PrincessCyann's WISH Journal {comments welcome}


In a Princess state of mind
Jun 3, 2005
After falling off of the weight-loss wagon, I have again started to get back into line (after noticing I was starting to re-gain some of the weight I lost).

I have a few obstacles to overcome though.

One is getting over using food as comfort. When I get stressed, or things go awry, I would always retreat with my fave comfort foods. I know it is unhealthy (and I did see a counselor about it for awhile), but I confess there are times when I want so badly to cave and just get a bag of Doritos and a Snickers bar! I have started writing down how I feel and exercising when I get to the point where I want to turn tail and seek the company of comfort foods.

Another tough point is that DH is NOT supportive at all. He has brought home the foods I have intentionally not purchased (and told him I wanted to avoid) and will give the silent treatment if I exercise :( He was thrilled when I caved the last time, but I HAVE to lose weight, for ME. I don't see how my getting healthier can be a bad thing, I really don't. I have a friend who is up in arms over my watching what I eat/exercising too :( She said I am a wife and mom, I should just go with it. BUT I don't see how being slimmer and healthier is somehow a bad thing or going against my role as wife/mom. I don't take time away from my family, I don't deprive them of plentiful/tastey meals, so I am at a loss :confused3 as to what they think I am doing so wrong :confused3 Maybe the people pleaser in me needs to lessen, I guess.

Regardless, I AM going to be a better me.

Anyway, those are my thoughts/concerns for today.

Since June 29, I have been exercising daily, and watching my calories :bounce: 12.5 pounds to go!
Welcome Princess Cyann to the Wonderful World of WISH! I'm really sorry that people can't stand the fact that you're doing something wonderful for yourself. Please do this for you. I know it will be hard, but I think you need to prove them wrong.

Read other people's journals, drink lots of water, exercise. And when you need comfort, write, cry, get hugs or my fave-break out the Playdoh! Just keep your hands busy. This too shall pass. :hug:

A cheer because there will always be someone here WISHing for you to succeed.

:cheer2: YES YOU CAN!
:cheer2: Princess
:cheer2: Cyann
:cheer2: Lose that weight
:cheer2: Show them what's the best
:cheer2: C-Y-A
:cheer2: Double N
:cheer2: Put them to the test!

Best of luck, :banana: !
Thanks TigerCheer :)


So far today, I have done my crunches and 45 minutes on the exercise bike. I wanted to reach an hour, but I was beyond tuckered out. I did drink a bottle of water during that time, which is something I thought may help (since I was sweating so much!) I'll get the last 15 minutes in tonight (maybe 30 if I am feeling extra motivated, but at least the 15)

I have been sticking to the eating plan, but I am a lot hungrier today than I have been since I re-started my program (June 29). I am having uber-cravings for an Almond Snickers! I think that was heightened when I was noshing on an ounce of almonds yesterday and reflecting on how much better they seem to taste in a Snickers ;) Oh well.

I did cave yesterday and have a frozen fudge bar, but the calories fit in well with my daily intake, so I am hopeful that it didn't mess me up that way, however since then, the desire for sugar has increased. :rolleyes:

I was also sooooo hungry about 9:30 last night after squeezing in more stationary bike time, so I had some tuna (with pickle relish instead of my usual mayo--lots of calories saved that way). I held off for awhile, hoping to be able to wait til morning, but my stomach was growling, and I was realy really hungry! I figure the tuna was a fairly benign choice at least.

Today's food log:
*parfait in a fancy glass (for some reason it makes a difference, feeling special rather than deprived I suppose) consisting of Dannon Light ' Fit vanilla yogurt and 1 cup of bing cherries

*Romaine lettuce/1 Tbs. light dressing (I found that shaking it like crazy in a sealed bowl gets that tiny amount very well distributed)
*one ounce of cracker barrel extra sharp cheddar cheese
*1/2 cup of cauliflower and 1/2 cup of broccoli tossed with salt/pepper/garlic and onion powders, and three spritzes of Pam spray, and put in the oven for about 15-20 minutes

Afternoon snack:
*three baby kosher dill pickles

Plan for dinner:
*2 ounces of solid white tuna (canned) with some chopped onions, pickle relish, and chopped tomatoes, wrapped in a romaine lettuce leaf
*another fruit/yogurt parfait

Planned Evening Snack:
*an ounce of almonds (minus the snickers ;) )
Hello! I like the fruit parfait idea! Sounds like yum. You're doing very well. Keep it up! Must dash!
:sad2: I messed up. :sad2: I am realy disappointed with myself, because last night, I once again slipped up. I had such resolve! I was so determined to not fall back on my food crutch, but low and behold, I did.

Yesterday I didn't exercise at all because I told myself I was feeling too cruddy (I was, but not enough to warrant vegging out) and that if I watched what I ate one day wouldn't be horrible to skip exercise :rolleyes1 right, not.

Then I had a few incidents where my esteem plummeted, absolutely everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and I fell into the old rut. I was in the foolish mindset of "nothing is going to change anyway so why try" so my resolve went out the window. In addition to the food on my plan (I toughed it out until evening, then I just gave up), I had a candy bar, a pop-tart, cotton candy (a handful), cookies (one of those small bags for a lunch box), and swung by Wendy's for a junior bacon cheeseburger and fries :rolleyes: A whole heck of a lo more calories than I should have had, and not healthy in the slightest. :sad2:

I went to bed feeling so defeated and guilty (and angry with myself!), and woke up feeling the same. I know it's one incident, and I should get back up on the proverbial horse and forge ahead. I plan on doing that, but still, I am really disappointed with myself.

Today...well, I suppose it is another day. Situation-wise, it is looking a lot like yesterday, I am still feeling over-whelmed, but I am once again determined to not make yesterday's food/exercise mistakes.

My goal is to get in at least 30 minutes on the exercise bike, do some crunches, and perhaps do some extra to make up for yesterday.
You oopsed and as you mentioned, it's a brand new day! You can get it done, I know you can!

Is that splurge better than you woulda done before? Talk to you later...
Welcome to WISH journaling. :wave2: :wave2:

Don't beat yourself up over the splurges. Each day is a new day. Forget about what happened yesterday.

Have you cut your calorie intake too low. Mix up the calorie count from time to time so your body doesn't get used to how much you eat.

Keep trying to get the exercising in. You can do this for yourself. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. They are trying to sabatoge your efforts. you have to do what you feel is right for you.

Here is a :grouphug: to make you feel better. Sending pixie dust :wizard: your way.


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