Toluca Turkey Legs Question


Dec 26, 2000
I'm sure this has been asked before but here it goes.

My daughter (7 yrs old) loves the Turkey legs here. Since they do not have a kids menu, can she order a Turkey leg, drink, and dessert here and that count as a kids CS credit on the dining plan or will it count as an adult CS credit.

Also does this apply to all Turkey Leg carts or just this one?

I mentioned this one by name since it was mentioned in the sticky post about the 2009 dining plan as one of the Counter Services that do NOT have a seperate child's menu.

Thanks for your help!
Because they don't have a separate children's menu, a child credit can be used to order anything from the menu.

Most "carts" don't count as a counter service dining location. Only the ones listed on the official brochure count.
I've always wanted to try those turley legs! Here's a question for you...if you have both adult and child counter service credits and you only get one meal how do you know which credit they take off? Do you actually say this is a child credit meal when you order?
I know table service credits are seperated not sure about the CS.
However, that being said this item would really be for my daughter. We both love them but I would like to order something different for her other than PBJ, Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, etc.
She has an unusual taste for a 7 yr old - she gets it from her mother.
To bad there's not a sushi cart around that accepts CS credits.
CS credits aren't separated. It will depend on how many meals you order. If you have 4 people, 2 adults and 2 children, on your reservation you won't be allowed to order more than 4 meals at Toluca Turkey Legs. If you are at a counter service with a children's menu, you will be able to order 2 adult and 2 child meals, but no more. You would not be permitted to order 3 adult meals and pay for them all with DDP.
Thanks for explaining that...for some reason I thought all the credits were separate. Good to know. Thanks!
Here comes my DUMB question of the day (and I mean it) - are the turkey legs included with CS??? (Told you it was dumb!) :rolleyes1
I'm wondering too. That's why I posted. I thought turkey legs were not included but noticed that this place was listed on the dining plan. Time to call in the Turkey Leg/Dining Plan experts. LOL
Toluca Turkey Legs is included as a CS. It's possible there are other CS listed on the official DDP list that serve turkey legs but I could not tell you if any of them do. You'd have to buy the turkey leg at a CS listed on the official participating restaurant list.

Turkey legs are excluded as snacks, I believe.
I got a turkey leg at HS last year right outside Fantasmic, it was a CS credit, but well worth it!! YUMMY!
Ok.. Im thinking of adding the counter service plan to our package.. and as for the Toluca Turkey Legs..

So.. Can you get One turkey leg, a drink AND a dessert here and its considered a CS meal?
CS credits aren't separated. It will depend on how many meals you order. If you have 4 people, 2 adults and 2 children, on your reservation you won't be allowed to order more than 4 meals at Toluca Turkey Legs. If you are at a counter service with a children's menu, you will be able to order 2 adult and 2 child meals, but no more. You would not be permitted to order 3 adult meals and pay for them all with DDP.

Yes but aren't adult and child cs credits separated on the 2009 ddp?
We don't go till 2010 but if quick service plan is offered then too, can we get the turkey leg from them using that quick service plan? Is a turkey leg considered a quick service entree? I don't even remember where they are located. I just remember DH getting a leg from them and we shared it while we waited for one of the parades. We did not do a DDP last year and I think for us we saved money not using it because of the amount we ate. Next year when we go, I imagine both of my son's will be eating much more so I might look into the quick plan or maybe even one of the regular dinner plans depending on how much prices go up. We just could not find many resturants that had food we would eat so I felt the DDP was a waste. It was our first trip too so I wasn't sure what to expect. We stayed at Pop and we all liked just about everything we ate there. Thanks.

Toluca Turkey Legs is a quick service restaurant and it is listed as a participating restaurant on the 2009 Quick Service Dining Plan brochure. A counter service credit should entitle a diner to one turkey leg, a dessert an a non-alcoholic beverage.

There isn't any official way to know whether or not it will be a participating restaurant in 2010 but it's likely.
Thanks. I understand that any questions I ask now might not apply in 2010 and the prices surely will be higher. I just want to stay in the loop till then so I figured I would ask about it while I am thinking of it. I don't think DDP would be for us but the quick service one might be!



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