~The Daily Grind~ 8/12/09

Oh Buffy I feel your pain. DS8 was awful stubbon it was a nightmare. We tried aiming at the cheerios and m&m rewards nothing. Finally one day he was using his brothers computer and I said to him if he wanted his own he had to use the potty. that did it he trained himself in 3 days. Course I had an old crummy computer that was fine for kids games sitting in the basement.

Hang in there.
Potty training is a nightmare! I can't tell you how many phones I broke by throwing them at the wall! I'm pretty sure that's the main reason we only have one kid, I could handle labor twice, but not freakin' potty training! Good luck, Buffy, I'll just say what people always said to me, "she's not going to go to college in diapers!"
moose poop works wonders. At work we have moose that you push its tail down and it pops a jelly bean out of its butt. Its a crude thing but the kids are SO SO adicted. We used this to potty train our class (15 kids) and now we use it for when they poop. its great bribery
When does the Potty Training Express leave for Nan's!!? I know mine is a little young but thought perhaps having 2 would make it easier!! DD2 was interested - even told me she did not want to wear diapers anymore - but, alas, totally disinterested now.
DS21 was easy. An older woman I knew told me to set a timer, and when it went off, we ran to the potty and he would "try". It worked like a charm for him. But I did worry that he would have to pee every time he heard a kitchen timer, and be on Oprah at 40 telling his story :rotfl2:

DS17...nope, nothing worked. I gave up, and figured he was never going to school. Then he decided it was time, and then it was time... Of course we were going camping the very next day, and we were running to the potty house like every few min...

I never used pull ups. I had the old fashioned cotton training pants. We were really tight on money. And a new pack of super hero big boy pants were motivating :)

Dry for 2 1/2 hours, tried the potty. Nothing.

10 minutes later she piddled on the floor, no biggie, we went upstairs to use the potty anyway, I made her change clothes and clean up.
10 minutes after that DS8 came down to tell me DD needed me in the potty, she had started #2 but needed to use the "big potty" but can't get up there herself. So she finished in the big potty and didn't want baby wipes to clean up, wanted TP.

So she is enjoying her lollipop as a reward. I don't mind if we master this one backwards, as long as she learns! LOL

BTW, she has decided that she doesn't want to go to school, but is really thinking about the no potty no dance class scenario (she really loves contemporary dance). DH told her she's missing out on an awful lot of stuff, like swim class, school, dance, etc........
Yeah, Princess Blink!!! Tell her Miss Lisa is very happy that she earned a lollipop!!!!


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