Running Towards The Mouse - My 70 Pound Weight Loss Journey


Nov 6, 2017
I've run 3 Disney Marathons (one during my 2015 dopey challenge) and many other races. My last race was the Disney Marathon 2017 and since then I have lost the desire to run. In doing so...gained 30 pounds and have become very lazy. With two kids (2 1/2 and 1 year old), I have had plenty to keep me busy...and to use as an excuse for my poor habits. ATM, I'm not going to go into the poor eating habits or other things that have become excuses/challenges...just ready to finally do something...

So here we go, I plan on using this journal as an outlet to hold me accountable and to talk about the things that have typically derailed my previous attempts. I am my worst enemy and I am the only one who can control my actions.

God bless and lets do this!
The First Step Is Always the Hardest
I'm 33 and have lost count on how many times I have stated "My Diet Starts On Monday". My weight has always been a challenge and as I get older, it doesn't get easier. I have the best intentions and great support...but I can't get over my need for short term satisfaction. Its what always derails my attempts to loss weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Along with getting back to running, I WILL figure out how to create a plan that is based on short term goals and stop going ALL OR NOTHING!

Thanks for the’s been a day filled with excuses. It’s so easy to say tomorrow will be the day, why can’t it be today?

Just can’t break the thought that everything must fall into place...

Tomorrow is the day, why tomorrow...who knows but tomorrow it is. My daughter woke up at 5am crying so I went to comfort her. She decided that she needed to use the potty so I took her to the bathroom and while in there I noticed myself in the mirror...why have I let it get so bad.

You would think these small thoughts and feelings would be enough to power me through, but it never is. I want this so bad and I have so much support from friends and family. Yet I make it looks so easy to through all of that out of the window for a

I know it’s never worth it and that the satisfaction will be followed up with regret, but yet I do it. In the end the only thing fulfilling these desires do gor me is add to my low self esteem.

Still starting this thing tomorrow and find myself actually pretty excited, just wanted to add this fun fact. I live in Central Florida and of course on the day I start running again (I run at 5am) we are expecting snow with the temp forecasted to be around 26 degrees...

Bring it on Mother Nature!
Woke up this morning to go for an hour walk and it was raining pretty bad, old self would have said “diet starts tomorrow”...but I have set a goal of hitting 6 miles walking today.

Feel pretty good, a bit hungry...had a snack at 10am and hoping it holds over to lunch at 12p.

Just can’t get the regret out of my head on another year and i’m Still at the place with my weight i’m Always at. I know I can’t live in the day at a time and one good decision at a time
Day 1 has come and gone...I hit my calorie goal for the day which is a trend I plan on sticking too. I exceeded my goal of walking 6 miles today, came in at 7 total miles (walked 4 this evening to ensure goal was met). I have a 60 minute workout planned for tomorrow morning doing a 2 minute run/1 minute walk for 60 minute duration. Believe it or not, i’m Pretty excited about it!

Got to keep the goal in focus and remember to concentrate on the little doesn’t have to be all or nothing!

Weight 230 - Zero Lost (first weight in)
Just got done running in 23 degree weather...I guess Florida decided to participate in winter this season. Ran 3 miles doing 2 minute run / 1 minute walk intervals. Felt pretty good but I kept around 11:30 pace since it’s been a few months since I have run. Great way to start off day 2

I feel good!
Side thought...I understand the importance of staying hydrated but boy am I tired of visiting the restroom...

Great work getting out in the cold! This northerner should be ashamed she's been hiding inside.

Also, one of my resolutions is to drink more water and my gosh, these bathroom trips are getting in the way of my day! For me, I don't have to go for hours, then all of a sudden it's twice in 15 minutes!
Yesterday started great and ended in shame...I stayed up late and fell into my old habits of snacking and drinking bourbon. Killed a bag of chips and some pizza. But I woke up not discouraged, just ready to keep fighting and keep going. No matter what I do, I will have bad days...lets just limit them and try to manage them. I really want to do this...

I keep thinking about how there is so much in life I can't control and this is something I can and it will have a huge impact on my life. DO IT! WANT IT! LIVE IT!


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