What Are You Reading Right Now? Part II (Incomplete book list in 1st post)

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about half of "Miss Peregrines Home for Peculilar Chidren," takes place in Whales, but a remote part so it mainly is a small fishing town.
Well, I gave up on "The Rope Walk". It wasn't badly written, it just didn't capture me and make me want to continue reading. Perhaps if there wasn't so much exposition, and if there were more plot, I'd have enjoyed it more.

So, I'm on to "Night Circus" due to many good reports here on this list.
Currently reading The Fame Game by Lauren Conrad. I was obsessed with the Hills and since this is loosely based on it, I'm enjoying it!
Finished both Night Strangers and Beach Music - loved both of them!! I think I read Night Strangers in about 3 days - a record for me, lol. I could NOT put it down... even when I wanted to!

I have so many books on my list, I don't even know which to go to next...
Just started Shadow of Night, the sequel to Discovery of Witches. I have high hopes, but some of the early reviews are making me nervous. We shall see, I guess.
Just finished Julie of the Wolves. Good book. I just started Birthmarked. Not usually the type of book I would read but I thought I'd give it a try. It's much longer than JOTW so I'll probably be reading it for a while.
I just finished The Red House by Mark Faddon (previously wrote The Curious Incident of the The Dog in the Night. Ehhhh...not a great book. It was well-reviewed somewhere and I did like his first book so I gave it a shop. The underlying story was basically interesting but the way he chose to tell it and some of the ramblings that went on, were so cumbersome, I just did not enjoy it.

I've now moved onto Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn which has very good ratings so we shall see.
Finished both Night Strangers and Beach Music - loved both of them!! I think I read Night Strangers in about 3 days - a record for me, lol. I could NOT put it down... even when I wanted to!

I have so many books on my list, I don't even know which to go to next...

ok, I'm in the mood for a difficult to put down book so I'm going to try Night Strangers! It looks like it might be a Stephen King similarity? I'm not a big horror fan but I'm going to give it a try!

I just finished Hemingway Point by Nora Carroll. It was good but a little slow at times. She gave very vivid descriptions which made you feel like you were there. I think it was a free kindle book but I downloaded so many at once that day that I can't remember which ones were free! :)
I haven't gotten to Wolf Hall yet but did finish Beautifal Disaster. It was an ok read, kept me interested but just like all the other YA stuff out there. Bad boy meets Good Girl and bla bla bla. Right now I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. It's real good so far and reminds me of the Hunger Games :banana:
I've now moved onto Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn which has very good ratings so we shall see.

I read this yesterday. I couldn't go to bed until I was finished with it.

Right before that, I read Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It was wonderful and I found myself crying quite a bit.
I finished "Night Circus" and LOVED IT!!! What a fantastic book! I'm going to suggest it for my book club. Lots to talk about there!

Now, I'm reading "The Beyonders" by Brandon Mull. He lives near me, and my daughter has been "apprenticing" with him over the last year. Guess I ought to read his stuff, huh? I do like "Candy Shop Wars" and "Fablehaven." Hope this is as good.
I'm reading One Pair of Hands by Monica Dickens. It's a memoir by a great, great granddaughter of Charles Dickens. She was a debutante, but decided to go into service in the 1930s. I've just started, but it's a lot of fun, so far!
ok, I'm in the mood for a difficult to put down book so I'm going to try Night Strangers! It looks like it might be a Stephen King similarity? I'm not a big horror fan but I'm going to give it a try!

It's funny that you mention Stephen King. Nobody has made the comparison, but I couldn't help thinking of The Shining as I was reading.

I'm a wimp when it comes to scary books. I've learned my lesson. The reviews on this book were so good though that I thought I'd give it a try. I even told myself, "If it gets too scary for you, just put it down and don't read it." Well.... I literally could NOT put it down. It was like a bad train wreck. I knew I should stop... but I couldn't, lol.

It wasn't nearly as scary as The Shining though. That book haunted me for months afterwards!
I just finished the newest in the "Lizzie and Diesel" series, Wicked Business, by Janet Evanovich. It was cute, but definitely a fluff read. Only took me one day to read it.

I don't like the "Lizzie and Diesel" series NEARLY as well as I like "Stephanie Plum", but I love Evanovich's writing so much that I read everything she writes. It just makes me even more excited for Plum #19 due out in November. :cool1:
I am reading Game of Thrones, my husband loves the series and the show so I decided to give it a try. I am still in the beginning but there is a lot of detail to the story that is really interesting me.

I got the 50 Shades of Gray series on my birthday. I didn't really know much about the series until my cousin (who bought it) laughingly told me. My dad didn't hear so when he saw the cover he said "That sounds like a pretty cool title. I ought to give it a try."

DAD, NOOOOOO!!!!! :scared1:
Finished both Night Strangers and Beach Music - loved both of them!! I think I read Night Strangers in about 3 days - a record for me, lol. I could NOT put it down... even when I wanted to!

I have so many books on my list, I don't even know which to go to next...

I am a big Pat Conroy fan so recently went through his entire catalog which was fun. (though very emotionally draining at times ... ha-ha!)

Just started Orson Scott Card's "Earth Unaware" that came out yesterday.
I got the 50 Shades of Gray series on my birthday. I didn't really know much about the series until my cousin (who bought it) laughingly told me. My dad didn't hear so when he saw the cover he said "That sounds like a pretty cool title. I ought to give it a try."

DAD, NOOOOOO!!!!! :scared1:[/QUOTE]

That is too funny!!!
Forgot to mention, I have also finished Night Corridor..it was a real good murder mystery.
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