Water-proof Fanny Pack?

Why don't you call their toll free # and ask. It looks like a nice one. I always carry one in Disney.
I can't say about this particular model, but I am a real EMS fan and have another model which I bought about 4 years ago. Mine is constructed like this:

The entire inside is lined with a rubberized material. The zipper on top has a flap which covers it and is also lined.

Will it survive total submersion? Probably not. But I have used it on Kali River Rapids and nothing inside got wet. As insurance, I have some plastic bags which I use canoeing that have a velcro closure on them which I put my wallet and camera in, but it is probably unnecessary since there is never any water inside the fanny pack. I also like the durability of EMS products. I have a backpack in addition to the fanny pack and also a briefcase and laptop safe. I use this stuff HARD and it just keeps on working for me.



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