"Walt Disney World." Facebook page


Jun 17, 2008
I tried searching for this topic on here to see if it was mentioned already and kind of surprised I didn't find anything. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has seen those fake "Walt Disney World." (with the period at the end, of course) Facebook pages claiming to give away park tickets to lucky winners. I'm kind of shocked at the number of family/friends on Facebook that have fallen for it and I've even said it's fake. These pages have only 5,000 LIKES or less. The real Disney World page has 14 million likes- makes more sense. It's not just Disney World, I know there was a "Southwest Airline." (notices without the s in airline) a little under a year ago. Here's an article I found about all these Disney World hoax pages:


I'm not sure what makes me more upset... that these "people" are doing this to hoax/scam innocent people or that people I know who normally are pretty intelligent human beings are falling for it!
Two quotes come to mind: "there is a sucker born every minute" and "if it sounds too good to be true, it is!"


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