Swimming and Babies


Earning My Ears
Jun 11, 2003
Hi! We just signed up for the Oct.5th 4 night/Wonder cruise and can't wait... we will be taking our 2 sons (4 years & 1 year). We live in So. Cal with very strict public pool policies for babies, ie: babies must wear at least one or two plastic diaper pants with a swim suit (not disposable) to enter. Is this true on the cruise ships? or are babies not allowed to swim at all?! Does anyone know?:confused: Thanks!
Welcome to the DIS Boards!!

Yes, that is true -- children must be potty-trained to swim at all. Plastic swim pants don't hold in germs, and after all the Norwalk virus stuff, it's a good thing they are taking this sort of this so seriously. But just so you know, it's the US Public Health Service who controls that law -- not the cruise ships or Disney. :)

On a recent thread here on the boards it was announced that Disney has converted one of the Mickey Ears in the kiddie pool to a fountain type mini pool with constant water turnover. It is open to small ones in swim diapers. So you will have a place for "swimmers" of all ages.
This is true...we were on the 5/17 Eastern Magic and one of the Mickey ears at the pool was dedicated to babies and toddlers not yet potty trained. They had constantly recirulating water and the babies seemed to enjoy it very much. You would not want young babies or toddlers in the Mickey pool anyway without constant supervision as it can get pretty rough in there.

What a neat idea! They hadn't done that yet in February -- I bet that has made a lot of people happy!

First, WeRHAPPY, welcome to the Disboard. Just like the other posters said, they are very strict about letting non-pottytrained children into the pools. I've seen cm ask the parents to take their little ones out of the pool and explain why. Plus the Mickey pool does get rough. I go in it iwith my DD, and the teacher in me comes out. I don't know where these kids' parents are, but allowing the bigger kids (or any child that is) to jump out of the mickey ears into his face with a sea full of other kids is dangerous. I've had to redirect the behavior of kids in both the Mickey and the Goofey pool.
The same is true for the 5/31 cruise. The starboard ear was a toddler play area. My 2 year old LOVED it! I did bring a couple of plastic cups & a small bucket from home for her to play with in the water. She had a blast!
You might just want to double check, heck triple check, with DCL that this is true for the Wonder, the ship you will be on, and not just the Magic.

We were on the 5/15 Wonder, and Mickey's ear was not converted for infant/toddler use. It would be great if it was or will be by the time you sail - it wasn't easy keeping my little guy out :(


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