The Daily Grind - 9/2/09

yummy Holly!
Nan that stinks but hopefully he got the picture loud and clear.
I need to make Blondie bars but I'm afraid they'll be eaten before we head to camp by me!!!
Holly, that cake is adorable. Tell Bubba that he did an awesome job!!!! Now with the cake and all the talk about cookies and brownies I'm getting hungry and I just had dinner!:rotfl:

DS is bouncing around the house tonight. He got a callback for every part he auditioned for yesterday!!!!!!:banana: He's so excited and thinks he has a good shot at getting one of the bigger parts. He goes to the callback auditions tomorrow and will find out then or on Friday as to whether he gets a part. My fingers are crossed for him.
Good for him Stephanie!!!!!

tell him we will keep our fingers crossed for whichever one he really wants!!!
Good luck to Andrewno!!! :) LOL
I'm excited for him.. We had our auditions and one little guy that seems smitten w/ PJ got the lead.. of course she isn't a part of it because practices conflict w/ her sports.. :(
WTG Andrewno!

Holl, that little cake is too cute! How'd you make it?

I'm trying to find recipes for "new" dinner ideas. I'm sick of the same old same old and also so tired of going to the grocery store 4 times a week because I'm a poor planner. Oh, and I neeeeeed to lose some weight! Anybody have any new easy ideas?
yummy is right i could eat the whole batch myself is the problem. Well off to head the kids for bed and start making all the food for the weekend. I'm never going to finish it all and get packed I HAVE to sleep i don't function with out it. maybe early bed and up at 5 to start goona be a whooper list tomorrow
Holly, that cake is way too cute!! You and bubba did a great job!

DIT, great news for DS! Good luck!!

Nan, hope DsS follows the rules! And that his mom takes this seriously for once!
DS is bouncing around the house tonight. He got a callback for every part he auditioned for yesterday!!!!!!:banana: He's so excited and thinks he has a good shot at getting one of the bigger parts. He goes to the callback auditions tomorrow and will find out then or on Friday as to whether he gets a part. My fingers are crossed for him.

That is terrific. What is the play?

Holly, what an awesome cake. :thumbsup2 I bet you and Bubba had a wonderful time making the cake. Any leftovers, I am coming for a piece.

MomE has a lung infection which doesn't surprise me. With her asthma and COPD she is suspectable. the moldy moist air in that first room of the Contemporary certainly set her up for it. The dr put her on antibiotics. Hopefully it will clear up soon. Poor Mom, what was supposed to be a break from everything turned into her getting sick.
Holly- i love your cake!

DIT- good luck to your son- he is awesome!

Lisa- so sorry Mom E isn't doing well- I hope everything clears up quickly with the meds

That is terrific. What is the play?

Holly, what an awesome cake. :thumbsup2 I bet you and Bubba had a wonderful time making the cake. Any leftovers, I am coming for a piece.

MomE has a lung infection which doesn't surprise me. With her asthma and COPD she is suspectable. the moldy moist air in that first room of the Contemporary certainly set her up for it. The dr put her on antibiotics. Hopefully it will clear up soon. Poor Mom, what was supposed to be a break from everything turned into her getting sick.

I hope MomE feels better soon and the antibiotics clear it all up.

Thanks everyone for the cheers for DS. I think he's awesome!!! The two plays they are doing auditions for are Noises Off and The Shakespeare Company. There's a lot of actors in Noises Off, but only 3 guys in Shakespear Company but it's looking good that he'll get in both.
DIT--way to go to your DS!!!

Holly--LOVE the cake!! AND I love peanut butter cookies. . .think they could both fit in a priority mail box to TN??? :rotfl2:

Lisa--I hope MomE feels better soon!!!
thanks guys! it was so super easy.
it's 2 pound cakes. one full one on the bottom and 1/2 of the other on top. frost it yellow and white. put some black licorice on the top to separate the windows and the people are vanilla wafers! we used m&m's for headlights and tail lights and we cut up swedish fish for the mouths and the license plates.
honestly it took no time at all!

brooke- i wish it could fit in the box for you!
lisa-come on over and have a piece.
jennifer- i am so looking for new ideas. i have to go back to the routine of getting supper ready in the am now that schools here.
I'm always on the lookout for new things to fix for dinner. I picked this recipe up at the grocery store the other day. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems to be pretty simple and it looks really yummy in the picture.

Chicken Fried Rice

1 lb (about 1/2 inch thick) slice of Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast (I'm sure you can use any cooked chicken)
4 tbs Olive Oil
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 Tbs. chopped fresh ginger
2 Cups frozen (thawed) Asian or American package vegetables
1 C cooked jasmine rice
1/4 Cup soy sauce

Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, set aside.

In a large saute pan or wok, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil over medium-high heat. pour in the egg and quickly swirl around the pan so it forms a thin layer. Cook until just firm and a thin coating of cooked egg is formed; cut into 1/4-inch strips.

Wipe out the pan and add a tablespoon of the oil. Increase the heat and saute the ginger, about 2 minutes or until golden. Add the remaining oil and the vegetables and cook about 5 minutes. Stir the chicken into the pan. Add the rice and soy sauce and continue cooking just to warm through. Remove from the heat, toss in the egg, and serve.
DIT- congrats to DS! That is fantastic!

Lisa- I hope your mom feels better! My mom also has the COPD- no fun.
Missed the afternoon fun!!

Bubba!! I love the school bus cake!! AND peanut butter cookies!!

I bought brownie mix too! Gotta make those sometime....

New dinner ideas - one that is really easy and my family likes - google giada delaurentis "balsalmic chicken" YUM! We are having it tonight. Super Simple.
Oh great, Giada...DH has the biggest crush on her already! :lmao:

I got the ingredients for Chicken A La King and a few other items we haven't had in a while.


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