~~~"W" sent/received~~~.....COMPLETED!!

:yay: for an arrival.
That was from Scrap4Me, Patricia.

Hope we hear of more arrivals today.
I got my package from Barbara!

Wishes Bag
Wipes (eyeglass)
Weekly to do list
Water Balloons
Word Find Book
Whoopee Cushion ~ my kids had never seen one before and they have loved it
Werther's Original Candies
WDW Misc brochures

Thank you so much!
Great to hear!!

That just leaves Missy to receive hers......hopefully today.
Hopefully it will arrive today, or at least we will get a status report.
Great! I'm planning to run some errands on my way home, but I'll be online at some point.
It was waiting for me--stuffed full with "w"onderful "W" goodies. Thanks Cindy!

I got:
wristband - insect repellant
White handkerchiefs
white socks
white gloves
white body bar - Dove
wild raspberry Crystal Lite
Wrigley's Doublemint

great box -I can use everything!!


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