New form of torture - watching a trip happen live via your phone


DIS Veteran
Feb 26, 2001
My adult children are currently in WDW; a trip before my oldest gets married in 5 weeks. Watching the notifications come across my phone is just brutal while I work.....Love they are having fun (they rope dropped MK this morning and crushed it); but eating lunch at my desk while they are getting bread service at Sanaa is not easy.
Well, you should disown them if they don't come back with a truck load of gifts for you. :)
I feel your pain, my 15 year old got to go on a trip with her school music program in April and enjoyed sending updates and we share pics so I could see them all in real time. I was so jealous!
That being said, there were two redeeming things- the first was seeing that smile of pure joy back in full force for 5 straight days for a kid that really struggled coming out of Covid...and the second was knowing we'd all be going for 10 days in August. :)
Glad your kiddos are having fun!!
My adult children are currently in WDW; a trip before my oldest gets married in 5 weeks. Watching the notifications come across my phone is just brutal while I work.....Love they are having fun (they rope dropped MK this morning and crushed it); but eating lunch at my desk while they are getting bread service at Sanaa is not easy.
You are basically describing what a vlogger does at WDW (well, minus the actual live stream). I don't think people watch them to be tortured, but what do I know ...
I feel your pain…. I could of gone to Disneyland for the first time back in May if park passes weren’t a thing (I was scared to invest the $$$ on flying myself across country only to not be able to go to the parks) so my sister live texted
I cried at her msep video
Update - just got a facetime from the lounge at Poly where they showed proceeded to eat the bread pudding in front of me. Which is one of my favorite WDW hacks. After eating dinner at the Steakhouse 71 using my Disney Rewards card. I think it's time to change the will.

Seriously - my mother passed away suddenly two weeks ago, and the oldest cancelled her bachelorette weekend for the service. I want them to have the best time ever - they cried meeting Cinderella this morning. My Mom and I did a Roads Scholar WDW trip 6 years ago or so. I got my mom to meet Cinderella where I watched my then 75 year mom turn into a 7 year fan girl. I remember that moment with fondness. So kids just tear it up; life is full of curve balls.
I had a similar experience last week when my two teenagers went to DHS on their own and I could follow them on the app. Luckily, I was with my wife and youngest kid at Typhoon Lagoon, so I was still having a blast!


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