
I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
When I was the First Sgt of various Air Force Squadrons, one of my favorite sayings was "get all the way in or all the way out". Which meant that if you were going to wear the uniform then live the lifestyle, based on honor integrity and courage. Military people are held to a higher code of honor than our civilian counterparts. If you don't show up for work you might get fired or be repriminded, but a military member can face trial and punishment.

When we choose to lead a healthy lifestyle then we also need to go into it a 100% to have long term success. The on and off over and over try and fail is hard on your body and your self esteam.

If you really want to succeed then make a committment to "Get all the way in". Loseing weight and getting is good condition are not impossible, but it is like any job, do any job with half effort and the result is poor quality.

We have some wonderfull examples on the WISH of people who have been successful because they stayed with it and gave it an honest effort. Most are not fashion model thin but they are strong and healthy.

This forum has a lot of support but the desire and the committment must come from each of us individually. It doesn't help to have support if you already ate the chocolate cake or blew off your exercise for the month.

My answer is to look in the mirror and ask that person looking back at you if you are worth the effort. Can you committ to that person to be healthy and get into better condition? You have to make that promise to yourself and mean it.

My own dear lady has made a committment to get the weight off that has been creeping up on her for the last couple of years. Her eating habits and mine are different. I need a lot of protien for maintaining and repairing since my training is more intense than hers. We eat out a lot of meals and she will order a veggie plate, salads and veggie soups. I usually get a good portion of fish and lots of veggies. When we eat at home she will fix a veggie dish for herself and I will add a portion of fish or a soy meat product to mine for the added protien.

I love fried food, especially catfish and chicken. I don't eat it, period, not an option. If I do I haven't broken any laws but I have dropped my standards and that is not personally honorable. I have to hold myself to those sgtandards.

We have to resist a lot of things in our lives anyway. How often have you resisted telling your boss to "just shut the heck up and let me do my job". It was rough but you did it right. Learn to resist the other things that comprimise your personnal standards.

I will personally make this committment to my fellow WISH warriors and friends. I will be strong in my conviction and be an example of success and also be available to anyone who needs an ear or a shoulder to lean on when your journey gets tough.:hug:

Who will join me and make this committment. Who will hold themselves to a higher standard of self worth and personal honor?

YARC Panda:hippie:
Higher Standard Panda I am with you all of the way. I would like to think that I try to live up to a higher standard, expecially when it comes to my training, healthy eating and exercise routines. I have a lot of the people that tell me that I'm not committed..... but I should be.:lmao: They look at my intensity and endurance and then ask me if I have lost my mind? Pretty much, I have and I love it!

I will say this though about healthy eating. Once you do something for 2 weeks, your body becomes accustomed to it. That means that if you eat a 1200 calorie a day diet everyday, then that is what your body gets used too and it becomes harder and harder for the weight to come off. It is called hitting a plateau. But if you train and eat "very clean" for 6 days and then allow yourself a cheat day, that will keep your body guessing and give you better and faster results.

Higher Standards! Smart Training! Intelligent WISHers!
That's what we are and striving to get better everyday!

Long-Winded Bubba


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