Vacation Experiences July 25-30 DAY 4

JC Butterfly

DIS Veteran
Oct 8, 1999
Sunday, July 28th 2002 Brenda (27) & Janet (27)

7:00 a.m. wake-up to Dennis the Menace

8:30 a.m. Andy, our driver from Florida tours, arrived in his beautiful white town car He asked us all about what we had been on and what we were liking.

He took us to the Florida Mall for a fund raiser at the Build a Bear workshop. We had a great time with a whole bunch of other adults acting like kids and naming our bears and stuff. We had two hours afterwards to tour the mall. It was very large but just more of the same of what I have back home. Didn't find anything that really caught my interest.

1:00 Andy arrived to take us and our purchases back to Hard Rock. Our cost for this experience was about $30 round trip plus tip (DIS discount).

When we got back to Hard Rock our plan was to change clothes and go to the arena again. Andy had accepted another job taking a family to Cocoa Beach so he called his friend Rex to pick us up. It worked out well because we gained about 20 minutes of getting ready time.

2:00 Rex picked us up in a beautiful black town car It had less than 40,000 miles on it and still smelled new. He was also very friendly with us and chatted about various rumors at Disney and Universal on our way to the arena.

2:30 - 6:30 at the TD Waterhouse to see NSYNC. We had brought our cameras along and didn't know they weren't allowed. We almost had them confiscated. Security was all ready for us to give them some attitude. Instead we were very calm & polite. They made us throw out our camera batteries but let us keep the camera. Just goes to show that being rude doesn't always pay off.

6:30 Called Rex on our way to the Mariott for pick up and he was there within 15 minutes. We had a very pleasant ride back to the Hard Rock. He said that I-4 was backed up so he took us a more "scenic" way through town. It was kind of fun to see other areas of Orlando.

7:00 Arrived at the hotel and headed over to Mythos. We were seated within 5 minutes (no reservation, no flash of our room key). I think I may be the lone DISer who doesn't love this place. I found the atmosphere to be rather beautiful but the food was nothing special. Janet had the steak and asked for it medium rare. It was brought out and was cooked medium to medium-well. She stated that she had ordered it medium rare and the waiter said that's what it was. He offered to get a new one for her but we were pretty hungry and didn't want to wait. She thought it was good but not great. I had a similar reaction to my shrimp & pasta. It tasted OK but was not memorable. What was memorable was the fact this meal cost about $50 for the two of us and we didn't think it was money well spent.

After dinner we headed over to Jurassic Park again this time to see the Triceratops encounter. We both loved this and thought it was so realistic. We stayed for like 20 minutes and thought the trainer did a great job.

Then we walked over to Spiderman. After all the raving of this ride I couldn't wait to experience it! What I guess I never caught onto was that this ride is very much like a simulated ride (which I mentioned we don't handle well). The first part was absolutely thrilling and I was delighted to have Spiderman, "land" on our car. However our perilous fall and swinging from tall buildings induced major nasea for both of us. By the time we closed our eyes, it was too late. Janet got very sick on this ride. We aplogized profusely to the people around us and they were very understanding. The Universal employee was very gracious when we told him what happened to. But this did not make for a fun end of the evening.

We spent the next hour in the gift shops just trying to stay cool. Janet wasn't sure she would make it back to the room and just sat in the corner of the gift shop for a while. Again, the empoyees were very kind and trying to help. When we told one of them what happened he insisted on giving her a pin with Spiderman that said, "I Survived Spiderman" We're not sure if he was trying to be funny, nice, mean, or what, but we are still laughing about that pin. We walked around the rest of the trip saying "Naughty Spiderman".

Then I suggested that we get our picture with him (Spiderman) and she agreed. We went over to the store and there was almost no line. She asked if she could pose with him as if she was trying to strangle him. He was a little reluctant at first but when we told him the story he was a good sport about it. She now has an 8 x 10 picture of her "strangling" Spiderman up in her room (I'll bet not everyone has that one!) with her pin right next to it.

It was a very eventful day all in all so it was time to go back to our room. Finally those milk and cookies were waiting for us and they were even warm!

Thanks for the great report!! Glad to see more NSYNC fans. Everyone on this board had to read about my NSYNC/US/IOA tour last year!! We got to stay on the 6th floor at HRH, too!

Sorry you had a bad experience with Spiderman. We take Non-drowsy Dramamine every morning and it seems to do the trick.

Thanks again for the report. I'd love to hear more about your NSYNC experience - privately, of course!!

Thanks for writing! (Too bad about spiderman ride, how awful for you and your friend.) That's nice Spidey was a good sport about the picture!
Well like the ride or not ... Im hoping the photo and the pins will remind her of a great holiday not a bad ride. Plus, it not everyday you get to strangle a Superhero heehee ...
What no Hulk?
Love the TR to date ... still no singing huh?


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