SB: Scrappers stand up and be counted.

I have been scraping for about 10 years (back when you had to use the big old books with brown paper pages. Have about 7 of those I need to redo. I started using CM products about 3 1/2 years ago just after my son was born and loved it so much I became a CM consultant. I only do it on a small scale to get the discount for myself and sell to about 10 friends & their friends. I have finished 3 albums for my son, 1 for my daughter and have a family travel one I am working on. Need to start one of our house remodel over the past 2 years and start ones for my husband's childhood & mine. I love the CM 12x12 albums and colors. Use the sapphire for my son, mulberry for daughter, evergreen for family and plan on using the plum for hubby & me and black for remodel. We are going to Disneyland in a month so I started stocking up on stickers, diecuts and other Disney stuff when I go to the scrapbooking store. I wish CM had Disney stuff but since they like to create their own stuff to be sure it is photosafe they won't go the Disney route. Probably would also be costly to get the Disney license to produce that kind of stuff but you never know.. Going to buy the idea book about Disney pages because it looks like it has a lot of neat ideas..

Having a big 6 hour workshop at my house this weekend so hope to get some scraping done!!


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