We did all that in two nights at WDW? Nov 2015


DIS Veteran
Apr 15, 2006
Hi! I'm Melissa and I have been a Walt Disney World addict since July 4th, 1995. That was my first trip and I fell in love. It has been awhile since I have written a trip report. How long has it been? The Disboards look completely different, that is how long it has been. I have been out here a few times, but it has been for research only.

So, who am I?

That is me with my hubby. We took that trip to celebrate his retirement from the Air Force. We planned it as our "last trip since we don't know when we can go again" trip. We thought he would start a new job and not be able to take off of work. It turned into him looking for a job for 10 months. The past year hasn't been the best, but we survived it. But he isn't part of this trip, except for being my driver to the airport and letting me go. My travel partner is this crazy woman...

My Mom. The whole reason I grew up being an amusement park nut. She never took me to Walt Disney World, she went without me. :mad: Just kidding, I'm not angry about it. I never wanted to go. I know, there was seriously something wrong with me.

She hasn't had the best year either. Her and my Stepdad divorced, she got the house in FL, so she moved there. So this trip was not all about Walt Disney World, but also spending time with my Mom and checking out her home. Oh, she also dislikes her picture being taken, so I only have those I have taken when she wasn't looking.:rolleyes1

This was a quick trip, we arrived on the 19th and left WDW on the 21st of November. I did not have much time to be away from home since I am normally the one to get my son to school in the morning. I also had to wait until after Marching Band season ended before I could go.

Little side note, I love to take pictures at Walt Disney World. I am that fool with the camera around their neck on every single ride. Getting shots on the dark rides is my goal in life. Don't worry, I never use the flash. Actually, the hubby let me purchase this before my trip

It doesn't even have a flash on it. That will cost me a little more money. But the whole reason I have wanted this camera for the past four years, is because it has an ISO of 25600, meaning the possibility of great shots in low light. I say possibility because the camera can't do it all and I am still learning.

Now, what was planned was we would arrive, me by plane and Mom by car, check-in at the resort and go to MVMCP. I had planned on purchasing the military discount tickets once we arrived. Awww, but there was a glitch....

Here it was, Thursday, November 19th. I had survived marching band season with my son, I am also in charge of concert attire for chorus and band and the orders had been placed, now it was time to enjoy WDW. My husband was nice enough to drive me to the airport. I hate flying, but the thought of I95 through NC and SC scares me more. My husband and I stopped at Cracker Barrel for a nice breakfast before he dropped me off at the airport. While there I read an email from my Mom, she had lost her phone. "Uh oh, that is not good."

Made it through the airport and to my gate. Called my Mom at home and she told me she activated her old phone. We would meet at Yacht Club about 3:30. Got on the plane, sat next to a very nice lady who was in a neck brace, we had sat across from each other in the airport. She was in the middle seat, I was to have the window, but I told her I was fine being in the middle if it would be easier for her. So that is what we did. After a bit, a gentleman came up and mentioned the lady next to me was in the wrong seat. That is when it hit me, she wasn't in the wrong seat, I was. I was in the wrong row. :oops: Once in the correct seat, the lady next to me said she had done the same, there is no way to recover. She was right, there isn't.

Now remember, I said I hate to fly. I knew we would be in for some trouble because that storm that was sweeping across the country was coming our way. The whole trip was cloudy, barely saw anything out of my window. The flight attendants gave us our drinks and then I noticed that about the same time they would have finished handing them out, they were back up front with the trash bags. It was a two hour flight, so I knew it was too early. Then they made this announcement "The captain would like all drinks finished and trays put up within five minutes." :scared1: I don't fly much, but I knew that wasn't good. Sure enough, we started hitting some really bad turbulence. When I saw the lady next to me grab her husbands hand, I almost grabbed hers.

We made it and got off the plane really quickly. I flew through the airport, got on the tram, got my camera out of my bag, and then flew down to magic express. I already had my Magic Band on so the CM's out front waved me on to the check-in area. I saw a restroom and thought I would go real quick. No one was in there, I had noticed in the terminal's that there were long lines. I thought I was doing really well.

Then checked in with the CM, I had to tell them my Mom was not taking the Magic Express, then I was directed to line 4. I will get to why I remember that....

As I am standing in line with families on either side of me, I realize something. I do not have my ID. I check my pockets, I check the pockets of my carry-on. I dig through my purse. No ID. I knew exactly what happened, I had it in my backpocket, slipped my phone in that pocket while waiting to get off the plane and it probably fell out when I pulled my phone back out. I am texting my husband asking him what to do. Then the line starts to move...we are boarding the bus. I need my ID, I want to go to WDW. I was so torn.

When I got to the last checkpoint where they scan your Magic Band to know who is on the bus, I asked what I should do. The nice CM pulled me aside, took me out of the ME system and then I was directed to United Airlines Lost Baggage. So off I go, "Bye ME." :sad:

The nice lady at the lost baggage counter called the gate, I had to wait for them to look for my ID because they were already boarding for the next flight. Finally I was told they did not find it. I headed back to ME. The nice CM's out front thanked me for already having my Magic Band on. I just smiled as thought "I wonder if they think I look familiar." Then I was told again...line 4. Got in line, I was first. I was so excited, I could be in the first seat, ready to take pics of the best sign in the whole wide world. But no, just as I start to breath, United pages me back to Lost Luggage. Off I go.

It turns out, one gate attendant had my ID, but did not tell the other. :rolleyes: The lady at the desk gave me a "boarding" pass, I had my military ID and she told me to just leave everything there since I had to go through security. So I left my camera, which totally freaked me out, and my cellphone. I get up to security and ....wait...and...wait...and...wait. Should have kept my cellphone, because I have no way of letting my mother know I will be late. I was freaking out that my Mom may be trying to call me. I did meet a very nice lady who was heading back after a convention. We chatted the whole time. I spent an hour in that line. I think MCO has the worse setup anywhere.

Finally figure out where United's Customer Service desk is and get my ID. Funny thing was, I almost told them to hold it until I was flying out, which is hilarious since I was flying out of Tampa.

Got all my stuff. Back to ME, for the third time. Make it past the CM's out front, which have changed. But the guy that was out front is now checking guests in. He was the one who previously told me "Thank you for having your Magic Band on." I go to him, explain this is my 3rd time, which he responds "I thought you looked familiar." I tell him, "Line 4, right?"

I get in line and get on the bus. :yay: But then we wait, and we wait some more. It starts raining and I mean that good ol Florida rain.

Then Mom calls and says "I just got here, sorry I'm late, where are you?" :rotfl2:That is all I could...laugh. I told her I was still on the bus at the airport, she had gotten lost on the way to WDW. Don't we make a pair. This is funnier since my husband had told me that between me and my Mom, maybe we won't have any problems. We both have our ditsy moment. Finally the bus starts to move, we get on the road and it isn't long before we see this...

At this point I think I am never going to get to WDW. I am stressing because remember, we planned on going to MVMCP that night. It was now almost 6pm, I had arrived at 3pm.

Turned out to just be construction backup, we moved quickly through and were on our way. Thankfully Yacht Club was the first stop. :worship: Things were getting better. Now, where in the world is my mother and why has a castmember greeted me at the bus and wants to know what type of room I had booked?
I had finally arrived at the Yacht Club. This lovely castmember greeted me. I told her my mother was already at the resort, she had texted me "I am in a great hall." The castmember looked just as confused as I felt. We started walking, looking around for my mother. I realized we were at the convention center portion and thought "my Mom must be here somewhere." The castmember suggested heading to the lobby and when we walked out one door, I caught my Mom going around the corner. We said our hellos. Now, I love my Mom, but if she doesn't have her hearing aids in, which she did not, she has no idea others are speaking. As we are walking, the castmember is talking to me and my Mom keeps talking. Then the castmember asks me "What type of room did you book?" I looked at her, I'm sure my Mom was still talking, but I knew something was about to happen. I told the castmember I booked a standard, parking lot view. The castmember responded "Mickey has spread some magic and you have been upgraded to CLUB LEVEL!!!" :dancer:As you can see in my signature box, I have stayed on property many times. I have heard of upgrades such of this, but it has never happened to me.

Club Level!!! I know my mouth dropped open. I told Mom what the castmember just told me. You have to know my Mom. She is perfectly happy with Motel 6. And honestly, I am not a deluxe girl. I love POR and prefer the moderates over the deluxes. What I have not mentioned is this year I started as a travel agent, not just any travel agent, but a Disney Travel Agent. I am in independent contractor with a fabulous agency that specializes in Disney vacations. When I booked this trip, I asked about the military discount. I only booked this trip two months out, so there wasn't much available. It was either Yacht Club or Beach Club before going to Club Level. I had never stayed at either and Yacht Club was cheaper. I knew my husband really did not care to stay at Yacht Club, so I thought it would be perfect. It would give me a chance to get pictures for my Facebook page. Now, remember, Mom likes Motel 6. When I told her the hotel name, she asked "Do I have to wear the good flipflops and t-shirts to stay there?" :rotfl2:

As we enter the elevator, the castmember explains how you have to scan your Magic Band to get the light for the 5th floor to light up. Remember when I said my Mom kept speaking over the CM...she was not paying attention to this procedure and it leads to a funny story later on.

Our nice castmember, I wish I could remember her name, showed us to the conceirege office and then offered champagne. After my airport experience, this is exactly what I wanted. She left to get the champagne and I checked us in. Mom is still talking. We were then given a tour of the 5th floor. The lounge was being renovated, so it was now located in the Presidential Suite, I will have pics later. Then we were taken down a hall past the elevators. Then another hall, and another hall. One of the reasons I don't care for the deluxes. At the moderates, even if your room is a mile away, you have beautiful landscaping to admire, not just door after door after door.

Funny story, the castmember giving us the tour was earning her ears. She said one gentleman who did not know what that meant said "Oh, I thought you were earning money to get hearing aids.":rotfl:

So, here is our room

And remember, I had booked a standard room with no special view, this is what we had

By this time it is already 7pm, MVMCP is starting, should we still attempt to go?
By now it was 7pm. My original plan was to be at Magic Kingdom about 4pm for MVMCP. Mom was hungry, so we decided to grab something to eat in the lounge.

Remember, Disney was renovating the actual lounge, so this was the Presidential Suite.

I decided to have a glass of wine with mine.

Mom and I decided to move her truck because she had parked on the other side and we also needed to get her stuff, so we headed out to the parking lot.

This is one of the long halls to our room

After we did all that, we decided to go to Epcot. First I had to figure out how to get there. I knew we could walk, but had no idea what direction to go. Honestly, it did not seem to be signed very well. We arrived at Epcot and we needed to get the military tickets I had purchased linked to our bands. The castmember was so much fun, I was pretty tipsy since I had champagne, a glass of wine, and finished off Mom's champagne.

This was a week after the horrific events in Paris

First thing we did was grab a drink in Paris. I love both the Orange and Lemon slushies. Can't think of their actually names at the moment.

We then stopped in Morocco because I was hungry. I did not eat enough at the lounge.

It kept trying to rain and I made sure to have my plastic cover for my camera. It is a plastic bag with a drawstring on one end that you can slip over the camera. Got this pic

We decided to watch Illuminations. I knew my Mom really liked this show. Now, I have watched at Showcase Plaza at the entrance to the World Showcase. Also at Italy, France, and by Canada. Tonight we found this spot

There were even benches available. I was surprised that we were the only ones there until about 15 minutes before the show. We had a nice chat. I got up to find a restroom

I came back with funnel cake. Something about WDW makes me eat...and eat...and eat.

I'll share pics of Illuminations next time.
Illuminations started

After Illuminations

If I remember correctly, we decided to catch the boat on the way back

And I had to stop for a picture of the Christmas tree.

We headed to our room, and thankfully no getting lost, no lost ID, and after 3 1/2 drinks, I felt really relaxed.:)
Great report so far Melissa. I love to take pictures at WDW too! You got a great candid shot of your mom on Test Track...it really captures the exhilaration on her face.

I would've been beside myself if I'd lost my id at the airport. That sounded very stressful, but at least you knew which line to get into at ME, by the third time. ;)

So awesome that you were upgraded to Club Level. That would be amazing.

Looking forward to more.
Now that the crazy holidays are almost done, I can take a breath. Looking forward to more photos from your new camera.

Way to keep it cool after losing your ID. I would have been sobbing. So glad you got to relax at EPCOT later in the evening.
Great report so far Melissa. I love to take pictures at WDW too! You got a great candid shot of your mom on Test Track...it really captures the exhilaration on her face.

I would've been beside myself if I'd lost my id at the airport. That sounded very stressful, but at least you knew which line to get into at ME, by the third time. ;)

So awesome that you were upgraded to Club Level. That would be amazing.

Looking forward to more.

Thanks for following along!

The funny thing about my ID, I wanted to just forget about it and head to WDW. I had my military ID at least.

Sorry, for the delay, but will continue now.

Now that the crazy holidays are almost done, I can take a breath. Looking forward to more photos from your new camera.

Way to keep it cool after losing your ID. I would have been sobbing. So glad you got to relax at EPCOT later in the evening.

Thanks for joining. I had to take a break with the holidays also. Didn't help that I did not feel well off and on for the last two weeks.

Relaxing at Epcot is exactly what we both needed. Could not believe we had those benches, all my trips I had never been so lucky.
Now it was Friday morning. Our only full day at WDW. For whatever reason, I could not sleep. Played on the Ipad a bit. Checked on one of my clients, whose FP selection day happened to be that day. One of the other agents at the company I am with was nice enough to cover me and take care of that. Everything looked good, so I finally got up and hit the shower.

After I was dressed, I went for coffee and sat on the balcony. By that time my Mom was awake and she went to the lounge for breakfast. Of course I took the camera out with me

I can't remember if I was trying Manual on the camera or not. This camera was so much different than my previous DSLR, and I wasn't that good with manual on it.

I could not believe the view we had. It was such a nice surprise.

Finally Mom was dressed. The first thing I wanted to do was walk over to the Beach Club to see the Gingerbread Carousel and grab a pin. Have I mentioned that I love WDW pins. Now, I thought we would be able to walk all through the Yacht Club and find a door at the end, but sadly I was wrong. Then thought we could walk along the outside of the building and get there, yet again I was wrong. I did take a lot of photos as we went.

This hallway is well known by me

Because this is my husbands and I favorite

That pic did not come out so well.

Found the spa


Love the tables

Beaches and Cream

One of those places I need to eat at.

Funny story here, do you see the deadbolt on the right door, do you see the hole on the left door. Yup, the hole is from the door breaking so the deadbolt does not work. How do I know that? My Mom pulled on the door and it opened. It was obviously B&C was closed. My first thought was...RUN!

About this time we realized we could not go any further, so we had to find another route. It was interesting to see the life guards having a meeting before the pool opened for the day

My Mom wanted to stop here, but we were now on a mission and we had FP's, we had to keep moving.

Finally made it to Beach Club

Mom took her eye off of me for a moment, so I got a pic of her

Finally got what I was looking for

My Mom noticed the peppermint shoes

After exploring the Carousel, we headed off to the store to find a pin. Not sure if that is where I was suppose to pick one up, but with the help of Castmember, I found one. She thought there was another, but I was happy with what she found.

I need to take pics of everything I purchased. I will continue in the next post.
I had to ask for directions to find the bus stop for Beach Club, turned out it was also the bus stop for Yacht Club. I think that was only due to the construction going on at Yacht Club, but I could be wrong.

When I planning this trip, I asked Mom what she would want to do. Animal Kingdom was the first thing out of her mouth, so that is where we went first.

For whatever reason, I had a headache, so I thought I would find aspirin and then some water. Aspirin was not a problem, finding the water turned out to be difficult. Misting fans were out everywhere, but not bottles of water, or at least not yet. Finally waited in a long line at the little coffee spot near "It's Tough to be a Bug". Of course all I can think while waiting in this line is how my precious ride time is ticking away. Once I had taken my medicine, I asked Mom if she would like to do It's Tough To Be A Bug, she said sure, so off we went.

Just as I snapped that pic, the CM tried to duck, but I said I preferred him be in the picture. I love all the CM's. They make our trips so nice, don't they?

I love this show, especially watching the faces of people who have never been there before. Another reason to stand in line for It's Tough To Be A Bug...the Tree Of Life is just amazing.

We enjoyed the show

My Mom is 67 years young. I say young, because when planning Fastpasses I asked if she could ride the rollercoasters "Of course I am riding the roller coasters." So here we go

One dislike of FP lines, you don't have time to stop and take pictures, but I did grab one or two

There was our train

Mom got all excited that we were 2nd row from the last. We all know that last car gives you the best ride.

In case you were wondering, yes, I take pics while on the rides. My camera is always out

And this is a pic I have tried to get for years, remember, I don't use my flash on rides and this camera doesn't even have one. I was so excited when reviewing my pics and realized I got it, here it is

Much different view than the last time I rode with all the construction going on

I miss the bird

The Yeti just missed us and we made it back

I will end on a side note. I love my new camera and the lens that I got with it. But that lens is heavy. I did not realize how heavy until I rode EE. I have always been the crazy person to have one hand in the air and one hand on the camera. I quickly learned this could not be with the new camera. Not only was I afraid I was going to lose my new camera, but was afraid the strap would take my head off with it. Whole different ride this time around. So the whole ride, I had a death grip on that camera, thankfully I rarely hold on during rollercoasters.

Hope everyone has had a Happy New Years and that 2016 is a great year!

I always love seeing your name come up as author of a trip report.

And not only that- at my place!!! (sort of)

And not only that- CLUB LEVEL!!!


I need to go back and read but just wanted to say Thanks in Advance for posting!


I always love seeing your name come up as author of a trip report.

And not only that- at my place!!! (sort of)

And not only that- CLUB LEVEL!!!


I need to go back and read but just wanted to say Thanks in Advance for posting!


Hey there natebenma!!! I know, I have been MIA when it comes to the Dis. I completely missed your youngest son's school WDW trip didn't I?

I did enjoy Yacht Club, Club Level was nice, but didn't have much time to explore. Ok, back to the TR.
Taking a break from the Christmas decorations and thought I would do another update.

Mom and I had survived EE, our next FP was for Dinosaur, another one Mom wanted to ride. I was hungry and we had time to eat. We headed over to Restaurantasaurus (I know I did not get that spelling correct).

Now my BFF pointed this out how this dinosaur is female

Me just taking some pics as we go

I debated a dessert, but decided on a salad. I think my Mom got a burger. Mom is funny, she has no need for "good" food. I think she lives off of cotton candy.

We found a nice quiet room.

Had a nice lunch and headed out to see what else we could do.

Still wasn't time for our FP's, so we decided to do this

Some how I have never noticed the hub caps.

Don't know why I ride this thing, spinning has not been my thing since I was 20.

The world or the ride?

I always tell people to take the time and look at all the little details

Somehow I am missing pics from my Smugmug account. Guess that means the end of this chapter. I'll be back. :-)
Ok, found those missing pictures, not sure how they did not end up in my Smugmug account.

It was finally our Fastpass time for

I really do not like this ride. I hate being scared. I know what is coming, when it is coming, and still don't like it. I have threatened people in those carnival style haunted houses, that sometimes have people in them to scare you. If I saw movement I warned them that I hit...and I have.;)

So, I stop for a second to try to get that pic. My Mom ends up ahead of me. I saw the CM ask for a party of 3 and the people in front of my Mom went around everyone. Well, there went Mom, following right along. Of course she can't hear me. She was about to get on the ride, when she finally turned and saw me still in line. The CM saw she was out of place and that is when I stepped in and said "She's with me." And I said "Man, I had my chance to lose her." The CM laughed with me.

We road the ride, I screamed, laughed and dreaded it all at the same time.

Mom needed a drink and then there was more Goofiness

It was getting close to our fastpass for Lion King, so we headed that way. I wanted a shot of this area

I love the landscaping around the resorts and the parks

Looks like a far off distant land, doesn't it?

We decided to take the Safari

The funny thing was, we kept having to stop and wait and our tour guide was commenting on how it was the longest two weeks of his life.:lmao: I wish I remembered his name, he was great.

I don't think I have ever been able to get this shot before

I got a great pick of this guy

His friend kept me from getting a great pic of this guy

I have a habit of getting this shot

Next up...Will we make Festival of the Lion King after the long safari?
That Safari really did feel like two weeks, it took forever. I had never used Fastpasses for Lion King, and we only had a few minutes before our window was up. So we made a mad dash for the theater. Luckily we made it and still had a little bit of a wait.

We found some nice seats in the back of the theater so we could lean against the back. Actually, that wasn't all that comfortable. Wouldn't it be nice if shows had seats like the 3D shows?

This was our view

I was playing with Manual mode on the camera. Pics came out ok, wish I had a zoom lens for times like this.

I fell in love with the zebra costume

Enjoyed the show and we were off on our next adventure, but first I wanted a little pick-me-up.

Animal Kingdom is one park everyone needs to slow down in and check out all the little details

Remember, the previous night with Mom getting lost and me leaving my ID on the plane, we decided to skip the Christmas party. Mom said she was up to it, so I thought it may be a good idea to purchase tickets at AK, because there would probably be a line at MK.

On the way out I had to get some pics of my favorite tree

Then it was time for our magical coach

But, we didn't catch a bus to our resort, Yacht Club...nor did we catch one to MK. We caught a bus here

Not sure where we were, this may help

Buy why in the world did we decide to stop at the Polynesian?

I wanted to check out the new Trader Sam's

Mom didn't really care for her drink, but I liked mine. It was so funny because I noticed people didn't take their souvenir mugs, well duh, they give you a nice, boxed new one. I went for this one

Any guesses as to what we did next?
I don't know what happened to me. I realized I have not updated this TR in weeks. I am still alive, and survived Snowzilla, the Blizzard of 2016. We do have 3 feet of snow on the ground. It has been crazy. Hope everyone else is ok and did ok with the storm.

Now, back to the TR...

So, Mom and I had checked out Trader Sam's and had tickets for MVMCP, but I had to make one more stop before heading over to MK.

I wanted the pin for this

I am not a big Gingerbread person, but the Red Velvet Cupcake I could not resist. And it was so moist, even the next day.

This Santa cracked me and my Mom up

Looks like he is about to add a child to the naughty list. :scared1:

Finally we headed over to MK. Once inside the park, I realized they were about to light the castle, so we found a spot to watch

Even though the crowds start getting crazy during the holidays, everyone should see the Castle at least once when it is lit like this. Stunning.

I was hungry at this point and headed for my favorite, CHH, but had to stop for a quick pic

Got to CHH and they were closed and were only giving out hot chocolate and cookies. Not what I wanted. I will never understand why CHH always gets shut down early, I think it would be busy all night.

We ended up here

It was ok, just not what I wanted. Me and Mom shared a fajita dinner.

From there we headed over to Splash Mountain. I tried to get pics, but most did not come out well. I did get the best I have ever gotten of these two

And this

My Mom has been taking me to Six Flags Over Texas since I was 6 or even younger. I have always loved Log Flume rides, so Splash Mountain has a special place in my heart.

And since we were there, it was time for

Where we road here

I don't think I have ever ridden in the front.

From there we headed over to Space Mountain. We did stop back in CHH to get the free hot chocolate and cookie. It was really to warm to be drinking hot chocolate and the cookie...I ended up leaving it in the bag I had from Trader Sam's and it made the bag really greasy. I did not eat that cookie.

I saw this couple and wish I had gotten a better pic

So sweet, I think I will end on that note. I will be back much sooner next time. I promise.


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