining reservations now, but no one seems to listen. I spoke with Marie about it recently and her thoughts were that she only wants the character breakfast booked. I'm hoping they don't have any trouble getting seated, we didn't on our last trip. I still have 3 QS meals and 1 TS meal to figure out.

I've also started my quest to lose my last remaining baby weight. DH thinks my reasoning for wanting to lose it is hilarious, but it's the truth! On our last trip I was about 8 weeks pregnant and the baby caused my thyroid to go crazy. I would feel perfectly fine one minute and the next I would be starving, but if I didn't start eating within about 5 minutes of feeling hungry I would get very sick after I started eating. So I barely ate the entire trip, the only place I was really able to eat was Casey's Corner (reasoning for going back there this time). So I keep telling him I want to be able to eat and eat anything I want during this trip! So I'm losing the weight to allow for the weight I'll probably gain during this trip!:rotfl:

I started off this morning by doing a 15 minute workout on the wii with Your Shape. I felt really good afterwards, so I'm going to try to do it every morning before work and longer on the weekends. I've also been eating a lot of veggies out of our garden (can't wait for the tomatoes!). And cutting back on the pop/iced tea and including more water and this morning I cut out my coffee. I ordered Jillian Michaels workout for DS b/c I can't take my wii everywhere, but I can take the DS. I'm just hoping I can stick with it!:thumbsup2
I am so excited I could burst! :woohoo:

I logged onto RCI on a whim today, we've been hoping they would get another 2br at BCV and we could swap out our SSR for it. Wouldn't you know today they had a unit! I called and asked to trade it. I lost my exchange fee, but it was still worth it! Everyone is so excited to be staying at the same resort! :cool1:
I am so excited I could burst! :woohoo:

I logged onto RCI on a whim today, we've been hoping they would get another 2br at BCV and we could swap out our SSR for it. Wouldn't you know today they had a unit! I called and asked to trade it. I lost my exchange fee, but it was still worth it! Everyone is so excited to be staying at the same resort! :cool1:

yeah!!! Don't ya love it when a plan comes together!! Exciting!!!
Well, it has been a while since I've made any updates. More or less b/c it has been hectic and not much has really gone on as far as Disney planning since my last update. I have gotten all of our confirmation numbers in order and I have called and asked to have our reservations "linked" together and request them to be as close as possible. That was a bit tiring as the CM really didn't understand what I was asking until 10 minutes into the conversation. She kept telling me I couldn't do anything b/c I had units that a DVC member had rented for us, but I kept explaining that we rented another 2 ourselves through RCI and I just wanted to get the rooms close. Finally after I explained that I had confirmation numbers she was able to understand what I wanted. I'll probably call back in a little while.

In other events, my little man turned 1 on Sunday! He is up and walking and having a blast outside of the pain that he is in from teething! He had a circus themed party and it was fantastic!

I am also getting ready today to take my middle son to his first day of preschool, which should be interesting. He has wanted nothing to do with school and he is very strong willed. So getting him there will be half the battle!

Everyone is looking forward to the trip, but I think I am the only one that is overly excited and can't believe we are getting down to the 4 month marker here in just a few days! My sister sprung on me that she wants to tag along for my reservation at Teppan Edo, but I am kinda ignoring her. A.) b/c it is my b-day dinner that I really just want to spend with my hubby and kids B.) her entire family (kids and husband) are a pain in the butt and complain about everything and C.) She is trying to make the entire trip about her b/c she turns 40 in November. So I'm trying to play the "oops forgot to add you to the reservation" card.

I handed out information to everyone on Sunday that included their confirmation numbers, the room type, and whose name their reservation is under. I also had the exact times we are leaving (they are known procastinators) and explained that we will leave them behind if they aren't ready. I also gave them the park schedules and what our tentative schedule and dining plans are. I really think that DH's family thinks I am nuts after reading the information and my family is actually using it. One of DH's brothers actually didn't even take their info home.:confused3

Well, that's about it for now, hoping for more good stuff to come along in the next few months!
Well, FIL is definitely off of the trip, so we are down to 20 people! He asked MIL the other day just how she was going to stand the 19 hour car ride. She informed him that no matter what she is going, even if we bring her back in a pine box! Then he questioned who else was going on the trip (he doesn't like her sister), and that was the deal breaker! I told her it was no sweat to me, b/c it just means that DH and I have a prepaid ticket for the next time we go.

Now onto the bigger planning, with just 3 1/2 months left to go! We also changed the vehicle situation. We have planned all along to take a HUGE 1986 12 passenger van that DH has, but yesterday the plans changed. I should mention that we were also taking a 2006 minivan, my dads conversion van, and whatever car my sister rents. DH has to do a lot to the van; new headliner, wire in his radios (he's a Ham), power steering pump, tires, tune up, etc. So we were talking and decided to take his brother up on taking their 2005 Yukon, but we're also going to take DH's 2009 Kia Rondo so that everyone isn't squished! We just can't get the time to put the van down b/c people keep borrowing DH's car b/c (his aunt just wrecked her jeep so she has it at the moment) so he needs the van to get to work. Kinda makes me feel better, b/c a.) we were worried about the van breaking down on the way down and b.) I was afraid of looking like the Beverly Hillbillies pulling into Beach Club Villas!

Next on my list is getting everyone's money for the dining plan and booking it. Then trying to get everyone on board with one character breakfast together. We were going to do Cape May, but then heard about the Good Morning Gathering and are thinking of switching since it is the same cost. I also need to sit down with MIL and DH's aunt and help them make their dining reservations. I think they'll be ok though if we wait till Thanksgiving (this will most likely be the next real time we are together). I just can't believe that the trip is so close!!!! I've been having a very busy time at work filling in for everyone else that is taking vacations, so I'm looking forward to my next real vacation day! I need a break!!!:)

I'm also going to start working on packing soon. The weather is turning cold in PA, so I'm at least going to pack everyones swim suits and shorts as we most likely won't be using them this year any longer. That way come January I only have to pack shirts and a couple pairs of jeans for all. :yay:


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