Off to the Land Down Under - Day 6


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2001
Trip participants – Colin (43) Me (38) and Zach (8)

Day 6 4th June 2003

Today is the day for Quicksilver trip out to the Great Barrier Reef. Zach chose today to throw a massive wobbler and I had to carry him onto the bus at 09.15. Bus took us down to the marina where we boarded a humongous catamaran taking us out to Agincourt reef, where they have a permanent pontoon moored. Coffee and biccies served on boarding. Took about 1½ to get there, very speedy and wind nearly blowing us off the front deck, but gloriously sunny so stripped down to my cossie to sunbathe. Zach soon cheered up and started racing around in excitement.

As soon as we got to the pontoon, I hired him a Lycra bodysuit to protect him from sunburn and jellyfish stings. That was the last I saw of him for a while as he headed off to the snorkelling area.

I went down in the semi-submersible to see the reef underwater – really beautiful!!! Colin spent the time sunbathing and taking photos.

Lunch was laid on (free again!!) at about 1.00, gorgeous buffet with salads, meat, prawns etc and loads of pineapple and melon slices. Then finally we left about 14.40 and got back for 16.45 to pick up the jeep. Much more fun with our own transport now!! Got changed and went back to the Hogs breath for steaks and salads.

Early night again, long days and this heat really knacker you out!


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