Packing spillable items?


<font color=magenta>Dared to light another candle!
Aug 18, 2001
I know if I really think hard enough I can figure out how to pack this spillable item. I'm going away in October to WDW and NEED to bring my bottle of Sea Breeze face astringent. It has a flip top top and is definitely not strong enough to survive the trip.
Besides putting it in a ziploc bag does anyone else have some tips for packing spillable items?
I used to have this great travel set that had a squeeze bottle top but I lost the top and cannot find it.
What I did for my toner is buy a little bottle at the drugstore (with travel size stuff) for about $1. It has a tight lid and I did not want to bring my entire bottle (it lasts about 3 months and was over kill for a 10 day vacation). I put that in a ziploc in my carry-on and had no leaks. I have used the same one for 3 trips now.
Can you tape the top down before you put it in the baggie? I do think that buying a smaller bottle with a screw on type lid would be better tho.
Ditto to the other responses. You can buy Sea Breeze in a travel size bottle. Just buy that and don't open the seal til you get there. Or shell out a dollar for a new travel bottle that will work for you. You can get them without buying an entire new travel kit. And definitely use ziploc bags.
1. Put all your spillables in one big ziplock -- it won't be very inconvenient. Just two weekends ago I packed my daughter's liquid antibiotic in a ziplock bag -- it's a good thing I did! It spilled out and would have ruined the whole family's clothing for the weekend.

2. I think I've seen Sea Breeze in individual tear-open packets. Don't ask me where!
Hey Mish try this, unscrew the cap and double seal the top with some plastic wrap then screw the top back on that should work.



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