NOO! Leaving Tuesday & Stomach Flu Arrives @ Our House!


Apr 6, 2003
Oh no!....the little one is throwing up like crazy and the middle one "feels sick." What if the rest of us get it in between now and then?? I rented points...I can't postpone..... :scared:
Maybe we'll be well enough by Tuesday to get on a plane???
Push fluids. BRAT diet. Monitor hydration. Be ready to really push fluids all though the trip, even when the kids don't feel thirsty, make them drink anyway. Most viral stomache viruses last somewhere between 7-10 days. Most over the counter medicine is not a good idea for kids under the age of 12 because while it provides temporary relief of the symptoms, it can keep the virus in the gut for a longer period of time.

Good luck. Maggie.....I work in a pediatric office, can you tell? :p
Hopefully your middle child just feels "sympathy sick" (happens to me whenever my kids get a stomach virus). My kids are usually over the worst part of a stomach vius within hours. It may take several days to feel back to normal, but they're able to go to school, out to play, and to WDW sooner than that.

My son got a stomach virus in Feb at WDW and was only out of commision for several hours.

How old are your kids? My son is 4yo and he sat in his stroller a lot that trip, which actually made it easier on me.

Thanks! She's 4. She's been throwing up since 3:30 AM. Hopefully the worst of it will be over soon. The other 2 went to my parents for the day to keep exposure to a minimum. Thanks for the advice. Do you wait until the nausea subsides before you force fluids? I thought you let the stomach remain empty for an hour or so and then do about 1 ounce every 15 min. ???
Come to think of it though, this one has been hospitalized for dehydration from stomach flu before. :rolleyes: Gosh! But there are worse things in life....
My pediatrician reccomends a sip of flat coke or gingerale every 10 minutes.
Pedialyte, 5ml every 5 min for a day, even if they are still throwing up, then BRAT. As long as they are throwing up, they NEED that fluid. Anything sweeter can actually be worse, causing tissue fluid to flow into the stomach to neutralize all that sugar. Wash the sheets, the toothbrushes, the bathroom and anything else she comes in contact with so the other little guys, and you, have less exposure. (As if you did not have enough to do.)

The last time my son got a stomach virus I bought the Pedialite freezer pops and that went down well. Something frozen sounded good to him and he could slowly eat them.

Problem with these darn viruses is that they are usually contagious a day before symptoms begin.

Oh no! I am always concerned that my family will get sick just prior to our trips.

My husband often tells me when I get mad or frustrated with traffic, or a change in scheduled plans that God has me exactly where he wants me at a particular time.

I just said a prayer for you and your family! I hope you will have a wonderful time, in fantastic health at WDW.:D
Thank you! HollyJoy, your photos are so cute! I'm optimistic about the 4 yr old. She's drinking pedialyte and keeping it down. She and my son played together intensely yesterday and he "cooked a picnic" for them. If he doesn't get it, it will be a miracle. Here's hoping!
I hope your daughter feels better really soon and no one else gets it. We had it last year and it was a nightmare! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
I would bet the worst of it will be over in a matter of hours. I have never had a stomach virus last more than 72 hours, though my son did have diarrhea this summer on and off for 5 days but he felt and ate fine.
We had the Norwalk virus when I was 2 months pregnant with DS and even that was just about gone in 48 hours except for a bit of weakness. You have NEVER seen a nastier stomach virus that that!! You should be OK! And good luck!
Kids do get over these things fairly quickly - but we adults don't necessarily do so well! Make sure you take care of yourself, and get as much rest as you can so your body can fight it off as well. Being the primary caregiver makes you more apt to catch it! We'll be crossing our fingers for you!
Originally posted by abitjaded
Pedialyte, 5ml every 5 min for a day, even if they are still throwing up, then BRAT. Carla

I will probably say "Doh!" as soon as someone explains, but what is BRAT?
Originally posted by Zippa D Doodah
I will probably say "Doh!" as soon as someone explains, but what is BRAT?

Basically an easy-on-the-stomach plain foods diet.

I would also suggest children's dramamine or gravol. It will help to alleviate nausea and vomiting symptoms. They also come in suppositories if she can't keep medicine down.
Well, we might get our miracle! So far the little one is recovering and the older 2 kids and parents are vomit-free. :D THANK YOU for the advise and prayers and good wishes! This trip is our gift to all 4 grandparents so we are glad that it looks like we can be there as well. One thing is certain, I now do not care about crowds or weather- I am just THANKFUL!
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better...have a great trip!!!


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