Problems with font size in Internet Explorer - Never mind, Fixed!


DIS Veteran
Aug 4, 2007
Hi all, I just thought I'd toss this out there to see if any of you know how to fix it. I was on the Dis earlier and everything was fine. Then I went out and came back on the computer and all my fonts look small. I mean really tiny. Even my pictures that I post look small and normally they look large to me. Recently my computer updated itself to IE 8. But that was like 2 weeks ago or so. I checked and all fonts look fine in Word. It's just online is whacked! Any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this would be great, because I'm going to rapidly lose my vision if it stays this way! Thanks!

ETA: Everyone's photos look small to me now, not just mine. The weird thing is the window is the same size. It's just the font and pphotos are small.

FYI...if anyone else has this problem. There's a magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner of I.E. Click on it and make sure it's at 100%. Mine was at 75%, can't imagine what 50% or 25% looks like! :scared1:


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