Wave of the future - Food Courts

Duck, most food courts at WDW have no "service" for which a charge needs to be added.

You walk up to the counter, get what you want, pay for it, find a seat, eat and discard your trash (think, Cosmic Ray's).

I like that model, it works well for me. At Pepper Market, someone basically carries your tray to your table and checks periodically if you need drinks. I can't think of anything else they do. With u-fill-em drink dispensors, the latter service is not required.

At Dxl, PO or CBR if you want to grab a quick sandwich and carry it back to your room, it's a pretty easy task. Not at CSR. It sounds like PO might be changing to more effort intensive model. It may work well for conventioneers, but I doubt well for families who are eating at a food court for time savings, $ savings, and efficiency.
Originally posted by Another Voice
In general, outside ownership is usually a one-off deal. The Levie (sp?) Brothers chain used to run a couple, but I think they’ve dropped out. Most of the deals at Epcot are for a single location. Again, this isn’t an area I’ve been keeping up on.
When Pleasure Island opened, Levy Restuarants opened the Portabello Yacht Club, Fulton's Crab House (replacing the Empress Lilly), and the Fireworks Factory. The Fireworks Factory became the Wildhorse Saloon, also managed by Levy Restaurants. Now former the Wildhorse Saloon is Motion, which doesn't involve Levy. But Levy still has the Portabello Yacht Club and Fulton's Crab House at Pleasure Island. Levy has no other restaurants in Florida.
This isn't London, and it's a "food court"...not a restaurant. These are walk-up and grab your sandwich and drink places not sit down and wait for someone to take your order places. I think that they are having the employees come to your table and make "an appearance" so that they can get us to pay for some of their wages. What's next? Is Disney going to send around the "deaf guy" to lay Disney trinkets and stickers on your table and then come around later to pick up your money? Disney is really bordering on "scam" here, IMHO. There are certain lines that just shouldn't be crossed...no matter how greedy people are.

gcurling.. I have eaten at Pepper Market so I do know the routine. I was initially surprised to see the 10% since I would have left the same amount myself. Up in my kneck of the woods we have a Chinese buffet only restaurant. The only thing the server does is clear and refill drinks. Similar to Pepper. I leave a rounded 10% of the bill for that service provided. I think one of the etiquette books (Emily Post or something like it) recommends 10% for buffet service and 15-20% for full service.

It seems that adding the 10% on the bill equalizes tips for all servers at Pepper regardless of how many customers each gets. That is assuming they get the 10%. Does anyone have definitive information on whether the servers get this money or all of it goes directly to the restaurant.

The added charge might also be because CSR get primarily convention business.
The added charge might also be because CSR get primarily convention business.
I think that's one of the keys here (who cares when its reimbursable.) If they plan on doing the same thing at PO, it won't be well received at all. Especially by those making return visits to Sassagoula.

The DxL / All Stars model works perfectly in my opinion.
Another vote for the DxL food court. I always felt it was the best food court at WDW until I ate at The Mara at AKL. Now I have two divisions of food court so the two of them can share the title. The Mara is a bit more expensive, but is a bit 'upscale' in it's choices while the DxL food court is less expensive and offers more middle of the road fare.

CSR had good food, but I found it confusing and the 10% service charge just smacked of a hidden cost so it annoyed me.
I used this system the first year Coronado Springs opened. I had been accustomed to using the foods courts at Dixie, Port Orleans and Carribean Beach for many years. I liked the fact that a visit to these food courts was always quick and easy and relatively hassle free. In my experience I found that the new system at Coronado Springs took away a little bit of everything that i enjoyed about the experience.

For those who haven't been there, the dining area in Coronado is closed in. There is a narrow entrance where you meet a CM, who then escorts you to your table. The exit is in the dining area just behind the cash registers, sort of like a toll booth. One way in and one way out(nothing at all like a typical restaurant). You then wait for your server who'll take your beverage order. After giving each member in your group a card you're then free to go off and order your meals.

Let me say that the extra time spent waiting at our table to meet our server was a waste of time. In the time it took for that to happen I could have had my food in place at the table and we would have been eating. Basically, you're paying an extra 10% gratuity just for the server to bring you your drinks and give you your cards, even though you still have to carry your own orders back to the table.

The other thing that bugged me related to the card system itself. At first glance it seems very convenient to be able to give out the cards to each member in your party and let everyone get what they wanted. But after trying it I quickly noticed that it kind of got in the way. You cannot place an order without showing the server your card. If you have a couple of items in hand and all of a sudden have to dig out the card, there is an adjustment to be made. And if you're ordering something for someone else in your party, you need to make sure he/she is there with you to show their card, otherwise the order cannot be placed. And then you need to check the cards to make sure the correct item(s) was punched. Who is going to supervise the kids when they wander off on their own. What if they lose their card(I'll get to that later)?

Once we were all seated I needed to collect all of the cards to make sure everything was in order, and I also wanted to try and figure out what everything was going to cost( In the old system you'd basically know because you were ordering for everyone all at once and paying for it before you're seated). One thing that we were warned about from the start was that we were accountable for each card in our party. If we were to lose one we would have to pay a "standard meal fee"(whatever the heck that is).

At the conclusion of our meal I took our cards and waited on line at one of the registers stationed at the exit of the dining area. When it was all said and done I ended up spending 10% more on gratuity than I normally would have, and noticed that the items on the menu were more expensive than the the food court fare that i had been accustomed to before. And I suppose that amidst the confusion and new-found freedom that everyone enjoyed with their cards, everyone seemed to order more than we normally would have. And the typical 30 minute quick bite approach to our food court visits suddenly became an hour-long ordeal.

We had just arrived from the airport and had just check in.........I DID NOT NEED THIS KIND OF PRESSURE. I was tired and hungry and wanted a quick bite, yet everything that i loved about the Food Courts seemed to have dissappeared. If I wanted a sit-down experience I would have eaten at one of the full service restaurants. You do not have that choice at CSs, and apparantly, if the rumor is true, Port Orleans too.

These moves are quite simply profit oriented, no question about it. The system was not broken. They simply decided to squeeze a little more $$ out of it. I sincerely hope that Disney does not overhaul the Food Courts at the rest of the moderates. It really left little to be desired in my experience.
your experience seems very similar to mine, except by the time we visited (1999, not sure how long they were open at that point...) they handed you the card as you walked in and were seated. I think we did have a card for both of the adults, not sure if we had one for our son who was 4 at the time. As I mentioned before, I became the family waitress...and juggling everything plus the cards, etc...was a real pain!

I totally disagree with daaaannnzzz (sorry if there ar extra letters there...) about stoping at multiple stations. If you want a balanced meal you almost have to stop at a few spots. Just try getting a salad, soup and fruit. Expensive, yes. One morning I recall waiting several minutes to get a card stamped for a banana!

We walked into the Riverside food court one day intending to get breakfast...unfortunately there really weren't any stations open, just some stale pastries in a case! Very disappointing, I think we hit it at an off time or something....but it was just weird because everything seemed to be closed.


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