Prayers for my mom

No worries about the
My prayers are with you as well. Your sons love you, so I'm sure going with you, since your husband can't be there, is right where they want to be.

Mom's blood work came back negative.
Now she is waiting on her results for the scan.
Hi Lisa, that's great news about your Mom's blood work. Continued prayers that she'll continue to get good news. Take care.

The oncologist called mom yesterday afternoon and said her scan was negative. She told mom she was looking at her MRI, her bloodwork and her scan and saw absolutely nothing

She told mom the first day, that if the bloodwork and scan came back negative, she would not make her do the marrow biopsy, but she asked mom if she would go ahead and do it, next week, do just absolutely rule out everything. She told mom she was still not worried at all, and she still thought there was nothing else, but this was rule out absolutely everything. And mom would never have to see her

She did tell mom that they found out, while doing mom's bloodwork, mom is missing something in her make up, and that she was born with this, and I can't remember the medical term at this moment, but basically mom can't fight off certain infections, like sinus, respiratory, things like that, I guess like most of can and that she can't have a blood transfusion. She told mom something about if she ever did, the blood would have to be washed or something.

She is printing out info for her on that and wants her to carry a braclet.

Thank you guys for your contined prayers. It means the world to me.
Lisa, that is wonderful that it all came back negative!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes

The power of prayer IMHO is amazing. Hugs to your family. :grouphug:
I agree!!
Thank you all so much for keeping my mom in your prayers. I appreciate it, more than you I can express.
Mom had her bone marrow biopsy on Friday.
Her doctor called her today and said they found light traces of something, but they still don't know what it is and are hoping to have all the results from the bone marrow biopsy by tomorrow. She told her she is still not that concerned, but she still doesn't know what is there. She also said that it may be something that doesn't even need treatment. It could be something that mom will just have to have follow ups with her. She told mom she did not want to call and scare her, but mom had called about her results, so she wanted to touch base with her. She still doesn't seem that concerned, but we are hoping that it's nothing.
The oncologist just called. All the bone marrow results are in and they can't find anything wrong with mom.

The small trace of something was nothing, it was one cell that was different and she said it was nothing and it was not cancer (the one cell that was different). It was just a small thing they noticed, but again, nothing.

She she said the abnormality that they saw on her hips that led to all this, is just the way mom's body is made up. She told mom she wanted to see her again in 6 months to just see her and follow up.
Now that was good news, thanks for sharing it.. I am so glad her tests were all negative..


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