Photo Pass Confusion


Merrily, Merrily, Merrily...
Jul 29, 2020
Hi all you lovely people!!

Going to USO in October to celebrate me and my teens birthdays. I've purchased the resort and ticket package, adding the photo pass for every day we are there, including VB. I've never done the photo pass and not familiar with much. I know when I check into RPR there is a guest services area to pick up our park tickets, special event tickets, but do they also give you your photo pass at the resort as well or do we have to go to whichever park we decide at the time and collect both photo pass packages there?
Second question, I have noticed in the past, after the rides, there are always a TON of people looking at the photos of the rides. I get that but, is this where we go as well, to try to figure out which one is us? I'm afraid we would spend too much time looking and figuring the kiosk out to make everyone irritated. Is there a simple or quick way to figure this all out? I have a bad feeling I'm going to miss out on a lot of photos if the kiosk is the only way to do it. My kiddo has extreme social anxiety and PTSD and even with medication, can't handle crowding around her or being touched, so it worries me. I keep thinking about canceling it, but this will be our last trip while she's in high school, so I wanted memories to look at later, Sorry for the long post, just in complete doubt of what to do or how this works.
Please help!!
Unless they changed it, the photo package pickup is at photo stores at the front of each park, right inside the entrance a doorway or two down from guest services, on the right hand side.

You should be able to get a photo QR card from any of the roaming photographers or at any ride photo desk, then just keep adding photos to it. You don't have ti activate the photo pass first thing, just keep adding photos to that QR card & then stop at the photo shop at your convenience to activate the photo package, which will give you access to an online photo account & they will add all the photos on the QR card to your online account.

You can activate the photo account any time before park close & add any photos taken that day. But once the parks close, they purge the photo database overnight if they haven't already been added to an account. Once added to your account, you can keep using the same QR card and it will stay connected to your photo account for the whole trip. You can also acquire multiple QR cards and add them to the same account (this is helpful if you split up or if you forget the QR card in the hotel).

I found the kiosks might be crowded at times, but the manned desks are usually pretty quick. If you are waiting for a kiosk, just keep an eye out for your photo & remember the number on it when it pops up, makes it easier to find than trying to scroll through photos. You or the photo desk person will find the photo & scan your QR card, it's quite quick & easy.

Don't forget about the automated photo ops (Back to the Future Delorean, Jurassic Park Jeep/ T-Rex, etc). You will also want to connect your TapuTapus at Volcano Bay, some rides will take photos & add them to your account automatically via the TapuTapu.
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Thank you for such wonderful advice. That makes me feel so much better! I really appreciate the info about the automated photo ops and VB. I wasn't aware of any of this. Have a wonderful day!!
It might also be helpful to plan some split ups. Like where one person waits for the photos, and the teen/everyone else walks to a less congested area.

It sounds like you are familiar with Universal, but I'd definitely try to keep the teen out of the locker areas. IMO, those are the most crowded areas of the parks, with people jostling each other. We try to send just one person to the lockers with everyone's stuff. If you don't carry much, it all fits.

Even better, most rides you can take a fanny pack, or just keep to what you can carry in your pockets.

Best wishes fora great visit!
It might also be helpful to plan some split ups. Like where one person waits for the photos, and the teen/everyone else walks to a less congested area.

It sounds like you are familiar with Universal, but I'd definitely try to keep the teen out of the locker areas. IMO, those are the most crowded areas of the parks, with people jostling each other. We try to send just one person to the lockers with everyone's stuff. If you don't carry much, it all fits.

Even better, most rides you can take a fanny pack, or just keep to what you can carry in your pockets.

Best wishes fora great visit!
Thank you! Yes, we've been a few times. However, it's just her and I going. When we go, she tends to be like glue. When she's comfortable in a quieter setting (Ie. the room, a table at a restaurant, pool), she's a normal teen, but in a loud congested area, she doesn't wander on her own. She's always been like this, but it's ok. It's our time to just be together and bond and get ready for the next big adventure called life. lol. I plan on taking a bum bag and a crossbody so limited locker time. She does better at the outside lockers on Hulk but RRR, she'll sit on the outside wall and Mummy, she won't leave my side. Forbidden Journey is a nightmare, but I look for lockers in corners and she'll wait there for a very short amount of time. It seems to help. Thanks again for all your help!!
Thank you! Yes, we've been a few times. However, it's just her and I going. When we go, she tends to be like glue. When she's comfortable in a quieter setting (Ie. the room, a table at a restaurant, pool), she's a normal teen, but in a loud congested area, she doesn't wander on her own. She's always been like this, but it's ok. It's our time to just be together and bond and get ready for the next big adventure called life. lol. I plan on taking a bum bag and a crossbody so limited locker time. She does better at the outside lockers on Hulk but RRR, she'll sit on the outside wall and Mummy, she won't leave my side. Forbidden Journey is a nightmare, but I look for lockers in corners and she'll wait there for a very short amount of time. It seems to help. Thanks again for all your help!!
Not sure when your most recent visit was, but FJ lockers are now outside the castle in an area that is a bit more open than old location. The one's for Gringott's are still same as ever. (cramped) Mummy's lockers were also relocated. They are no longer outdoors, but space is more open than the older outdoor ones were.

Except now the lockers come in two sizes. The smaller, free ones are still pretty big, but won't hold very large backpacks. Water bottles/drinks that close/seal, can be put sideways will fit. Open cups don't tend to fit upright. So that is one detail to know.
Thanks for the info! We were there last in October 2021, but I had my adult daughter and young grandson with us at the time, so my attention span was that of a gnat. lol I was too busy keeping up with a wonderful, but very busy little. I was worn out at the end of each day! Wonderful memories but made me doubt my sanity and my age for a minute. 🤣


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