- The Green and Blue Ears Celebration OVER - screen shots coming soon

I want this celebration to be a good one! <3

When - - - Since I have soccer try outs tomorrow morning the party will start an hour(about) after opening on Sunday (tomorrow) the 23rd.

Where - - - In a new room I made and own filled with blue and green furniture. It is in a Jungle Safari Room <3

Why - - - Because staff deserves a good party for their hard work!

Fun - - - Of course it will be fun! THere will be mini-games, prizes, dancing, chatting, hopefully some visits from staff, and I really hope to see push, the trashcan there!

Games - - - I still need some help/suggestions on this since I'm not real sure. Please suggest to help me out!

Colors - - - Green and blue stand for the green and blue ears staff wears! Try to dress in green and blue to show you care when you come :)

Prizes - - - THe prizes come in prize packs which look like this:

Ends - - - The celebration ends pretty much when the crowd dies down..it is a school night so I can't stay on till closing...:(

Owners - - - Me, fruit_smoothie and maybe my friend juicy_fruit will be running the place and answering questions. We will also be hosting the mini-gamez and giving out the prizes!

Other - - - If you'd like to donate a prize trade with me and tell me. Also if you want you can go ahead and give out a prize to a player in the room who you think deserves it :)

Post questions, comments, suggestions, idea, ect. here on the dis! The celebration is tomorrow and I can't wait! :thumbsup2 :goodvibes :sunny:
If you'd like to help out with this celebration here is suggestion applacation.

Title of Suggestion: (the name of your idea)
Kind: (game/idea/furniture layout/ect)

Details: (describe the suggestion)

Other: (anything else)

I really need some help with prizes, prize packs, and mini-game ideas since last time I ran out of prizes like right away so I need the party going for a while...PLEASE reply to this post for I neeeeeeeedddddd some suggestions! Tell me any random..ridiculous thing..any brainstorming or whatever will help!
Anybody have any suggestions? I DESPERATLY NEED THEM..

The celebration starts tomorrow an hour after opening! Please come :)

How to get there - - - Search fruit_smoothie in the popular guest room tab or find me on the list :) what ever works! <3
Not only is this celebration for the fun of it but for staff who really deserve a little party dedicated to them..Please show! The even better part is that i have prize packs worth 1,100 credits each..wasn't easy to get and I put alot of effort into this!! There is also one prize back that is worth 1,400 credits and I would really <3 to get this party known as something! Its not just for us but for staff...do it for push, the trashcan hahaa lol! Please! :guilty:

Anyway, if you decied to come you'll have a fun time and will probably end up in screenshots and photos which will end up being posted here or on the wall of the room of the celebration! Please at least consider going! It is tomorrow, an hour after opening of VMK! <3 thnks for reading!
* Bump * for staff <3

Okay lets be serious, I bet that many ppl wouldn't go if I begged you to come, but think of it, its a cool room filled with loads of green and blue furniture, it has an 800 credit penny press and a 300 credit blue lamp prize package waiting for winners of the fun mini-games i host and with a little help from the others that are willing to donate prizes, ideas, and suggestions to this party are like donating to staff who donate their time to make VMK better so PLZ PLZ PLZ come ( back to begging hah! ) I would really like if this party went well...Just tomorrow search Fruit_smoothie in the popular guest room tab an hour after opening on VMK and enter. That is doing your share to show you care about VMK <3 thanks!
I'm off to soccer try outs, when I get back I am opening up the celebration which I am assuming it will be an hour after opening but there could be car trouble or such so search fruit_smoothie every couple minutes. So anyhow have fun on VMK but have even a better time when I open the Celebration! And I'm a little dissapointed that I didn't get any PMs or suggestions about this :( but anyway plz come! Its today...lol obviously!
I can donate a few prizes for the party. Do they need to be green and blue?
What a nice idea! :)

I will be online later today and will look out for you on VMK. I can buy/donate some things too when I (hopefully) see you! party:
I'm real sorry since I jus got back from soccer try outs but the celebration is now open! I hoped to open it an hour ago but a lil late! Search Fruit_smoothie right now to go!! :) I need game ideas to keep the party going as long as I can////


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