Soldiers wife having a bad day

You can go to Michaels or JoAnns. They have disney items and scrapbooking ideas. Also you can check the disboards. I will warn you scrapbooking is as addicting as being on this board. LOL
OK!! Who fancies cheering me up today. i am feeling really blue today. For no reason really

i spoke to my DH the other night and he's moving to a different camp which is worrying. I hate the thought of him travelling as that puts him in more danger.

i wish November would hurry up
Hi Little Flower!! Wish I had the words to make you fill better. I remember those long days with my husband so far away and wondering if the time would ever pass. It does and when he is home with you it's as if he was never gone. Hang in there, pamper yourself and remember you are not alone.
I am not a military wife, but my prayers and thoughts go out to you and the rest of the families who have someone serving for our country. We think and talk so much about our dear ones who have been deployed. And God knows they need our thoughts and prayers. But I think we tend to forget what all of you wives and loved ones are going through. I am so glad that other military wives are posting for you. I think they can understand to a much greater degree then any of the rest of us. I know it has "only" been a short time apart, but I think that the adjustment must be awful. I pray as days go by that you begin to pull yourself up (slow or quickly - at the pace you can handle) and start to enjoy pieces of daily life again. It will happen, but will take time. There will always be a part of life missing until his return, so things will be different. But sometimes different can bring amazing Blessings if we are open to them. Keep posting and Gods Blessings on both of you!
Hi littleflower! I am just checking in on you to see how you are doing. Also to let you know you are still in my prayers.
Hi littleflower! I am just checking in on you to see how you are doing. Also to let you know you are still in my prayers.

Hi Kimis, I'm doing much better today. I spoke to my DH last night and he might be coming home for a week in September!!! That has cheered me up no end!! I think i'm finally getting into a routine now - it's been a month already!!

thank you for thinking of me - it really helps to have the support:lovestruc
Hi Kimis, I'm doing much better today. I spoke to my DH last night and he might be coming home for a week in September!!! That has cheered me up no end!! I think i'm finally getting into a routine now - it's been a month already!!

thank you for thinking of me - it really helps to have the support:lovestruc

Great news! hope it works out :grouphug:

My DH did 22 years in the Air Force......our son is deployed right now. I'm planning a trip to WDW when he gets back in Oct.
Hi, :grouphug: and prayers. I am not a Military wife, but my DN is. Her DH is in Iraq for his 3rd tour (15 mnths 1st tour, 15 months 2nd tour, and 12-15 this tour) and she gave birth to there first child in March. His R&R was two weeks after she had there child.
So I do understand, through her how hard it is and lonely. Try to stay positive and I do agree don't watch the news, DN stays away from that. Planning your Disney trip for the two of you should keep you busy and with time it does get a little easier. You will have good days and bad, but I think the worst is when they first leave. There's lots of craft ideas on the creative board that you may want to make for the trip:goodvibes
Thank you both for your sacrifices.
I am a sister of a Marine. He will be deployed in Sept for about 7 months.

I am very scared for him, I know he is strong and is getting the training that he needs but it is very difficult for me.

He is my only brother and I just want him to come home safe, I don't want to be negative but I have to face reality to where he is going and that can change at anytime.........


I decided to join a gym and when I said good bye to him I told him that when we see each other again in May I will be a skinny minnie!! He laughed and I laughed (through our tears) but I go EVERYDAY, I don't watch the news and in the evenings now our family watches the Olympics and it really helps us through those tough times.

He is still in Cali right now but once September comes I know it will get even more difficult so if I start now then come September I will be okay.

Its great that he might be coming home for a bit too!

My hugs and prayers are with you. Keep the faith
i thought i would post a little update!!

Things are going really well at the moment. After 3 months i am finally getting used to DH not being here

It looks like DH will have to travel to another base in afghanistan in the next couple of weeks so that is making me very nervous! but i know he will be fine.

I sent him over a big parcel of goodies last week - books, DVD's (i picked up Teen Wolf in the supermarket for £3!!!) Sweets. I even bought some silly halloween decorations so that they could brighten up their room for the holiday.

Just counting down the days till November 7th when he will be home:goodvibes


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