Seagully's post to stand alone.

Seagully-You are a courageous and incredible young lady, we all can learn alot from you. I will pray to God to give you strength to get through this.
Thank you, everyone, your support is appreciated. Kanga- How is sonya lately? Only 5 more treatments left, hope they all go well and makes her healthier than ever. hegs65 what kind of cancer does your son have? I wonder if were having the same problems, perhaps i could be of some help. My biggest problems that occur after the chemotherapy is weakness, sometimes my whole body trembles uncontrolably for some hours and that makes it quite difficult to do anything same with dehydration, that's when i bring in the chocolate (no i don't think it really helps, but it does make me feel better!) and of course the hair loss is getting to me, i've been bald for over a year now because of the chemotherapy. Well right now i'm at a difficult place i'm stuck in a position where I'm not undergoing any treament, which to me is fine, becuase quite honestly i enjoy days when i don't have any. But it is certainly taking it's toll on me. I stopped the experiment meds, and am on 'rest and watch' until i move back to the united kingdom in 5 weeks where i will be going back to my old treatments from before I moved here. I do say this was quite an experience though, visiting a new country with new people and ways of living. even if the medication didn't help the way i thought it would. my hugs to all, take care and have you smiled today? :)
Seagully, I find your posts so uplifting, you have such a great attitude going through this and still finding the humor in it all..

When you do move home, you will continue to post to us all so we know how you are doing......we hope.

Please take care of yourself, eat that chocolate, whatever makes you happy right now. Hopefully, they are trying to let you recover a bit from all the chemo, we all know what it takes good cells as well as bad, and I can understand the break period, we have done that here too..

Anyway, take care, hugs to you... I have not smiled yet this morning, but I will be seeing my grandson later on and there are smiles so abundant, you cannot believe it.. He is 10 months old and the apple of our eyes....he never ceases to amaze us and we just laugh all the time. Just the thought of him is making me smile while I am writing this..

lots of hugs.. keep in touch.
Mackey_mouse! it's good to hear from you, how is your husband? Hope you enjoyed your vacation. One of these days the world will find a better way to treat cancer than radiation and chemotherapy. Seems they are working hard, giving all these experiments. I'll be staying away from those, until they are complete though! I will certainly do my best to keep you all updated on what's going on here, and hope to hear good news often from all of you... Disney has also keeped me happy and finding all of you just makes me feel better, to think that there are other people out there going through what I am. Awe enjoy your day with the grandson, 10 months old is a fun age! experiencing new things for the first time, I remember when my neighbours daughter was about that age and she was learning how to walk. Was always falling down and she always laughed when she did.
Seagully, You are wiser and braver than most adults I know. I will add you to my prayers. I donated over 11 inches of my curly lochs to Lochs of Love for kids who are going through chemo. Have you looked into get a wig until your own hair grows back? The next time I donate more curls I will do it in your name.

Keep your chin up and we'll keep praying for you!

I am back in the United Kingdom and I do say it's good to be home. Was a bit of a rushed move last week as a blood test was not good and I had to go for immediate help. We decided to get it here rather than there because once I did I would not be able to move for over a month at least therefore keeping me there longer than necessary. My minds telling me one thing and body another but I am doing better, perhaps it’s the new environment and feeling of being home once again. My 17th birthday is on the 13th, doctors said most cases like mine don't make it 5 years and yet here comes another year for more memories and adventures, leukemia didn’t know what it was doing when it met me!
Seagully, thank you for your posts. You are amazing young woman, and I will keep you in my prayers. :hug:
I just stumbled onto this thread... Seagully I want to say that at your age you are wiser then most adults I know. I"m sorry that the treatment in the US didn't work out for you. Did you end up going to DL? I hope you have a great 17th bday. Your outlook on life has taught me a valuable lesson. To be happy in life..... For that I thank you....
Thanks all, I plan on just a small get together with family and close friends and every year on my birthday for as long as i can remember I help plant a new flower in our huge garden so also looking forward to that. I didn't end up going to Disneyland because I wasn't 'allowed' to go out in public places at the time that the trip was planned, we weren't really thinking of that when we bought the tickets so we ended up giving them away and i got a promise for sometime this year a trip to DLP.


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