sulpha vs. sulphur?


Apr 20, 2003
Have read with much interest the LONG thread involving WDW water. I am very confused about something. My DH and I are both diagnosed with sulpha drug alergies. I was diagnosed in college after having a pretty severe reaction involving throat swelling and hives. At the time I was a student at Florida State. My husband was born and raised in Jacksonville Fl. and we lived there up until about 4 years ago. We ALWAYS drank the tap water, as did our 4 kids. It does not smell or taste funny to us at all. I guess you get used to it, now we drink tap water from Lake Michigan with no problems either. My question, if sulphur and sulpha are the same wouldn't a doctor have told us NOT to drink the tap water? My reaction was pretty severe! On our last trip to WDW last August I did have some stomach problems, no fever but cramps and the runs. However, this was a recurring problem and in the fall I went to the doctor and was told it is probabaly Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Thankfully I have been feeling much better lately, but now you guys have me worried about WDW water on our next trip down. Any doctors or scientist out there who could answer my ???? thanks, Lacee
Two different things. I am also allergic to sulfa drugs and the water at WDW never bothers me (although it does smell funny.) You should be fine.
I'm in Jax myself lacee, and if you had city water, you really didn't have sulfer water. My parents are on a well, and let me tell you, their water stinks!!! I'm also allergic to sulfa and had no problems (other than the odor) with sulfur water.
Thank you both, I know this was a weird question! My hubby and I thought they were 2 different things. BTW, I know we were on city water in Jacksonville. We never have noticed Disney water smelling bad though, maybe we are just so happy to be there!!!
I too read that long thread about the water, and as a nurse I wanted to scream! Sulpha drug allergy and Sulphur water are not at all related. The problem isn't with the sulphur in the water it is just that you body s not used to that water. Think about it, people in Mexico don't have the runs all the time.....they are used to the water, if they came to you house and drank your water they might get the runs! If you have a sensative stomach you might have to be a little more careful, but don't panic. If the water was that bad, don't you think all the people that live in Florida would be sick!


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